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Baltimore Catechism (1891)

IntraText CT - Word list by length

10  =  282 words (1780 occurrences)
1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13  14  15  16  18  19  

Frequency - Word Form
   1 abandoning
   1 absolutely
  24 absolution
   1 abstaining
  11 abstinence
   1 acceptable
   2 accomplish
   1 accordance
   1 accurately
   2 addressing
  12 administer
   2 affections
   3 affliction
   2 afterwards
   1 alms-deeds
   5 almsgiving
   2 amusements
   2 anti-popes
   1 apocalypse
   2 apparently
  16 appearance
   1 applicable
   2 archangels
   1 archbishop
   1 assertions
   2 assistance
   5 assumption
   1 attendants
  25 attributes
   7 authorized
   1 authorizes
   4 backbiting
  10 beatitudes
   2 beneficial
   1 bitterness
   1 blasphemed
   2 brilliancy
   3 celebrated
   2 celebrates
   5 ceremonial
  30 ceremonies
   2 charitable
  37 christians
   1 collection
   1 commission
   1 committees
   4 committing
   1 comparison
   1 compelling
   2 compendium
   2 completely
   1 completion
   3 concealing
  12 conception
  25 concerning
   1 concession
   9 conditions
   5 confessing
 149 confession
   1 confessors
   1 confidence
   1 confounded
   2 connection
  22 conscience
   3 consecrate
   3 considered
   1 consistent
   1 consisting
   1 constantly
   3 containing
   2 continency
   2 contracted
   2 contradict
   8 contribute
  44 contrition
   1 conversing
   1 conversion
   1 coronation
   1 correspond
   5 corruption
   2 crucifixes
   3 deaconship
   1 decoration
   1 defrauding
   4 deliberate
   1 dependence
   2 destroying
   2 determined
   3 detraction
  17 difference
   1 diminished
   4 discovered
   1 discussion
   1 disgracing
   8 dishonesty
   1 disorderly
   2 dispensers
   1 disrespect
   1 dissolving
   1 distribute
   1 disturbers
   1 earthquake
   2 eighteenth
   1 encourages
   3 enlightens
   2 equivalent
  19 especially
   1 evangelist
  11 everything
  14 everywhere
   5 experience
   2 faithfully
   1 first-born
   5 flesh-meat
   2 forbidding
   1 forefather
   1 forgetting
   2 fourteenth
  20 frequently
   7 friendship
   1 fulfilling
   1 generosity
   6 godfathers
   6 godmothers
   2 godparents
   8 government
   1 grievously
   1 habitation
   2 harborless
   1 henceforth
   1 hesitating
   1 hypocrites
   4 ill-gotten
   1 illuminate
   2 illustrate
   1 imitations
  11 immaculate
   1 immorality
   1 impatience
   6 impediment
   8 importance
  15 impossible
   1 increasing
   1 indirectly
  42 indulgence
  16 infallible
   7 infallibly
  16 infinitely
  63 instituted
   9 instructed
   1 intentions
   5 invocation
   1 irreverent
   3 israelites
   1 manifested
   2 meditating
   6 messengers
   2 miraculous
   1 misfortune
   1 monsignori
   2 monstrance
   2 mortifying
   1 multiplied
   1 multitudes
  14 neglecting
   6 newspapers
   1 nick-names
   2 nineteenth
  41 obligation
   2 observance
   1 occupation
   1 ordination
   1 originated
   4 overcoming
  35 particular
   4 patriarchs
   2 peacemaker
   1 perception
   9 perfection
   5 performing
   7 permission
   1 permitting
   3 persecuted
   2 personally
   1 pertaining
   2 pilgrimage
   3 pontifical
   2 positively
   3 possession
   1 preachings
   1 preventing
  14 priesthood
   7 privileges
  12 profession
   2 prohibited
   2 pronounces
   1 properties
   8 prophecies
   5 proportion
   5 protection
   4 protestant
   5 providence
   1 punishable
  60 punishment
   1 quarreling
   3 reasonable
   1 recognized
   1 recovering
   1 recreation
  30 redemption
  10 reflection
   2 regulating
   1 remarkable
   2 reparation
   2 repentance
   4 represents
   4 reputation
   1 resistance
   4 resolution
   3 respectful
   1 restrained
   4 revelation
   1 ridiculous
   1 rightfully
 164 sacraments
   2 salutation
   3 sanctified
   2 sanctifies
   2 sanctioned
   2 satisfying
   2 scandalous
   5 scriptures
   1 scrupulous
   1 separation
   2 sin-mortal
   5 sinfulness
   2 sodalities
  10 spiritists
   1 sprinkling
  10 strengthen
   4 sub-deacon
   1 subdeacons
   1 successful
   1 successive
  17 successors
  13 sufferings
  33 sufficient
   3 supporting
   1 surrounded
   1 swallowing
   1 synagogues
   7 tabernacle
   1 tablespoon
   3 temperance
   1 temporally
  13 temptation
  32 themselves
   2 things-the
   2 thirteenth
   1 thoroughly
   2 three-fold
   5 throughout
   7 traditions
   1 trespasses
   4 truthfully
   1 uncovering
  28 understand
   4 understood
   1 unkindness
   3 unlawfully
   1 unworthily
   4 veneration
   1 visitation
   4 weaknesses
   1 wednesdays
   1 wheel-like
   5 whitsunday
   1 wickedness
   3 worshipped
   3 worthiness
   2 wrongdoers
   3 wrongfully

10  =  282 words (1780 occurrences)
1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13  14  15  16  18  19  

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