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Baltimore Catechism (1891)

IntraText CT - Word list by length

7  =  636 words (5590 occurrences)
1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13  14  15  16  18  19  

Frequency - Word Form
   7 abandon
   2 ability
   3 abolish
   3 abraham
   3 absence
   6 absolve
  13 abstain
   1 abusing
  24 account
   1 accused
   2 acolyte
   3 acquire
  20 actions
   2 address
   2 adopted
   2 adoring
   2 advised
   5 affairs
   1 affords
  72 against
   1 agility
  26 allowed
  10 already
   1 amongst
   1 anguish
   8 animals
   2 anoints
  66 another
   2 answers
   1 antioch
   9 apostle
   2 appears
   3 applied
   1 applies
   1 appoint
  13 article
   2 ascends
   4 ashamed
   1 assured
   3 asunder
   1 atheism
   1 atoning
   1 attacks
   2 attempt
   3 avoided
 172 baptism
   6 baptist
  22 baptize
   9 bearing
 311 because
   1 becomes
   1 beeswax
   3 befalls
   4 begging
   4 beliefs
  97 believe
  17 belongs
   1 beloved
   5 beneath
  15 benefit
   1 beseech
  22 besides
  35 between
   1 binding
  37 bishops
 163 blessed
   1 blotted
   3 bondage
   2 briefly
   2 brother
  12 brought
   2 burning
   6 calling
   5 calvary
   8 candles
   1 cantata
   4 capable
   8 capital
   2 captive
   3 careful
   2 carried
   1 censure
   1 century
  46 certain
   9 chalice
  34 changed
   7 changes
   1 charges
  27 charity
  19 chiefly
   6 claimed
  11 classes
   2 cleanse
   1 clearer
   9 clearly
   1 climate
   1 closely
   1 clothed
   1 college
   4 comfort
  26 command
   1 commend
   9 commits
   3 company
   8 conceal
   1 concern
   1 condemn
   2 conduct
   2 confers
  48 confess
   1 confide
   3 confirm
  20 consent
   3 consist
   2 consult
  11 contain
   2 content
   2 control
   1 cooking
   1 correct
   3 council
  10 counsel
  13 country
   2 courage
   2 cousins
   2 covered
  43 created
   2 creates
  10 creator
   1 crosses
   5 crowned
   2 cruelly
   1 cruelty
   1 current
   6 cursing
   4 dangers
   2 day-the
   1 deacons
   1 dearest
   1 debated
   1 decades
   2 deceits
   4 deceive
   6 declare
   1 decrees
   1 defense
   1 defiant
   1 defiled
   1 defined
   2 degrees
   2 delayed
   1 deliver
   2 demands
   1 denoted
   2 denying
   2 depends
   3 deprive
   4 derived
   3 derives
   4 descend
   5 descent
   6 deserve
   3 designs
   1 desired
  19 desires
  11 despair
   6 destroy
   1 details
   1 devotes
   2 differs
  19 dignity
  14 diocese
   1 dipping
   4 directs
   1 disgust
   3 dislike
   5 disobey
   1 disowns
   1 display
   1 dispose
   1 dispute
   1 disturb
  14 divided
   8 divorce
   1 doctors
   1 dominic
   1 eagerly
   6 earnest
   2 earthly
  42 effects
   5 efforts
   1 elected
   1 eliseus
   1 emblems
   4 embrace
   2 eminent
   1 emotion
   1 emperor
   4 enabled
   2 enables
   2 endured
  20 enemies
   1 enforce
   1 engaged
   2 enliven
   6 entered
   1 enticed
   1 entrust
   2 epistle
   3 equally
   1 erected
   2 escaped
   2 essence
  18 eternal
   1 evening
   6 evident
   3 exactly
   4 examine
  33 example
   4 excited
   5 excused
   3 excuses
   1 exhorts
   6 existed
   2 expense
   7 explain
   7 exposed
   1 exposes
   8 express
   5 extends
  64 extreme
   5 falling
   1 falsely
  13 fasting
   3 fathers
   1 feeling
   1 fifteen
   2 finally
   1 finding
   1 fingers
   1 fitness
   1 flowers
   5 follows
   3 foolish
  25 forbids
   1 forcing
   1 foreign
   2 foresaw
   1 foresee
  21 forever
  42 forgive
   2 forming
   8 fortune
  10 founded
   3 founder
   1 fratres
   4 freedom
   6 fridays
  11 friends
   8 fulfill
   2 further
   5 gabriel
  12 gaining
   2 garment
  38 general
   1 getting
   2 glorify
   8 gospels
   3 governs
  17 granted
  28 greater
   1 greatly
   2 guiding
   5 hanging
   1 hardest
   5 hastily
   2 hateful
   1 hearers
  20 hearing
   1 heathen
   1 helping
   2 heretic
   1 herself
   8 highest
  54 himself
   5 history
   2 holding
   7 holyday
   3 honesty
   2 honored
   1 hosanna
   7 however
   1 humeral
   4 hundred
   1 hurried
   1 hurtful
  21 husband
   6 illness
   1 imagine
   6 imitate
   1 immoral
   1 imparts
   2 implies
   3 imposed
   1 imposes
   6 imprint
   2 improve
   1 incense
   2 include
   3 induced
   4 infants
   1 inflict
   3 infused
   9 inherit
   9 injured
   2 injures
   1 inquire
   1 instant
  12 instead
   7 intends
   2 introit
   4 invalid
   2 invites
   1 invokes
   3 journey
   1 jubilee
  25 justice
   9 keeping
   4 killing
   7 kindred
   7 kingdom
   7 knowing
   3 labored
   2 lasting
   3 leading
   3 leaving
   2 lessens
   5 lessons
   7 letters
   1 letting
   4 license
   2 lifting
   4 lighted
   2 lighter
   1 limited
   1 longest
   1 lucifer
   1 majesty
   1 maniple
   7 mankind
   1 manners
  25 married
   9 martyrs
   1 masters
   1 mastery
   1 mathias
  17 matters
   3 matthew
  19 meaning
   1 measure
  10 mediums
  37 members
   6 mention
   4 merited
   1 message
   1 messias
   1 methods
   3 michael
   6 miracle
   1 mistake
   2 mixture
   1 mockery
   1 mocking
   4 modesty
   1 mondays
   7 morning
   2 mortify
  14 motives
  23 mystery
   8 nations
  11 natural
   4 natures
  25 neglect
  11 neither
  13 nothing
   3 nourish
   1 numbers
  14 nuptial
   2 obeying
   4 objects
  27 obliged
   1 observe
   1 obtains
   1 offence
   4 offends
  14 offense
  14 offered
   1 oftener
   1 omitted
   1 opening
   3 opinion
  10 opposed
   4 ordered
   5 outside
  25 outward
   1 packets
   1 painful
   2 pallium
   1 pardons
  77 parents
   2 partake
  10 partial
   3 paschal
   4 passing
  20 passion
  22 pastors
   3 patient
   1 payment
   2 penalty
 103 penance
  31 perfect
  22 perform
   4 perjury
   6 permits
 171 persons
   2 picture
   1 pierced
   3 placing
   1 plagues
   1 planted
   2 pleased
   1 pleases
  13 plenary
   3 pontius
   5 portion
  11 possess
   8 pouring
  10 poverty
  45 prayers
   9 praying
   5 precept
   8 prepare
  25 present
   4 pretend
  15 prevent
  57 priests
   2 primacy
   2 prisons
   6 private
   2 proceed
   1 procure
   6 produce
   4 profane
  25 profess
  23 promise
   2 prophet
   2 prosper
   4 protect
   1 proving
   1 prudent
  18 purpose
   5 putting
   4 quality
   1 raising
   1 raphael
   1 rapidly
   5 reached
   7 reading
   1 reality
   9 reasons
   1 rebuked
   1 recalls
 169 receive
   2 refused
   1 refuses
   2 regular
   2 rejoice
  13 related
   2 relying
  19 remains
   2 reminds
   1 removed
   1 removes
   1 renders
   1 reports
   1 request
   2 requiem
  19 require
   2 rescued
   3 resolve
   1 resorts
  31 respect
  21 restore
   1 returns
   5 revenge
  10 rewards
   4 rightly
   1 robbing
   1 rubbing
  14 sabbath
   1 saloons
  23 satisfy
  10 saviour
   2 sayings
   7 scandal
   2 schools
   1 science
   1 seasons
   1 secrets
   1 secular
   1 secured
   4 seeking
   2 selfish
   1 sending
   6 serious
   1 sermons
   3 serpent
   7 service
  17 servile
   2 serving
  25 seventh
   1 seventy
   7 several
   1 sharing
   1 shelter
   1 shorten
   6 showing
   1 shrines
  21 signify
  10 similar
   8 sincere
   1 singing
   4 sinless
   2 sinners
  12 sinning
   3 sisters
   3 sitteth
   3 slander
   5 society
   1 soldier
   8 sources
  41 special
   1 species
   4 spirits
   4 sponsor
   1 stamped
   1 stating
   1 station
   3 statues
   8 strange
   1 strewed
   1 strings
   1 studied
   8 subject
   2 succeed
   3 suffers
   2 suffice
   1 suggest
   2 suicide
   1 sun-day
  16 sundays
  18 support
   8 supreme
   1 surface
   3 suspect
   1 tablets
   2 talking
   1 te-cost
   1 teacher
  23 teaches
   6 tellers
  23 telling
   5 tempted
   2 testify
   8 thereby
   4 thieves
   2 thirsty
  16 thought
  99 through
   1 thunder
   4 thyself
   3 tidings
   8 tongues
   1 tonsure
   2 touched
   1 touches
   4 towards
   1 treated
  54 trinity
   2 turning
   4 twelfth
  61 unction
   8 undergo
   4 undying
   5 unhappy
   1 unknown
   1 upright
   4 useless
  20 usually
   1 utility
   6 validly
   1 various
  10 vespers
   2 vessels
   1 victory
   1 violate
   2 violent
  28 virtues
  31 visible
   1 visited
   6 waiting
   1 wanting
   1 warning
   4 watches
   1 wayside
   1 weakens
   9 welfare
   3 whereas
  30 whether
   4 whither
   6 whoever
   8 willful
   5 willing
   3 wishing
 122 without
   7 witness
   3 working
   5 workmen
  11 worldly
  33 worship
   1 wounded
   1 wrapped
   1 writing
   9 written
   1 wrought
   1 yielded

7  =  636 words (5590 occurrences)
1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13  14  15  16  18  19  

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