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Baltimore Catechism (1891)

IntraText CT - Alphabetical word list

W  =  140 words (5824 occurrences)
(0-9)  A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z  

Frequency - Word Form
   1 wafer
   1 wages
   1 waist
   5 wait
   6 waiting
   6 want
   1 wanting
   1 war
   5 warn
   1 warned
   1 warning
 303 was
   3 watch
   4 watches
  64 water
   4 waters
   1 wax
  30 way
  10 ways
   1 wayside
1221 we
   4 weakened
   2 weakening
   1 weakens
   1 weaker
   2 weakness
   4 weaknesses
   3 wealth
   8 wear
   2 wearer
   1 wears
   2 wedded
   1 wednesday
   1 wednesdays
   9 week
   2 weekly
   6 weeks
   9 welfare
  19 well
   7 went
 163 were
 773 what
   1 what-god
  38 whatever
   1 wheat
   1 wheel-like
 318 when
   2 whence
   1 whenever
  44 where
   3 whereas
   2 wherever
  30 whether
 514 which
  64 while
   2 whilst
   1 whit
  14 white
   4 whither
   5 whitsunday
 427 who
   6 whoever
  55 whole
  45 whom
  23 whose
   5 whosoever
 203 why
  12 wicked
   1 wickedness
  24 wife
 185 will
   1 willed
   8 willful
  19 willfully
   5 willing
   2 willingly
   2 willingness
   1 wills
   1 wind
  69 wine
   1 wiped
   1 wiping
   7 wisdom
   2 wise
   1 wiser
  13 wish
   1 wished
   8 wishes
   3 wishing
 288 with
   1 withdrawn
   1 withhold
  11 within
 122 without
   7 witness
   2 witnessed
   5 witnesses
  14 woman
   4 womb
   7 women
   3 wonderful
   1 wood
   2 woolen
  28 word
  63 words
   1 wore
  24 work
   3 working
   5 workmen
  80 works
  74 world
  11 worldly
   7 worn
   3 worse
  33 worship
   3 worshipped
   1 worshipping
   2 worst
   2 worth
  20 worthily
   3 worthiness
   2 worthless
  38 worthy
  34 would
   2 wound
   1 wounded
   1 wounding
   1 wounds
   1 wrapped
   2 write
   1 writing
   6 writings
   9 written
  15 wrong
   2 wrongdoers
   3 wrongfully
   1 wronging
   4 wrongs
   3 wrote
   1 wrought

W  =  140 words (5824 occurrences)
(0-9)  A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z  

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