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Baltimore Catechism (1891)

IntraText CT - Frequency word list

100-51  =  97 words (6745 occurrences)
6794-5001  5000-2001  2000-1001  1000-501  500-201  200-101  100-51  50-21  20-15  
14  13  12  11  10  9  8  7  6  5  4  3  2  1  

Frequency - Word Form
 100 true
  99 those
  99 through
  97 believe
  95 blood
  94 day
  93 love
  91 chief
  91 name
  91 same
  90 only
  89 son
  89 such
  89 use
  88 made
  88 say
  87 cross
  86 earth
  86 father
  86 many
  83 always
  83 state
  82 honor
  80 so
  80 works
  79 upon
  78 3
  77 eucharist
  77 parents
  76 you
  75 confirmation
  75 divine
  75 some
  74 more
  74 souls
  74 world
  73 commandments
  73 right
  72 against
  72 been
  72 laws
  72 than
  70 bread
  69 wine
  68 pope
  67 bishop
  67 every
  66 another
  66 authority
  66 men
  66 under
  65 had
  65 shall
  64 extreme
  64 water
  64 while
  63 instituted
  63 used
  63 words
  62 days
  61 three
  61 unction
  60 lawful
  60 punishment
  60 said
  58 catholic
  58 children
  58 evil
  58 last
  58 own
  58 sign
  58 take
  57 great
  57 never
  57 priests
  57 show
  57 virgin
  56 place
  56 sacrifice
  55 adam
  55 could
  55 dead
  55 orders
  55 thy
  55 whole
  54 himself
  54 indulgences
  54 sunday
  54 trinity
  53 commanded
  53 giving
  51 committed
  51 forbidden
  51 keep
  51 neighbor
  51 thou
  51 truths

100-51  =  97 words (6745 occurrences)
6794-5001  5000-2001  2000-1001  1000-501  500-201  200-101  100-51  50-21  20-15  
14  13  12  11  10  9  8  7  6  5  4  3  2  1  

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