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Baltimore Catechism (1891)

IntraText CT - Word list by length

6  =  586 words (6973 occurrences)
1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13  14  15  16  18  19  

Frequency - Word Form
   2 abides
   4 absent
   3 absurd
   5 abuses
   5 accept
   7 accuse
   1 acting
   3 action
  40 actual
   1 admits
   2 adored
   2 adults
   7 advent
  14 advice
   2 advise
   2 affect
   1 afford
   2 afraid
   5 almost
   8 altars
  83 always
   1 amends
   3 amount
   1 andrew
  50 angels
   6 animal
   1 annoys
   8 answer
   4 anyone
   5 appear
   3 ardent
   2 around
   5 asking
   1 assert
   9 assist
   1 attach
   1 attack
   2 attain
   6 attend
   2 author
   1 avoids
   2 banish
   1 bathed
   1 beasts
   2 beauty
  13 became
  21 become
   2 befall
   8 befell
 110 before
   6 begets
   2 behold
   5 beings
  18 belief
  17 belong
   1 beside
   3 bestow
   9 better
   2 bewail
   3 beyond
  67 bishop
   6 bloody
  32 bodies
   7 bodily
   3 bought
   1 bounds
   1 bounty
   1 breaks
   2 breast
   1 bribes
   2 brings
  10 broken
   1 brutes
   1 burial
   4 buried
   5 buying
 211 called
   4 candle
 123 cannot
   1 canons
   1 carmel
  11 caused
   8 causes
   6 ceased
  38 change
   6 charge
  12 charms
   1 chaste
   2 choice
   1 choirs
   3 choose
   4 chosen
  17 chrism
 414 christ
 601 church
   1 cities
   5 clergy
   1 closer
   2 clothe
   3 colors
  33 coming
  33 commit
   7 common
   9 comply
   8 confer
   3 convey
   1 cotton
   2 couple
   4 courts
   1 cousin
   1 covers
   3 create
   1 crimes
  12 custom
   4 damage
   1 dammed
   9 damned
   1 dances
  35 danger
   1 daring
   4 deacon
   2 decade
   2 deceit
   2 defend
   1 define
  16 degree
   1 deists
   1 deluge
   5 denial
   5 denied
   3 denies
   1 denote
   1 depart
   5 depend
   7 derive
   2 desert
  36 desire
   5 detest
   2 devils
   7 differ
   1 dipped
   8 direct
   2 divide
  75 divine
   4 dolors
   3 doomed
   4 double
   2 doubts
  11 dreams
   4 drinks
   1 driven
  32 during
  31 duties
   1 dwells
   2 easier
   6 easily
  25 easter
   4 eating
  22 effect
   7 effort
  15 eighth
  27 either
   1 eleven
  16 enable
   4 endure
  10 enough
   1 enters
  15 entire
   1 equals
   2 escape
   1 esteem
   4 events
   8 except
   9 excite
  15 excuse
   4 exists
   9 expect
   1 expels
   4 expose
   2 failed
   2 fairly
   1 fallen
   4 family
  86 father
  10 faults
   1 favors
   8 feasts
   2 fervor
  10 figure
   3 filled
   1 finger
   8 firmly
   3 fitted
   1 fixing
   2 flight
   1 flower
  17 follow
  33 forbid
   1 forced
   6 forget
   1 forgot
   1 formal
   9 formed
   5 former
   1 foster
  25 fourth
   5 friday
   2 friend
  14 fruits
   1 fuller
  11 future
  20 garden
   4 gifted
  53 giving
   2 gloria
   9 gospel
   8 govern
  19 graces
   3 grades
   2 grants
   1 grasps
   4 graven
   1 graves
   3 grieve
   2 ground
   7 guided
  37 guilty
   6 habits
   2 harbor
   1 harder
  15 hatred
  30 having
   2 healed
  16 health
   1 hearts
 122 heaven
   2 helped
   3 heresy
   3 heroes
   3 hidden
   4 higher
   4 hinder
   3 holies
   1 honest
   1 honors
   1 horrid
   1 houses
   8 humble
   3 humbly
   2 hunger
   2 hungry
   1 idling
  24 images
   1 impose
   7 impure
   1 induce
   9 infant
   1 injure
   6 injury
   1 insane
   1 inside
   4 insult
   4 intend
   1 invite
   2 invoke
  25 itself
  10 jewish
   1 joined
  13 joseph
   6 joyful
   5 judged
   4 judges
   3 justly
   2 killed
   1 kindly
   1 kneels
   1 labors
   1 lashed
   2 lasted
   3 lastly
  60 lawful
   1 laying
   2 laymen
   1 leader
   1 leaves
   2 length
   2 lessen
   2 lesser
 119 lesson
   1 liable
   1 lifted
   2 liquid
   1 liquor
   5 listen
   3 little
   3 lively
   1 livest
  39 living
   1 loaned
   8 longer
   3 losing
   2 loveth
   1 loving
   1 lowest
   1 maiden
  31 making
   1 malice
   1 manage
  32 manner
  11 masses
   1 master
   8 matter
   3 medals
   1 medium
   2 member
   5 memory
  16 merely
  19 merits
   1 method
   3 misery
   1 misuse
   1 mocked
   1 models
   3 modest
   1 moment
   1 months
  22 morals
 135 mortal
  29 mother
   1 motion
   4 motive
   1 moving
   5 murder
   1 mutual
   3 myself
   4 nailed
  15 namely
   2 naming
   1 napkin
   4 nation
  34 nature
   1 nearer
   2 nearly
   5 needed
   3 notice
  27 number
   6 object
   1 oblige
  19 obtain
   1 occupy
   6 offend
   1 offers
   5 office
   3 olives
   1 olivet
   1 opened
   4 openly
  55 orders
   4 origin
  49 others
   4 owners
   1 packet
   1 papers
  16 pardon
   1 parent
   5 parish
   2 passed
   2 pastor
   1 patron
  26 people
   2 perish
   7 permit
 132 person
   1 pharao
   1 philip
   1 pieces
   4 pilate
   1 pillar
   6 placed
  19 places
   1 plants
   1 please
   2 pledge
   1 points
   1 poison
   1 porter
   4 poured
  13 powers
   4 praise
   1 prayed
  41 prayer
  11 preach
 137 priest
   2 prison
   5 profit
   1 proofs
  22 proper
   5 proved
  11 public
  13 punish
   1 purged
   1 purify
   9 purity
   2 purple
   6 raised
   2 ransom
   1 rarely
  14 rather
   1 reader
  19 really
  48 reason
   8 recall
   4 redeem
   5 refers
   1 reform
   5 refuse
   1 refute
  22 regard
   1 reject
  32 relics
   2 relief
   2 relish
  38 remain
   2 remedy
   9 remind
  11 remits
   1 remote
   4 remove
   7 render
   3 reopen
   6 repair
   5 repeat
   1 repent
  15 resist
   3 result
   3 retain
   6 return
   2 reveal
  20 reward
   2 richer
   9 rights
   2 rising
   1 ritual
  20 rosary
   1 rubbed
   3 rulers
   3 ruling
  39 sacred
   1 safety
 102 saints
   1 savage
   3 saving
  36 saying
   7 school
   2 sealed
  37 second
   8 secret
   5 secure
   1 seeing
   1 seized
   1 seldom
   1 selves
   1 senate
   7 senses
   1 sermon
   2 server
   7 severe
   3 shared
 301 should
  10 showed
   2 silver
   2 simony
   5 simply
  31 sinful
   3 single
  13 sinned
   6 sinner
   1 sister
   1 skulls
   2 slaves
  17 slight
   1 social
   1 solely
  14 solemn
  49 sorrow
   4 sought
   2 source
   9 speaks
   1 speech
   8 spells
  36 spirit
   2 spread
   4 spring
   5 stable
   1 stains
   1 stated
   3 states
   1 statue
   2 stayed
   6 stolen
   1 storms
   4 strict
   1 string
   1 strive
   9 strong
   6 submit
   2 sudden
  26 suffer
   2 suited
  54 sunday
   3 supper
   2 supply
   2 surely
   1 swears
   1 symbol
   1 tables
   1 taketh
  20 taking
  39 taught
  16 temple
   1 tempts
   2 thanks
   6 theirs
   3 thence
 131 things
   5 thinks
   3 thirst
   1 thomas
   7 thorns
  26 though
   4 throne
   2 timely
   1 titles
   2 tobias
   2 tongue
   2 toward
   2 trades
   3 trials
  51 truths
   6 trying
   7 twelve
   5 unable
   2 unions
  16 united
   4 unites
  12 unjust
  13 unless
   1 unlike
   2 untrue
   2 urgent
   6 useful
   1 vanity
  41 venial
   3 vessel
   1 vicars
   1 victim
   3 vigils
   2 violet
  57 virgin
  27 virtue
   1 vision
   1 visits
   2 votive
   1 vulgar
   1 warned
   4 waters
   1 weaker
   3 wealth
   2 wearer
   2 wedded
   2 weekly
   2 whence
   2 whilst
  12 wicked
   1 willed
   1 wiping
   7 wisdom
   1 wished
   8 wishes
  11 within
   2 woolen
  38 worthy
   1 wounds
   4 wrongs
   4 yearly

6  =  586 words (6973 occurrences)
1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13  14  15  16  18  19  

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