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Baltimore Catechism (1891)

IntraText CT - Alphabetical word list

T  =  200 words (13310 occurrences)
(0-9)  A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z  

Frequency - Word Form
   7 tabernacle
   2 tabernacles
   1 table
   1 tables
   1 tablespoon
   1 tablets
  58 take
  23 taken
   9 takes
   1 taketh
  20 taking
   2 tale-bearing
   2 talking
   3 taste
  39 taught
   3 tax
   1 te-cost
  42 teach
   1 teacher
   3 teachers
  23 teaches
  29 teaching
   4 teachings
  26 tell
   6 tellers
  23 telling
   1 tells
   3 temperance
  16 temple
  46 temporal
   1 temporally
   1 tempt
  13 temptation
  11 temptations
   5 tempted
   1 tempts
  18 ten
   3 tends
  19 tenth
   1 terrible
   1 terrified
   3 test
   2 testament
   2 testify
   2 testimony
   1 tests
   1 thaddeus
  72 than
   3 thank
   1 thankhim
   3 thanking
   2 thanks
   4 thanksgiving
   1 thanksgivings
 617 that
6794 the
   2 theaters
  27 thee
   1 theft
 312 their
   6 theirs
 245 them
  32 themselves
  37 then
   3 thence
   3 theological
 161 there
   8 thereby
  34 therefore
 107 these
 399 they
   4 thieves
   1 thin
  35 thing
 131 things
   2 things-the
   8 think
   4 thinking
   5 thinks
  45 third
   3 thirst
   2 thirsty
   2 thirteenth
   4 thirtieth
   2 thirty-fifth
   2 thirty-first
   2 thirty-fourth
   2 thirty-second
   2 thirty-seventh
   2 thirty-sixth
   2 thirty-third
   2 thirty-three
 173 this
   1 thomas
   7 thorns
   1 thoroughly
  99 those
  51 thou
  26 though
  16 thought
  25 thoughts
   1 thousand
   2 thousands
  61 three
   2 three-fold
   1 threefold
   1 threw
   4 throne
  99 through
   5 throughout
   1 thunder
   1 thursday
   1 thursdays
  27 thus
  55 thy
   4 thyself
   1 ti-fy
   3 tidings
   1 tile
  23 till
 101 time
   2 timely
  28 times
   3 title
   1 titles
2386 to
   2 tobias
  11 together
   1 toil
   3 told
   1 tolerated
   4 tomb
   4 tombs
   1 tone
   2 tongue
   8 tongues
   1 tonsure
   9 too
   2 took
   2 torments
   3 torn
   2 tortured
   2 tortures
   1 touch
   2 touched
   1 touches
   1 tour
   2 toward
   4 towards
   1 towns
   1 trademark
   2 trades
   1 tradition
   7 traditions
   1 training
   1 transferred
   5 transfiguration
   2 transubstantiation
   3 treasury
   1 treated
   1 treating
   8 tree
   1 trees
   1 trespass
   1 trespasses
   4 trial
   3 trials
   1 tribe
   5 tried
   1 trifling
  54 trinity
   1 triumphal
 100 true
   1 truer
  16 truly
   1 trunk
   3 trust
  33 truth
   4 truthfully
  51 truths
  13 try
   6 trying
   1 tuesdays
   4 turn
   2 turning
   1 turns
   4 twelfth
   7 twelve
   2 twentieth
   1 twenty-eighth
   2 twenty-fifth
   2 twenty-first
   1 twenty-five
   2 twenty-fourth
   2 twenty-ninth
   2 twenty-second
   2 twenty-seventh
   2 twenty-sixth
   2 twenty-third
  37 two

T  =  200 words (13310 occurrences)
(0-9)  A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z  

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