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Baltimore Catechism (1891)

IntraText CT - Word list by length

5  =  483 words (7592 occurrences)
1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13  14  15  16  18  19  

Frequency - Word Form
   1 aaron
   2 abbot
   7 abide
  50 about
  12 above
   8 abuse
   2 acted
   2 added
   2 admit
  17 adore
 148 after
  29 again
   4 agnus
   9 agony
   3 agree
   4 aided
   1 alive
   2 allow
  46 alone
  23 altar
   4 amend
   1 amice
   9 among
  11 angel
  15 anger
   1 angry
   9 apart
   2 apply
   3 arise
   4 arose
   5 ashes
   5 asked
   1 atone
   2 avail
   1 avert
  25 avoid
   1 awake
   1 aware
   2 banns
   9 beads
   2 bears
   3 began
  30 being
   7 bible
  11 birth
   4 black
   8 bless
   1 blind
  95 blood
   1 bones
  16 books
  42 bound
   1 brave
  70 bread
   8 break
  18 bring
   2 broad
   3 broke
   2 brown
   2 brute
   3 canon
   1 canst
   2 carry
   1 carve
   6 cases
  14 cause
   5 cease
   4 cheek
  91 chief
  20 child
  13 civil
   1 claim
   3 class
   8 clean
   4 clear
   1 cling
   1 cloak
   2 close
   9 cloth
   4 color
  11 comes
  55 could
  10 covet
  15 creed
   3 crime
   1 crops
  87 cross
   5 cruel
   6 daily
   2 david
 133 death
   4 debts
   8 deeds
   2 defer
   2 delay
   1 deter
  24 devil
  20 doing
   3 dolor
   6 doubt
   4 dread
   1 dream
   4 dress
   7 drink
   1 drops
   1 drove
   6 dwell
   1 dwelt
   8 dying
   1 eager
   5 early
  86 earth
   6 egypt
   1 eight
   1 elect
   1 elias
   3 ember
   1 ended
   2 enemy
   8 enjoy
  14 enter
   1 entry
  31 equal
   1 erect
   1 erred
   6 error
   2 event
  67 every
   9 evils
  11 exact
   1 exile
  11 exist
   1 facts
 154 faith
   2 falls
  32 false
   2 fasts
  14 fault
   1 favor
  13 feast
   1 feats
  24 fifth
   2 fifty
   2 fills
   6 final
   2 finds
 142 first
   5 fixed
   1 flags
   3 flesh
   1 flour
   2 forms
   8 forth
  19 forty
  20 found
   1 frees
   2 front
   9 fruit
  16 fully
   5 gates
 148 ghost
  25 gifts
   1 girls
 126 given
   1 giver
  31 gives
   1 glass
  26 glory
  10 going
  19 goods
 214 grace
   1 grade
  12 grant
   1 grape
   1 grave
  57 great
   1 greek
   2 green
   2 grief
   3 grown
   6 guard
   9 guide
  12 guilt
  12 habit
  11 hands
  15 happy
   1 hated
   2 hates
   1 heads
   1 heard
   1 hears
  20 heart
   7 heirs
   5 helps
  16 hence
   6 herod
   1 holds
  82 honor
   1 hoped
   2 hosts
   2 hours
   4 house
  18 human
   1 idols
   1 iives
   7 image
   2 imply
   2 incur
   1 jacob
   6 james
   1 jeers
 118 jesus
   3 jokes
   2 judas
  13 judge
   1 keeps
  39 kinds
   2 kings
   2 kneel
  34 known
  10 knows
   1 kyrie
   4 labor
   1 lapse
   8 large
   1 lasts
   2 later
   4 latin
   3 leads
  37 learn
  15 least
   7 leave
   1 legal
   1 lemon
  10 light
  12 limbo
   2 limit
   3 linen
  15 lived
  14 lives
   6 looks
   2 loved
   3 loves
   1 major
  19 makes
   1 manna
  23 marks
  32 marry
   3 marys
   8 meals
 106 means
  26 meant
   2 medal
  33 mercy
  17 merit
   1 midst
  16 might
   6 minds
   1 minor
   2 missa
  14 mixed
   3 model
   6 money
   1 monks
   4 month
  12 moral
   8 moses
  11 mount
   2 mourn
   4 mouth
   4 moves
   1 nails
   2 naked
   3 named
   9 names
   7 needs
   1 needy
  57 never
   1 newly
   7 night
  17 ninth
   1 noisy
   1 noted
   6 oaths
   2 occur
  16 offer
  41 often
   1 olive
   1 orate
  20 order
 141 other
   1 owner
   2 pagan
   5 pains
   5 palms
   2 papal
   3 paper
  11 parts
   1 paten
  11 peace
   1 pence
   1 penny
  26 peter
   4 piece
   9 piety
  17 pious
  56 place
   1 plant
   1 plate
   2 point
   4 pomps
   4 popes
 127 power
   4 prays
  10 pride
   7 proof
  11 prove
   1 proxy
   1 queen
   1 quick
   2 races
   2 reach
   5 ready
   2 rebel
   4 refer
  11 relic
  18 remit
   2 renew
   2 rests
  73 right
   5 risen
   1 river
   6 roman
   1 roots
   1 round
   1 royal
   1 ruled
   1 ruler
   7 rules
  13 saint
   2 satan
  32 saved
   2 scene
   1 seeds
   2 seeks
   2 seems
  11 sense
  17 serve
  34 seven
  65 shall
  42 shalt
   4 shame
   1 shape
  15 share
   1 shine
   2 short
   3 shown
   6 shows
   2 shuts
   1 sides
   7 sight
  11 signs
   1 simon
   3 sinai
  26 since
  26 sixth
   2 slain
   3 sleep
   1 slime
   8 sloth
  12 small
   1 smell
   2 smoke
   2 solid
   3 songs
  18 sorry
  74 souls
   1 sound
   1 spare
  12 speak
   5 spend
   1 spent
   3 spite
   4 spoke
   1 stain
   1 stand
  83 state
   9 steal
   1 steps
   1 stick
   4 still
   2 stole
   8 stone
   1 stood
   4 swear
   6 sweat
   1 table
  23 taken
   9 takes
   3 taste
  42 teach
   1 tells
   1 tempt
   3 tends
  19 tenth
   1 tests
   3 thank
   1 theft
 312 their
 161 there
 107 these
  35 thing
   8 think
  45 third
  99 those
  61 three
   1 threw
   1 ti-fy
  28 times
   3 title
   4 tombs
   1 touch
   1 towns
   1 trees
   4 trial
   1 tribe
   5 tried
   1 truer
  16 truly
   1 trunk
   3 trust
  33 truth
   1 turns
  66 under
  10 union
   2 unite
  13 unity
   5 until
  13 using
   5 usual
   1 vague
   5 valid
   4 value
   7 vicar
   2 vices
   1 vigil
   3 visit
   1 vowed
   1 wafer
   1 wages
   1 waist
   3 watch
  64 water
   1 wears
   6 weeks
   1 wheat
  44 where
 514 which
  64 while
  14 white
  55 whole
  23 whose
   1 wills
   1 wiped
   1 wiser
  14 woman
   7 women
  63 words
  80 works
  74 world
   3 worse
   2 worst
   2 worth
  34 would
   2 wound
   2 write
  15 wrong
   3 wrote
  20 years
   6 yield
   1 young
   1 yours
   2 youth

5  =  483 words (7592 occurrences)
1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13  14  15  16  18  19  

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