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Baltimore Catechism (1891)

IntraText CT - Inverse alphabetical word list

Y  =  328 words (5176 occurrences)
(0-9)  A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  

Frequency - Word Form
  94 day
   1 sun-day
   5 friday
  54 sunday
   5 whitsunday
   6 saturday
   1 wednesday
   1 thursday
   7 holyday
   2 lay
   5 clay
   2 delay
   1 display
 206 may
   5 pay
  35 pray
  88 say
   5 stay
  30 way
  18 away
 873 by
   8 thereby
   2 primacy
   2 brilliancy
   2 continency
  33 mercy
   5 ready
  10 already
   1 lady
   1 needy
   2 remedy
 169 body
   6 bloody
   2 unbloody
   1 foolhardy
  16 obey
   5 disobey
 399 they
   6 money
   3 journey
   3 convey
   1 ti-fy
  21 signify
   2 glorify
   1 purify
   8 sanctify
   2 mortify
   2 testify
  23 satisfy
   5 doxology
   5 clergy
   2 hierarchy
  55 thy
  38 worthy
   2 praiseworthy
   5 unworthy
 203 why
   4 probably
   7 infallibly
   3 humbly
   4 publicly
   6 validly
   1 rapidly
  11 worldly
   1 kindly
   1 secondly
   1 unlikely
   1 solely
  15 namely
   2 timely
   1 divinely
   1 rarely
   2 sincerely
  16 merely
   1 severely
   8 entirely
   2 surely
   1 falsely
   1 closely
  22 immediately
   2 unfortunately
   3 deliberately
   1 accurately
   9 privately
   2 completely
  16 infinitely
   1 absolutely
   3 lively
   2 positively
   1 fly
  19 chiefly
   2 briefly
   1 exceedingly
   2 willingly
   7 knowingly
   1 strongly
   1 thoroughly
   2 earthly
   6 daily
   7 bodily
  20 worthily
   1 unworthily
   4 family
   1 necessarily
   1 unnecessarily
   6 easily
   2 heartily
   5 hastily
   2 weekly
  19 really
   4 specially
  19 especially
   2 finally
  16 conditionally
   2 intentionally
   2 personally
   9 generally
   1 temporally
   2 gradually
   3 equally
  20 usually
   1 spiritually
   2 cruelly
  16 fully
   9 carefully
   3 wrongfully
   2 faithfully
   4 truthfully
   4 plentifully
  19 willfully
   1 sinfully
   1 rightfully
   8 lawfully
   3 unlawfully
   8 firmly
   4 openly
   1 heavenly
   3 certainly
   3 solemnly
  90 only
  10 commonly
 520 holy
   2 imply
   5 simply
   9 comply
   2 apply
   2 supply
   5 early
   9 clearly
   2 nearly
   4 yearly
   9 particularly
   1 disorderly
   1 eagerly
   1 brotherly
   2 formerly
   2 properly
   2 fairly
   1 uselessly
   5 seriously
   1 conscientiously
   1 jealously
   3 miraculously
   3 dangerously
   1 grievously
   1 greatly
   3 exactly
   3 perfectly
   5 directly
   1 indirectly
   6 strictly
   1 secretly
   2 slightly
   4 rightly
   2 instantly
   1 constantly
   1 independently
   2 sufficiently
   9 patiently
   2 apparently
  20 frequently
   3 lastly
   1 priestly
   4 honestly
   2 earnestly
   3 justly
   5 unjustly
   4 duly
  16 truly
   1 newly
  47 my
   6 blasphemy
   2 enemy
   2 army
 149 any
   2 epiphany
  86 many
   3 company
   2 accompany
  15 deny
   1 penny
   9 agony
  12 ceremony
  41 matrimony
   2 simony
   2 testimony
   7 gluttony
   7 joy
   8 enjoy
   6 destroy
  15 happy
   5 unhappy
   1 occupy
  40 mary
  13 plenary
   1 indulgences-plenary
  17 ordinary
   1 extraordinary
  11 contrary
  20 rosary
 105 necessary
   6 unnecessary
   2 voluntary
   1 involuntary
   1 february
   5 calvary
   1 mockery
   3 misery
   5 adultery
   1 mastery
  23 mystery
  26 very
  67 every
   1 recovery
   1 angry
   2 hungry
  26 glory
   1 vainglory
   5 memory
  32 purgatory
   1 victory
   3 offertory
   5 history
   2 carry
  32 marry
  18 sorry
  13 try
   2 idolatry
   1 entry
  13 country
   2 ministry
   1 baptistry
   2 bury
   6 injury
   4 perjury
   3 treasury
   1 century
   3 easy
   3 heresy
   1 noisy
   3 hypocrisy
   1 safety
   5 society
   9 piety
   2 fifty
  17 almighty
   1 city
   1 reality
   1 immorality
   2 immortality
   4 quality
   1 equality
   2 ability
   9 infallibility
   1 responsibility
   1 impassibility
   1 impossibility
   7 indefectibility
   1 agility
   3 humility
   1 subtility
   1 utility
   1 deformity
   3 christianity
   1 vanity
  19 dignity
   2 benignity
   5 affinity
   1 virginity
  54 trinity
   1 consanguinity
   3 divinity
   4 solemnity
   6 eternity
  13 unity
   4 community
   5 opportunity
  27 charity
  66 authority
   9 purity
   6 impurity
   3 curiosity
   1 generosity
  26 necessity
   2 sanctity
  11 chastity
   1 nativity
   2 penalty
   1 cruelty
  37 guilty
   1 seventy
   1 certainty
   1 bounty
  10 property
  10 poverty
  19 forty
   4 modesty
   2 immodesty
   1 majesty
   3 honesty
   8 dishonesty
   1 sacristy
   2 thirsty
   2 beauty
  26 duty
   2 buy
   8 envy
   1 proxy

Y  =  328 words (5176 occurrences)
(0-9)  A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  

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