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Baltimore Catechism (1891)

IntraText CT - Word list by length

8  =  539 words (3041 occurrences)
1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13  14  15  16  18  19  

Frequency - Word Form
   1 absolute
   2 absolved
   1 accepted
   5 accident
   4 accounts
   1 acolytes
   4 acquired
   1 admiring
   1 admitted
   4 admonish
   1 adoption
   5 adultery
   5 affinity
   2 all-good
  17 almighty
   1 although
   1 ambition
   1 ancestor
   2 announce
   7 anointed
   2 anothers
  15 anything
 127 apostles
   7 appeared
   4 applying
   1 approach
   1 approval
   3 approved
   2 approves
   2 arranged
  12 articles
  12 ascended
   2 ascribed
   2 assisted
   1 atheists
  11 attached
   1 attacked
   5 avoiding
  26 baptized
   2 baptizes
   1 beatific
   6 becoming
   1 begotten
   1 begrudge
   9 believed
   3 believes
   1 belonged
  10 benefits
   8 bestowed
   2 betrayed
   2 bleeding
  28 blessing
   1 blocking
   1 boasting
   1 bodiless
   2 branches
   3 breaking
   1 breathed
   4 brethren
   5 bringing
   2 brothers
   1 careless
   1 carriage
   1 carrying
   2 cathedra
  58 catholic
   1 censures
  12 ceremony
   1 chalices
   6 changing
  11 chastity
   1 chasuble
   1 cheating
  58 children
   9 churches
   2 ciborium
   1 cincture
   1 citizens
   3 cleanses
   1 clerical
   1 clipping
   2 clothing
   1 coldness
   1 colleges
   1 comforts
  13 commands
  10 commonly
   3 complete
   4 composed
   2 conceals
   1 concerns
   1 conclude
   2 condemns
   2 confined
   9 confirms
   4 consider
   4 consists
   8 constant
   8 contains
   5 contempt
  13 continue
  15 contract
  11 contrary
   2 convents
   1 converse
   4 converts
  13 corporal
   2 councils
   4 covenant
   1 covering
   2 creating
   5 creation
  14 creature
   1 criminal
   1 crowning
  17 crucifix
   4 darkened
   4 darkness
   1 daughter
   1 de-scent
   1 deceased
   4 deceived
   1 deciding
   2 decision
   4 declared
   3 declares
   1 dedicate
   4 defining
   2 definite
   2 delaying
   2 departed
  12 deprived
   6 deprives
   1 deserved
   2 deserves
  23 devotion
   3 dictates
   3 diminish
   2 dioceses
   5 directly
   2 disciple
  12 discover
   1 diseases
   1 disgrace
   1 dishonor
   1 dislikes
   2 disorder
   3 dispense
   3 disposed
   1 disposes
   3 disprove
   2 disputes
   1 distance
   1 distaste
   7 distinct
   1 distract
   1 divinely
   3 divinity
   1 division
  22 doctrine
   1 document
   1 doorways
   4 doubtful
   5 doxology
   4 dreadful
   1 duration
   2 eleventh
   1 employer
   1 en-light
   1 endanger
   3 endeavor
   9 enjoined
   7 entering
   8 entirely
   1 entitled
   1 entitles
   2 epiphany
   1 epistles
   1 equality
   6 eternity
   2 everyone
   1 examines
   1 examples
   1 excelsis
   2 exchange
   4 exciting
   1 excluded
   4 excusing
  12 exercise
   2 existing
   1 exorcist
   1 expenses
   2 exposing
   4 external
  50 faithful
   1 families
   1 fastened
   1 features
   1 february
   2 feelings
   2 fiftieth
   4 fighting
   8 followed
   8 forehead
   3 foretell
   2 foretold
  27 forgiven
   2 forgives
   2 formerly
   1 forsaken
   2 fourteen
   5 frequent
   6 fullness
   4 garments
   1 gentiles
  13 glorious
   7 gluttony
   8 goodness
   8 governed
   9 granting
  13 greatest
  12 grievous
   6 guardian
   1 guarding
   1 guessing
   2 guidance
   4 habitual
   1 hallowed
   1 handling
   3 happened
   2 heartily
   1 heavenly
   1 helpless
   6 heretics
  11 holiness
  29 holydays
   4 honestly
  16 honoring
   3 humility
   1 hundreds
   2 idolatry
  11 ignorant
   2 ill-will
  11 immodest
   7 immortal
   1 imparted
   1 impelled
   1 improved
   6 impurity
   1 inclined
   1 included
   3 includes
  23 increase
   3 indecent
   7 indicate
   2 inducing
   3 inferior
   3 infidels
   9 infinite
   2 infusion
   7 injuries
   2 injuring
  10 innocent
   1 inserted
   5 inspired
   2 instance
   7 instinct
  10 instruct
  12 intended
   1 interest
   8 interior
   2 internal
   1 intimate
   1 inviting
   1 iscariot
  39 judgment
   8 language
   1 laughing
   8 lawfully
   1 lawmaker
   1 laziness
  10 learning
  14 likeness
   4 likewise
   1 maintain
 102 marriage
   2 marrying
  12 material
   1 meanings
   2 meatless
   3 medicine
   4 meditate
   4 meekness
   1 meetings
   1 memorial
  13 merciful
   1 midnight
   2 mildness
  20 minister
   2 ministry
  20 miracles
   4 missions
   1 mistaken
   1 moderate
   4 moreover
   2 mountain
   2 mourners
   2 national
   1 nativity
   2 nazareth
   1 neatness
   4 neglects
  51 neighbor
   1 new-born
   3 nineteen
   1 nostrils
   2 numbered
   4 numerous
   3 obliging
   2 observed
   2 obstacle
   2 obtained
   5 occasion
   1 occupied
   1 occurred
   7 offended
   3 offenses
   9 offering
   2 officers
   1 official
   6 omission
   1 omitting
   6 ordained
  17 ordinary
  36 original
   1 ornament
   9 overcome
  11 paradise
   1 pardoned
   3 parishes
   1 partakes
   1 particle
   2 passages
   5 passions
   1 pastoral
   2 patience
   8 penances
  10 penitent
   2 performs
   2 personal
   2 pertains
   1 perverts
   8 pictures
  11 pleasing
   5 pleasure
   4 position
  39 possible
  22 practice
   4 preached
   2 precepts
   2 precious
   2 prelates
   9 prepared
  16 presence
   2 preserve
   1 pretense
   3 prevents
   2 previous
   1 priestly
   2 primates
   1 printing
   4 probably
   2 proceeds
   1 proclaim
   1 produces
   1 profound
  26 promised
   6 promises
   2 prompted
   2 properly
  10 property
   9 prophets
   1 proposed
  12 provided
   1 provides
   1 province
   3 prudence
   4 publicly
   2 punished
   2 punishes
   3 purified
   5 purposes
   1 quarrels
   3 question
   1 rebelled
  23 received
  18 receives
   1 recorded
   2 recovers
   1 recovery
   1 redeemed
  36 redeemer
   2 reformed
   2 refusing
   2 register
   1 regulate
   1 reignest
   1 reigning
   1 rejected
   1 relapses
   1 relating
 120 religion
  15 remained
   1 remedies
  12 remember
  11 remitted
   2 removing
   4 renounce
   1 repaying
   5 repeated
  12 required
  20 requires
   2 resemble
   9 reserved
   1 resigned
   3 restored
   2 restores
   2 retained
   2 retreats
   1 returned
  20 revealed
   3 reverend
   1 rewarded
   1 ridicule
   3 rosaries
   1 sacristy
   8 sanctify
   2 sanction
   2 sanctity
   6 saturday
   7 scapular
   1 scholars
   2 scourged
   2 scruples
   1 seashore
   1 secondly
   1 secretly
   1 securing
   3 sentence
  10 separate
   1 seraphim
   5 servants
   1 services
   1 severely
   4 shedding
   1 shepherd
   1 shoulder
  14 sickness
   1 sinfully
   2 situated
   3 slanders
   2 slightly
   2 smallest
   4 soldiers
   3 solemnly
   1 sometime
   2 speaking
   1 spilling
  12 sponsors
   1 standing
   4 stations
   5 stealing
  10 strength
   6 strictly
   1 stripped
   1 stronger
   1 strongly
   1 studying
   3 subjects
   2 subsists
  14 suffered
   4 superior
   1 supplied
   2 supplies
   1 supposed
   1 suppress
   1 swearing
   3 teachers
  29 teaching
  46 temporal
   1 terrible
   1 thaddeus
   1 thankhim
   3 thanking
   2 theaters
   4 thinking
  25 thoughts
   1 thousand
   1 thursday
  11 together
   2 torments
   2 tortured
   2 tortures
   1 training
   3 treasury
   1 treating
   1 trespass
   1 trifling
   1 tuesdays
   1 unbelief
   2 unbloody
   4 unchaste
   1 universe
   5 unjustly
  16 unlawful
   1 unlikely
   5 unworthy
   1 uplifted
   1 vanities
   1 venerate
   4 vestment
   5 viaticum
   2 violated
   1 violates
   1 virtuous
   1 visiting
   6 vocation
   4 weakened
   2 weakness
   1 what-god
  38 whatever
   1 whenever
   2 wherever
   1 withhold
  20 worthily
   1 wounding
   6 writings
   1 wronging
   1 yielding

8  =  539 words (3041 occurrences)
1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13  14  15  16  18  19  

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