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Baltimore Catechism (1891)

IntraText CT - Inverse alphabetical word list

S  =  838 words (10376 occurrences)
(0-9)  A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  

Frequency - Word Form
 209 s
 348 as
   2 judas
   3 whereas
 204 has
   2 tobias
   1 mathias
   1 elias
   1 messias
   1 thomas
   5 christmas
 303 was
   2 ribs
   4 tombs
  32 relics
  40 catholics
   1 schismatics
   6 heretics
   1 characteristics
   1 agnostics
   9 beads
   1 heads
   3 leads
   2 proceeds
   8 deeds
   1 alms-deeds
   7 needs
   1 seeds
   1 hundreds
   4 aids
  25 forbids
   1 avoids
   1 holds
  11 hands
   2 demands
  13 commands
   2 thousands
   2 understands
  12 ends
   2 ascends
   4 offends
  11 friends
   1 amends
   2 depends
   3 tends
   7 intends
   5 extends
   2 finds
  39 kinds
   6 minds
   2 reminds
   1 bounds
   1 wounds
  13 gods
   1 methods
  19 goods
  10 rewards
   4 towards
   2 afterwards
   1 shepherds
   1 affords
  63 words
   1 bribes
  19 places
   2 races
  19 graces
   1 pieces
   1 chalices
  11 practices
   2 vices
   1 services
   1 dances
   8 penances
   8 appearances
   1 distances
  16 circumstances
  54 indulgences
   3 differences
   7 consequences
   1 provinces
   2 pronounces
   8 sources
   1 produces
   1 decades
   3 grades
   2 trades
   2 abides
   1 sides
  22 besides
   1 provides
   3 includes
  10 beatitudes
   1 multitudes
   1 decrees
   1 frees
   2 degrees
   1 trees
   6 sees
   1 pharisees
   1 committees
  15 ages
  28 marriages
  24 images
   1 pilgrimages
   1 beverages
   1 encourages
   2 passages
   1 languages
   1 wages
   4 judges
   7 privileges
   1 colleges
   7 changes
   1 charges
  23 teaches
   2 branches
   9 churches
   4 watches
   1 touches
   5 ashes
   2 punishes
   3 parishes
   1 nourishes
   8 wishes
   8 prophecies
   1 species
   4 dies
   1 remedies
  32 bodies
  13 signifies
   2 sanctifies
   5 lies
   1 families
   3 holies
   2 implies
   1 applies
   2 supplies
   1 blasphemies
  20 enemies
   3 denies
  30 ceremonies
   3 rosaries
   1 monasteries
  35 mysteries
   1 countries
   7 injuries
  13 societies
   1 cities
   2 sodalities
  13 qualities
   1 responsibilities
   1 vanities
   7 communities
   2 authorities
   1 penalties
   3 faculties
   1 properties
  31 duties
  19 makes
   9 takes
   1 partakes
   1 dislikes
   3 jokes
   1 invokes
   2 enables
   1 tables
   2 tabernacles
  20 miracles
   1 obstacles
  12 articles
   1 particles
   8 candles
   1 gentiles
   1 disciples
   1 examples
   2 scruples
   1 titles
   1 entitles
   1 epistles
 127 apostles
   7 rules
   6 james
   9 names
   1 nick-names
   1 crimes
  28 times
  25 sometimes
  11 comes
   1 becomes
   1 examines
   1 shrines
   9 doctrines
   1 bones
   1 postpones
   1 misfortunes
 218 does
   1 goes
   3 heroes
   4 popes
   2 anti-popes
   3 declares
  19 desires
  20 requires
   2 restores
   1 fratres
   2 injures
   2 pleasures
   1 censures
   1 features
  15 creatures
   2 fellow-creatures
   4 natures
   8 pictures
   5 scriptures
   2 tortures
   6 cases
   1 pleases
   1 increases
   1 diseases
   2 dioceses
   1 exercises
   6 promises
   3 cleanses
   3 offenses
   1 expenses
   7 senses
   1 pretenses
   8 moses
   1 imposes
   5 purposes
   1 disposes
   1 exposes
   1 relapses
  11 classes
  11 masses
   1 trespasses
   1 professes
   4 weaknesses
   5 witnesses
   4 expresses
   4 possesses
   1 crosses
   5 uses
   8 causes
   5 abuses
   3 excuses
   1 refuses
   1 houses
   1 meeting-houses
   2 dedicates
   1 indicates
   2 creates
   5 gates
   1 delegates
   2 hates
   2 prelates
   1 violates
   2 primates
   2 celebrates
   1 euphrates
   5 magistrates
   3 dictates
   3 states
   1 apostates
   3 israelites
   4 unites
   1 hypocrites
   1 appetites
   2 invites
   1 devotes
  25 attributes
   2 disputes
   1 brutes
   2 constitutes
   1 acolytes
   1 plagues
   8 tongues
   1 synagogues
   5 continues
   3 statues
  28 virtues
   1 leaves
   2 slaves
   1 graves
   1 eves
   4 thieves
   3 believes
  18 receives
  31 gives
   2 forgives
   1 iives
  14 lives
   3 olives
   3 derives
   6 deprives
   6 relatives
   1 representatives
  14 motives
   1 selves
  32 themselves
  41 ourselves
   3 loves
   4 moves
   1 removes
   2 approves
   2 deserves
   4 preserves
   2 crucifixes
   5 yes
   7 eyes
   1 authorizes
   2 baptizes
   4 beliefs
   1 proofs
   1 flags
   3 tidings
   5 beings
   1 preachings
   4 teachings
 131 things
   2 kings
   2 feelings
   1 meanings
   2 brings
   3 offerings
  13 sufferings
   1 strings
  21 blessings
   1 meetings
   6 writings
   2 paintings
   1 thanksgivings
   2 sayings
  17 belongs
   4 wrongs
   3 songs
   4 patriarchs
   1 photographs
   6 oaths
   1 months
  51 truths
1614 is
   2 deis
 422 his
 173 this
   1 excelsis
   9 speaks
   1 breaks
   1 attacks
   1 candlesticks
   2 seeks
   6 weeks
   2 thanks
   5 thinks
   4 drinks
   1 monks
  16 books
   6 looks
  23 marks
   1 landmarks
  80 works
   4 asks
   3 medals
   2 conceals
   8 meals
   2 officials
   2 memorials
   3 trials
   8 animals
   6 cardinals
   1 criminals
  22 morals
   1 hospitals
  31 sacramentals
   1 individuals
   1 equals
   3 infidels
   1 models
   1 kneels
  50 angels
   2 archangels
   8 gospels
   1 expels
   1 quarrels
   2 vessels
   1 nails
   1 details
   2 councils
   3 vigils
  10 oils
   1 nostrils
   9 evils
   2 devils
   1 recalls
   2 falls
   3 befalls
   1 church-bells
   8 spells
   1 tells
   1 dwells
   4 ills
   2 fills
   1 wills
   1 skulls
   1 idols
   2 schools
   1 girls
  74 souls
  11 dreams
   2 seems
   1 emblems
   2 aims
   2 proclaims
   8 alms
   5 palms
  12 charms
   9 confirms
   2 forms
   2 performs
   1 storms
  10 mediums
 106 means
   4 guardians
   1 egyptians
  37 christians
   1 strengthens
   1 weakens
   3 catechumens
   2 lessens
   3 enlightens
   1 citizens
  11 signs
   3 designs
  19 remains
   5 pains
   1 obtains
   2 maintains
   8 contains
   2 pertains
   1 stains
 295 sins
   2 cousins
   2 condemns
   2 banns
   1 deacons
   1 subdeacons
   1 pardons
   2 religions
   2 unions
  23 occasions
   1 conversions
   5 passions
   7 confessions
   1 possessions
   4 missions
   1 communications
   2 vocations
   4 congregations
   2 obligations
   1 relations
   2 revelations
   2 regulations
   8 nations
   1 explanations
   4 inclinations
   2 declarations
   1 preparations
   7 dispensations
   1 self-accusations
   1 imitations
   2 representations
  11 temptations
   4 stations
  20 actions
   4 satisfactions
   2 distractions
   2 affections
   9 perfections
   2 imperfections
   3 afflictions
   7 restrictions
   1 sanctions
   3 instructions
   1 exhibitions
   7 traditions
   9 conditions
  25 dispositions
   1 intentions
   3 devotions
   1 inscriptions
   1 assertions
   8 questions
   1 resolutions
   2 institutions
   1 sermons
   1 canons
   1 saloons
   1 sons
   9 reasons
   1 seasons
   2 prisons
 171 persons
   5 lessons
   1 concerns
   3 governs
   7 thorns
   1 turns
   1 returns
   1 disowns
   1 towns
   1 keeps
   1 steps
   1 hardships
   3 relationships
   3 lips
   5 helps
   4 pomps
  37 bishops
   2 archbishops
   1 crops
   1 drops
   1 grasps
   1 vicars
   1 ears
   2 bears
   1 hears
   2 appears
   1 wears
   1 swears
  20 years
   1 scholars
   7 scapulars
   8 altars
  37 members
   1 numbers
   1 disturbers
   2 officers
   1 considers
   5 shoulders
   3 slanders
   1 renders
  55 orders
   1 jeers
   5 refers
   2 differs
   1 offers
   3 suffers
   2 confers
   4 dangers
   2 strangers
   6 messengers
   1 fingers
   3 teachers
   3 fathers
   6 godfathers
   1 forefathers
  49 others
   6 godmothers
   2 anothers
   2 brothers
   4 soldiers
   3 peacemakers
   6 tellers
   3 fortune-tellers
   1 fortunetellers
   3 rulers
   1 manners
   2 sinners
   2 mourners
   4 owners
   2 wrongdoers
   1 papers
   6 newspapers
  10 vespers
   1 hearers
   2 dispensers
   2 theaters
   4 waters
   1 daughters
   1 enters
   1 masters
  14 ministers
   6 administers
   3 sisters
   1 imposters
  17 matters
   7 letters
   4 unbelievers
   1 covers
   2 recovers
   1 discovers
   1 flowers
  13 powers
   2 answers
  45 prayers
   5 employers
   5 affairs
   7 heirs
   6 theirs
   1 choirs
   1 labors
  19 superiors
   3 colors
   4 dolors
   1 honors
  12 sponsors
  17 successors
   1 confessors
   1 doctors
  22 pastors
   9 ancestors
   1 impostors
   1 favors
   3 ours
   2 hours
   1 yours
   9 martyrs
   3 class
   1 glass
 145 mass
   1 pass
   1 trespass
  48 confess
  25 profess
  11 less
   8 bless
   5 nevertheless
   1 careless
   1 ceaseless
   4 useless
   1 faithless
   2 worthless
   1 bodiless
   4 sinless
  13 unless
   1 helpless
   2 harborless
   2 meatless
   1 countless
   1 heartless
   1 wickedness
   2 mildness
   1 coldness
   1 unkindness
   8 goodness
  14 likeness
   1 genuineness
  10 forgiveness
   2 willingness
   3 worthiness
   2 unworthiness
   1 cleanliness
  11 holiness
  17 happiness
   1 laziness
   2 weakness
  14 sickness
   4 meekness
   4 darkness
   6 illness
   6 fullness
   5 sinfulness
   7 forgetfulness
   8 drunkenness
   4 stubbornness
   1 bitterness
   1 helplessness
   8 covetousness
   1 neatness
   1 greatness
   1 sweetness
   1 fitness
   7 witness
   4 dress
   2 address
   1 suppress
   8 express
  11 possess
  20 loss
  87 cross
   1 feats
   2 retreats
   4 debts
   2 doubts
  18 acts
   1 facts
   1 contracts
   1 distracts
  42 effects
   4 objects
   3 subjects
   4 neglects
   4 directs
   2 contradicts
   1 gets
   6 begets
   9 prophets
   1 packets
   1 tablets
   1 secrets
  25 gifts
   9 rights
  25 thoughts
 122 its
   6 habits
   2 deceits
  10 benefits
   1 admits
  11 remits
   9 commits
   6 permits
  19 merits
   4 spirits
   6 sits
   1 visits
  14 fruits
  10 faults
   2 adults
   4 descendants
   1 attendants
   4 infants
   1 plants
   2 grants
   5 servants
   1 innocents
   1 accidents
 164 sacraments
  73 commandments
   1 arrangements
   1 requirements
   2 amusements
   2 movements
   3 judgments
  12 punishments
   8 impediments
   2 entertainments
   4 garments
   2 torments
  13 vestments
   1 monuments
   1 instruments
  77 parents
   1 god-parents
   2 godparents
   4 represents
   1 penitents
   4 events
   3 prevents
   2 convents
 102 saints
   2 anoints
   1 points
   4 accounts
   1 roots
   2 precepts
   1 tempts
   1 hearts
  11 parts
   1 imparts
   4 converts
   1 perverts
   5 efforts
   1 comforts
   1 exhorts
   1 reports
   1 resorts
   4 courts
   1 beasts
   8 feasts
   2 fasts
   1 lasts
  57 priests
   2 rests
   1 tests
   1 deists
   1 atheists
   1 materialists
   1 rationalists
   4 evangelists
   2 subsists
   4 consists
  10 spiritists
   4 exists
   2 hosts
   2 shuts
 353 us
   1 thaddeus
   1 eliseus
  27 thus
   2 pius
   3 pontius
   4 agnus
   2 precious
   1 sacrilegious
  45 religious
   1 irreligious
  17 pious
   1 various
   6 serious
  13 glorious
   1 superstitious
   2 previous
   2 scandalous
   2 miraculous
   1 ridiculous
   1 scrupulous
   8 dangerous
   4 numerous
   1 virtuous
  12 grievous
 118 jesus
  72 laws
  12 jews
   1 news
   6 shows
   5 follows
  10 knows
  15 vows
  62 days
   4 fast-days
   6 fridays
   1 mondays
  16 sundays
   1 saturdays
   1 wednesdays
   1 tuesdays
   1 thursdays
  29 holydays
   1 pays
   4 prays
  15 says
  10 ways
  83 always
   1 doorways
   1 boys
   1 annoys
   3 marys

S  =  838 words (10376 occurrences)
(0-9)  A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  

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