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Baltimore Catechism (1891)

IntraText CT - Word list by length

9  =  431 words (2936 occurrences)
1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13  14  15  16  18  19  

Frequency - Word Form
   3 abandoned
   6 abolished
   4 absolving
   1 accidents
   2 accompany
  19 according
   2 adoration
   1 affecting
   2 affection
   1 afternoon
   3 afterward
   1 agnostics
   2 agreement
   2 alcoholic
   3 amendment
   1 amusement
   9 ancestors
   2 angelical
   6 announced
  14 anointing
   2 anti-pope
   1 apostates
   9 apostolic
   1 appetites
  18 appointed
   5 archangel
   1 arimathea
   2 arranging
  21 ascension
   1 ascertain
   1 aspersion
   1 attaining
   3 attending
   5 attention
  10 attribute
   1 attrition
   1 authentic
  66 authority
   1 baptismal
   1 baptistry
   3 baptizing
   4 beatitude
   4 beautiful
  15 beginning
   8 believing
   1 benefited
   2 benignity
   9 bethlehem
   1 beverages
   1 blaspheme
   6 blasphemy
  21 blessings
   1 borrowing
   1 brotherly
   1 candidate
   2 canonical
   1 canonized
   6 cardinals
   9 carefully
   9 catechism
   2 cathedral
  40 catholics
   1 ceaseless
   2 celebrant
   3 certainly
   1 certainty
  26 character
   3 childhood
  39 christian
   5 christmas
   2 churching
   1 cleansing
   2 comforted
  53 commanded
  51 committed
 113 communion
   4 community
   1 companion
   1 compelled
   2 completed
   6 concealed
  12 conceived
  11 condemned
  12 condition
   3 conferred
   9 confessed
  26 confessor
  11 confirmed
   3 confiteor
   2 confusion
   3 connected
   1 consented
   1 considers
   1 consisted
   2 consulted
   2 consuming
   1 continual
   3 continued
   5 continues
   1 contracts
   6 converted
   1 convinced
   1 corrected
   4 corrupted
   1 countless
   1 countries
  15 creatures
   1 criminals
   8 crucified
   3 curiosity
   2 damnation
   8 dangerous
   1 daughters
   1 deceiving
   1 deception
   3 declaring
   2 dedicates
   1 deformity
   1 delegates
   1 delivered
   2 demanding
   1 depriving
   9 descended
   1 described
   2 deserving
   1 designate
   3 destroyed
   6 determine
   2 developed
   3 devotions
  27 different
   5 difficult
   1 diligence
   6 direction
   1 disciples
   1 discovers
   1 dishonest
   2 displease
   1 disposing
   2 disputing
   1 disregard
   4 dissolved
   1 distances
   1 distracts
   9 doctrines
   2 earnestly
   4 education
   1 egyptians
   1 elevation
   1 elizabeth
   2 elsewhere
   5 employers
   1 encourage
   2 enjoyment
   3 enlighten
   2 essential
   4 establish
  77 eucharist
   1 euphrates
   1 evangelia
   1 excellent
   5 exception
   7 excessive
   1 exclusive
   3 execution
   1 exemption
   2 exercised
   1 exercises
   1 exhorting
   9 existence
   1 expecting
   3 explained
   1 expressed
   4 expresses
   4 extending
   3 faculties
   1 faithless
   6 falsehood
   4 fast-days
   2 fifteenth
  12 following
   1 foolhardy
  51 forbidden
   1 forfeited
   5 forgiving
   4 forgotten
   8 fortitude
   8 fulfilled
   9 generally
   6 glorified
   6 godfather
   6 godmother
   2 godparent
   1 governing
   2 gradually
   1 greatness
   4 guardians
  17 happiness
   1 hardships
   1 heartless
   1 hereafter
   1 heretical
   2 hierarchy
   1 hospitals
   1 hypnotism
   3 hypocrisy
   1 ignorance
   2 imitating
   1 imitation
   1 immersion
   2 immodesty
  14 imperfect
  11 important
   1 imposters
   1 impostors
   2 incapable
   1 increased
   1 increases
   1 indicated
   1 indicates
   2 inflicted
   4 influence
   4 injustice
   7 innocence
   1 innocents
   2 instantly
  11 institute
   1 insulting
  36 intention
   9 invisible
   1 jealously
   9 jerusalem
   3 judgments
   1 knowiedge
   7 knowingly
  23 knowledge
   1 landmarks
   1 languages
   2 lessening
   1 life-long
   1 lightning
   1 lingering
   1 listening
   2 maintains
  28 marriages
   2 martyrdom
  41 matrimony
   2 memorials
   4 mentioned
   1 mesmerism
  14 ministers
   1 moderated
   2 monsignor
   1 monuments
   1 mortified
   2 movements
   1 murdering
  35 mysteries
 105 necessary
  26 necessity
   2 neglected
   2 nourished
   1 nourishes
  11 obedience
   1 obstacles
   6 obtaining
  23 occasions
   1 offensive
   3 offerings
   3 offertory
   2 officials
   2 olive-oil
   1 one-third
   1 ordaining
   1 originate
   7 otherwise
  41 ourselves
   2 paintings
   1 paraclete
   1 particles
   9 patiently
   1 patriotic
   1 penalties
   1 penitents
  10 pentecost
   3 perfectly
   9 performed
   1 permanent
   6 permitted
   2 perpetual
   1 persecute
   1 persevere
   2 persuaded
   1 perverted
   1 pharisees
   1 physician
   2 pleasures
   3 political
   1 possessed
   4 possesses
   3 postponed
   1 postpones
  11 practices
   1 preaching
   3 preceding
   6 preparing
   1 presented
  12 preserved
   2 preserver
   4 preserves
   3 pretended
   1 pretenses
   3 prevented
   1 principal
   9 privately
  10 privilege
   1 probation
   1 proceeded
   2 proclaims
   1 professes
   1 propagate
   1 prophetic
   1 protected
   2 protector
   1 provinces
   3 published
   2 purchased
  32 purgatory
  13 qualities
   8 questions
   1 recalling
  26 receiving
  15 reception
   4 recognize
   1 recommend
   1 reconcile
   1 regarding
   1 regulated
   2 rejecting
   1 relations
   6 relatives
   2 religions
  45 religious
   1 remainder
   2 remaining
   5 reminding
  11 remission
   1 repeating
   3 represent
   1 retentive
   1 returning
   1 revealing
  10 reverence
 210 sacrament
  56 sacrifice
  10 sacrilege
  35 salvation
   1 sanctions
   6 satisfied
   1 saturdays
   7 scapulars
   4 scourging
  25 scripture
   1 selecting
   2 selection
   1 separated
   4 sepulchre
   5 seriously
   1 shepherds
   1 shortened
   5 shoulders
   2 sick-room
  13 signifies
   2 sincerely
   1 sixteenth
   1 slightest
  13 societies
   4 solemnity
   6 solemnize
   6 something
  25 sometimes
   9 sorrowful
   6 sovereign
   4 specially
  49 spiritual
   1 sprinkler
   2 strangers
  43 substance
   1 subtility
   7 successor
  23 suffering
  19 superiors
   2 supplying
   2 surrender
   1 sweetness
   4 teachings
   1 terrified
   2 testament
   2 testimony
  34 therefore
   4 thirtieth
   2 thousands
   1 threefold
   1 thursdays
   1 tolerated
   1 trademark
   1 tradition
   1 triumphal
   2 twentieth
   1 uncovered
   1 underwent
  17 universal
   2 unwilling
   1 uselessly
   1 vainglory
  13 vestments
   2 violating
   2 violation
   1 virginity
   2 vocations
   2 voluntary
   2 weakening
   1 wednesday
   5 whosoever
  19 willfully
   2 willingly
   1 withdrawn
   2 witnessed
   5 witnesses
   3 wonderful
   2 worthless

9  =  431 words (2936 occurrences)
1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13  14  15  16  18  19  

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