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Baltimore Catechism (1891)

IntraText CT - Frequency word list

50-21  =  271 words (8561 occurrences)
6794-5001  5000-2001  2000-1001  1000-501  500-201  200-101  100-51  50-21  20-15  
14  13  12  11  10  9  8  7  6  5  4  3  2  1  

Frequency - Word Form
  50 about
  50 angels
  50 faithful
  50 law
  49 each
  49 gift
  49 others
  49 sorrow
  49 spiritual
  48 confess
  48 reason
  47 my
  47 st
  46 alone
  46 certain
  46 eve
  46 form
  46 hope
  46 temporal
  45 prayers
  45 religious
  45 third
  45 whom
  44 contrition
  44 where
  43 bad
  43 created
  43 substance
  42 bound
  42 effects
  42 even
  42 ever
  42 forgive
  42 help
  42 indulgence
  42 over
  42 shalt
  42 teach
  41 4
  41 go
  41 matrimony
  41 obligation
  41 often
  41 ourselves
  41 prayer
  41 special
  41 venial
  40 actual
  40 catholics
  40 end
  40 head
  40 mary
  40 nor
  39 christian
  39 judgment
  39 kinds
  39 living
  39 most
  39 possible
  39 sacred
  39 taught
  38 change
  38 general
  38 remain
  38 whatever
  38 worthy
  37 bishops
  37 christians
  37 guilty
  37 learn
  37 members
  37 sanctifying
  37 second
  37 then
  37 two
  36 desire
  36 intention
  36 me
  36 original
  36 out
  36 redeemer
  36 saying
  36 spirit
  35 between
  35 came
  35 danger
  35 mysteries
  35 part
  35 particular
  35 pray
  35 salvation
  35 thing
  34 changed
  34 hell
  34 known
  34 nature
  34 resurrection
  34 seven
  34 therefore
  34 would
  33 coming
  33 commit
  33 example
  33 forbid
  33 free
  33 just
  33 mercy
  33 sufficient
  33 truth
  33 worship
  32 bodies
  32 come
  32 during
  32 false
  32 fast
  32 manner
  32 marry
  32 purgatory
  32 relics
  32 saved
  32 themselves
  31 died
  31 down
  31 duties
  31 equal
  31 gives
  31 making
  31 mind
  31 oath
  31 perfect
  31 respect
  31 sacramentals
  31 sinful
  31 up
  31 visible
  30 act
  30 being
  30 ceremonies
  30 find
  30 having
  30 once
  30 redemption
  30 way
  30 whether
  29 again
  29 die
  29 due
  29 holydays
  29 mother
  29 teaching
  28 blessing
  28 call
  28 etc
  28 greater
  28 her
  28 marriages
  28 sacramental
  28 sake
  28 times
  28 understand
  28 virtues
  28 word
  27 charity
  27 different
  27 either
  27 forgiven
  27 lead
  27 number
  27 obliged
  27 thee
  27 thus
  27 virtue
  26 allowed
  26 baptized
  26 character
  26 command
  26 confessor
  26 duty
  26 glory
  26 hear
  26 meant
  26 necessity
  26 people
  26 peter
  26 promised
  26 receiving
  26 since
  26 sixth
  26 suffer
  26 tell
  26 though
  26 very
  25 attributes
  25 avoid
  25 concerning
  25 dispositions
  25 easter
  25 forbids
  25 fourth
  25 gifts
  25 itself
  25 justice
  25 married
  25 neglect
  25 outward
  25 present
  25 profess
  25 scripture
  25 seventh
  25 sometimes
  25 thoughts
  24 absolution
  24 account
  24 case
  24 devil
  24 fifth
  24 full
  24 hand
  24 images
  24 kind
  24 long
  24 see
  24 wife
  24 work
  24 year
  23 5
  23 altar
  23 care
  23 devotion
  23 increase
  23 knowledge
  23 marks
  23 mystery
  23 occasions
  23 promise
  23 received
  23 satisfy
  23 suffering
  23 taken
  23 teaches
  23 telling
  23 till
  23 whose
  22 baptize
  22 besides
  22 conscience
  22 doctrine
  22 effect
  22 immediately
  22 live
  22 morals
  22 pastors
  22 perform
  22 practice
  22 proper
  22 real
  22 regard
  22 sent
  21 aid
  21 ascension
  21 bear
  21 become
  21 blessings
  21 born
  21 done
  21 forever
  21 husband
  21 next
  21 restore
  21 signify
  21 understanding

50-21  =  271 words (8561 occurrences)
6794-5001  5000-2001  2000-1001  1000-501  500-201  200-101  100-51  50-21  20-15  
14  13  12  11  10  9  8  7  6  5  4  3  2  1  

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