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Baltimore Catechism (1891)

IntraText CT - Inverse alphabetical word list

E  =  525 words (17216 occurrences)
(0-9)  A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  

Frequency - Word Form
   1 i.e.
 543 be
   1 tribe
  11 peace
   7 face
   1 surface
  56 place
   1 dwelling-place
   5 race
   4 embrace
 214 grace
   1 disgrace
   4 piece
   5 office
   2 suffice
  56 sacrifice
   9 chalice
   1 malice
   1 amice
   2 choice
   2 rejoice
  22 practice
   3 notice
  25 justice
   4 injustice
   3 vice
  14 advice
   7 service
   2 guidance
   1 accordance
   4 performance
 103 penance
  16 appearance
   1 remembrance
   3 temperance
   7 perseverance
   1 ignorance
   2 monstrance
   4 inheritance
   2 repentance
   8 importance
  43 substance
   1 distance
   1 resistance
   2 assistance
   1 circumstance
   2 instance
   2 observance
   7 innocence
   1 concupiscence
   1 confidence
   5 providence
   1 dependence
   1 independence
   3 prudence
   1 offence
   1 diligence
   3 intelligence
  42 indulgence
  16 hence
   3 thence
   2 whence
   1 science
  22 conscience
  11 obedience
  11 disobedience
   4 inconvenience
   5 experience
   2 patience
   1 impatience
  11 abstinence
   1 pence
  17 difference
   3 indifference
  10 reverence
   4 irreverence
   3 absence
  16 presence
   2 essence
   3 sentence
   9 existence
   4 influence
  26 since
   1 province
  30 once
   4 renounce
   2 announce
   1 enforce
   8 divorce
   2 source
   1 induce
   6 produce
   2 decade
  88 made
   1 grade
   7 abide
   2 suicide
   1 confide
  10 pride
   3 side
   1 beside
   1 inside
   5 outside
   1 wayside
   9 guide
   2 divide
   2 include
   1 conclude
   4 beatitude
   1 ingratitude
   8 fortitude
   1 bee
   2 fee
  27 thee
   1 jubilee
  33 free
   3 agree
  16 degree
  61 three
   2 thirty-three
   8 tree
  24 see
   1 foresee
 105 life
  24 wife
  18 age
   3 bondage
   1 carriage
 102 marriage
   4 damage
   7 image
   2 pilgrimage
   1 manage
   2 courage
   1 encourage
   1 message
   8 language
   1 savage
   1 knowiedge
   2 pledge
  23 knowledge
   5 acknowledge
  13 judge
   1 begrudge
  10 sacrilege
  10 privilege
   1 college
   1 oblige
  38 change
   2 exchange
   8 strange
   5 revenge
   6 charge
   8 large
   1 urge
   1 deluge
 357 he
  16 she
6794 the
   2 things-the
   2 day-the
   2 clothe
  29 die
  13 lie
   1 kyrie
 134 make
  28 sake
  58 take
   2 partake
   1 mistake
   1 earthquake
   1 awake
  19 like
   1 wheel-like
   1 unlike
   3 dislike
   1 joke
   2 smoke
   4 spoke
   3 broke
   2 invoke
   2 luke
   1 ble
  15 able
   1 applicable
   1 punishable
   1 liable
   1 remarkable
  16 enable
   3 reasonable
   2 unreasonable
   5 unable
   4 capable
   2 incapable
   1 table
   2 charitable
   1 acceptable
   5 stable
   7 bible
  16 infallible
   1 terrible
  31 visible
   1 indivisible
   9 invisible
   1 responsible
  39 possible
  15 impossible
   1 indefectible
   2 resemble
   8 humble
   4 double
   1 chasuble
   7 tabernacle
   6 miracle
   2 obstacle
  13 article
   1 particle
   4 candle
   3 single
   1 reconcile
  64 while
   1 tile
  17 servile
   1 exile
  55 whole
   1 sole
   2 stole
   2 disciple
   1 maniple
  33 example
  16 temple
  26 people
   2 purple
   2 couple
   3 title
   2 epistle
   9 apostle
   3 little
   1 ridicule
  15 rule
  36 me
  35 came
  13 became
   4 shame
  91 name
  91 same
   1 blaspheme
   8 supreme
  64 extreme
   1 slime
   3 crime
 101 time
   1 sometime
  32 come
  21 become
   9 overcome
   1 home
  13 rome
  75 some
   4 profane
   1 insane
   2 scene
   3 medicine
   1 fine
   1 define
   1 imagine
   1 shine
   4 examine
   6 determine
   3 nine
  22 doctrine
  75 divine
  69 wine
 244 one
  21 done
  46 alone
   4 none
   4 throne
   1 tone
   1 atone
   8 stone
   4 anyone
   2 everyone
   8 fortune
   1 misfortune
   2 escape
   1 shape
   1 grape
   1 cope
  46 hope
  68 pope
   2 anti-pope
1023 are
  23 care
   9 welfare
  15 share
   6 declare
   8 prepare
   1 spare
   1 aware
   8 sincere
   2 here
 161 there
  44 where
   2 elsewhere
  14 everywhere
   5 mere
   7 severe
   1 persevere
 163 were
   4 sepulchre
   8 fire
  36 desire
  15 entire
   3 acquire
  19 require
   1 inquire
  17 adore
 110 before
  34 therefore
   1 seashore
  74 more
   1 pore
  21 restore
   1 wore
   5 secure
   1 procure
   4 endure
  10 figure
   1 injure
  19 pure
   7 impure
   5 sure
   5 pleasure
   3 displeasure
   1 measure
   1 censure
   1 tonsure
  14 creature
  34 nature
   2 picture
   1 cincture
  25 scripture
  11 future
   2 mixture
  24 case
   5 cease
   1 please
   2 displease
  23 increase
  14 diocese
 107 these
   4 praise
  12 exercise
  11 paradise
  23 promise
  15 rise
   3 arise
   2 advise
   2 wise
   4 likewise
   7 otherwise
  32 false
   7 else
   2 cleanse
   4 license
   1 incense
   1 defense
   1 self-defense
  14 offense
   3 dispense
   2 expense
  11 sense
   1 pretense
  99 those
  23 whose
   8 lose
   2 close
   1 nose
   3 choose
   1 impose
  18 purpose
   1 dispose
   4 expose
   7 rose
   4 arose
   1 lapse
   1 apocalypse
   1 universe
   1 converse
   3 worse
  89 use
  14 cause
 311 because
   8 abuse
   7 accuse
  15 excuse
   5 refuse
   4 house
   1 misuse
   1 dedicate
   7 indicate
   1 date
   1 candidate
   3 create
   1 propagate
   1 investigate
   5 hate
   1 late
   4 pilate
   1 violate
   1 plate
  11 immaculate
   1 regulate
   1 climate
   1 intimate
   1 senate
   1 designate
   1 originate
   1 illuminate
  10 separate
   3 consecrate
   4 deliberate
   1 moderate
   1 venerate
   1 orate
   1 commemorate
   2 illustrate
   4 meditate
   6 imitate
  83 state
   6 private
   1 paraclete
   3 complete
   1 ite
   9 excite
  14 white
   2 definite
   9 infinite
   2 unite
   3 spite
   2 write
   1 invite
   1 remote
   1 denote
   3 wrote
   1 chaste
   4 unchaste
   3 taste
   1 distaste
   8 contribute
   1 distribute
  10 attribute
   1 persecute
   1 refute
   1 absolute
   1 dispute
   2 brute
  11 institute
   2 acolyte
  29 due
   1 vague
   2 tongue
   4 value
   1 blue
  13 continue
 100 true
   2 untrue
   1 statue
  27 virtue
   7 leave
  19 gave
 276 have
   1 brave
   1 grave
  19 save
  46 eve
  97 believe
   3 grieve
   4 deceive
 169 receive
  14 five
   1 twenty-five
 129 give
  42 forgive
  22 live
   1 alive
   1 olive
   7 derive
   3 deprive
   1 strive
   1 offensive
   1 successive
   7 excessive
   1 exclusive
   1 representative
   1 retentive
   4 motive
   2 votive
   2 captive
   7 twelve
   6 absolve
   3 resolve
  12 above
   2 dove
  93 love
   2 move
   4 remove
   1 drove
  11 prove
   2 improve
   3 disprove
   1 carve
  17 serve
   1 observe
   6 deserve
   2 preserve
1221 we
   3 owe
   6 ye
   1 eye
   4 recognize
   6 solemnize
   1 size
  22 baptize

E  =  525 words (17216 occurrences)
(0-9)  A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  

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