1000-513 | 514-984 | 985-greek | griev-seven | sever-zeal
Part, Chapter, Paragraph
501 3, 11, 513 | Q. 514. What excuses do some give
502 3, 11, 514 | Q. 515. How do you answer such
503 3, 11, 515 | Q. 516. Why can there be only one
504 3, 12, 516 | Q. 517. What is an attribute?~A.
505 3, 12, 517 | Q. 518. What is a mark?~A. A mark
506 3, 12, 518 | Q. 519. How do we know that the
507 3, 12, 519 | Q. 520. Can the Church have the
508 3, 12, 520 | Q. 521. Why are both marks and
509 3, 12, 521 | Q. 522. Which are the attributes
510 3, 12, 522 | Q. 523. What is authority?~A. Authority
511 3, 12, 523 | Q. 524. From whom must all persons
512 3, 12, 524 | Q. 525. What do you mean by the
513 3, 12, 525 | Q. 526. What do you mean by the
514 3, 12, 526 | Q. 527. What do we mean by a "doctrine
515 3, 12, 527 | Q. 528. How do you know that the
516 3, 12, 528 | Q. 529. Since the Church can not
517 3, 12, 529 | Q. 530. When does the Church teach
518 3, 12, 530 | Q. 531. What is necessary that
519 3, 12, 531 | Q. 532. Is the Pope infallible
520 3, 12, 532 | Q. 533. Can the Pope commit sin?~
521 3, 12, 533 | Q. 534. What does ex-cathedra mean?~
522 3, 12, 534 | Q. 535. Why is the chief Church
523 3, 12, 535 | Q. 536. How many Popes have governed
524 3, 12, 536 | Q. 537. What does anti-pope mean,
525 3, 12, 537 | Q. 538. Why must the Pope sometimes
526 3, 12, 538 | Q. 539. What do we mean by the "
527 3, 12, 539 | Q. 540. How did the Pope acquire
528 3, 12, 540 | Q. 541. How was the temporal power
529 3, 12, 541 | Q. 542. What name do we give to
530 3, 12, 542 | Q. 543. What do you mean by the
531 3, 12, 543 | Q. 544. What is the difference
532 3, 12, 544 | Q. 545. Did Our Lord Himself make
533 3, 12, 545 | Q. 546. Can the Church change its
534 3, 12, 546 | Q. 547. In whom are these attributes
535 3, 12, 547 | Q. 548. Has the Church any marks
536 3, 12, 548 | Q. 549. How is the Church One?~
537 2, 6, 55 | 55. Q. Why is this sin called
538 3, 12, 549 | Q. 550. How is it evident that
539 3, 12, 550 | Q. 551. What is meant by the Hierarchy
540 3, 12, 551 | Q. 552. How is it evident that
541 3, 12, 552 | Q. 553. How is it evident that
542 3, 12, 553 | Q. 554. Could a person who denies
543 3, 12, 554 | Q. 555. Are there any pious beliefs
544 3, 12, 555 | Q. 556. Of what sin are persons
545 3, 12, 556 | Q. 557. Where does the Church find
546 3, 12, 557 | Q. 558. What is the Holy Scripture
547 3, 12, 558 | Q. 559. What is meant by the Canon
548 2, 6, 56 | 56. Q. How many things are
549 3, 12, 559 | Q. 560. Where does the Church find
550 3, 12, 560 | Q. 561. Must we ourselves seek
551 3, 12, 561 | Q. 562. How do we show that the
552 3, 12, 562 | Q. 563. How is the Church Holy?~
553 3, 12, 563 | Q. 564. How is the Church Catholic
554 3, 12, 564 | Q. 565. How do you show that the
555 3, 12, 565 | Q. 566. Why does the Church use
556 3, 12, 566 | Q. 567. How is the Church Apostolic?~
557 3, 12, 567 | Q. 568. Does the Church, by defining
558 3, 12, 568 | Q. 569. What, then, is the use
559 3, 12, 569 | Q. 570. In which Church are these
560 3, 12, 570 | Q. 571. How do you show that Protestant
561 3, 12, 571 | Q. 572. From whom does the Church
562 3, 12, 572 | Q. 573. By whom is the Church made
563 3, 13, 573 | Q. 574. What is a Sacrament?~A.
564 3, 13, 574 | Q. 575. Are these three things,
565 3, 13, 575 | Q. 576. Why does the Church use
566 3, 13, 576 | Q. 577. How many Sacraments are
567 3, 13, 577 | Q. 578. Were all the Sacraments
568 3, 13, 578 | Q. 579. How do we know there are
569 2, 6, 58 | 58. Q. Which are the effects
570 3, 13, 579 | Q. 580. Why have the Sacraments
571 3, 13, 580 | Q. 581. Do the Sacraments recall
572 3, 13, 581 | Q. 582. Give, for example, the
573 3, 13, 582 | Q. 583. What is the use of the
574 3, 13, 583 | Q. 584. Does the outward sign merely
575 3, 13, 584 | Q. 585. What do we mean by the "
576 3, 13, 585 | Q. 586. Is there any likeness between
577 3, 13, 586 | Q. 587. What do we mean by the "
578 3, 13, 587 | Q. 588. Do the needs of the soul
579 3, 13, 588 | Q. 589. Whence have the Sacraments
580 3, 13, 589 | Q. 590. Does the effect of the
581 3, 13, 590 | Q. 591. What grace do the Sacraments
582 3, 13, 591 | Q. 592. When is a Sacrament said
583 3, 13, 592 | Q. 593. Which are the Sacraments
584 3, 13, 593 | Q. 594. Why are Baptism and Penance
585 3, 13, 594 | Q. 595. May not the Sacrament of
586 3, 13, 595 | Q. 596. Which are the Sacraments
587 3, 13, 596 | Q. 597. What do we mean by Sacraments
588 3, 13, 597 | Q. 598. Why are Confirmation, Holy
589 3, 13, 598 | Q. 599. What sin does he commit
590 3, 13, 599 | Q. 600. In what other ways besides
591 3, 13, 600 | Q. 601. Besides sanctifying grace
592 3, 13, 601 | Q. 602. What is sacramental grace?~
593 3, 13, 602 | Q. 603. Is the Sacramental grace
594 3, 13, 603 | Q. 604. Give an example of how
595 3, 13, 604 | Q. 605. Do the Sacraments always
596 3, 13, 605 | Q. 606. What do we mean by the "
597 3, 13, 606 | Q. 607. Give an example of the "
598 3, 13, 607 | Q. 608. Can we receive the Sacraments
599 3, 13, 608 | Q. 609. Why can we not receive
600 3, 13, 609 | Q. 610. What is the character which
601 3, 13, 610 | Q. 611. Does this character remain
602 3, 13, 611 | Q. 612. Can the Sacraments be given
603 3, 13, 612 | Q. 613. What do we mean by giving
604 3, 13, 613 | Q. 614. Give an example of how
605 3, 13, 614 | Q. 615. Which of the Sacraments
606 3, 13, 615 | Q. 616. Name some of the more common
607 3, 13, 616 | Q. 617. What is the use and effect
608 3, 13, 617 | Q. 618. What is the difference
609 3, 13, 618 | Q. 619. Can a person receive all
610 3, 14, 619 | Q. 620. When was baptism instituted?~
611 3, 14, 620 | Q. 621. What is Baptism?~A. Baptism
612 3, 14, 621 | Q. 622. What were persons called
613 3, 14, 622 | Q. 623. What persons are called
614 3, 14, 623 | Q. 624. Why, then, are we the heirs
615 3, 14, 624 | Q. 625. What conditions has Our
616 3, 14, 625 | Q. 626. Did not St. John the Baptist
617 3, 14, 626 | Q. 627. Are actual sins ever remitted
618 3, 14, 627 | Q. 628. That actual sins may be
619 3, 14, 628 | Q. 629. What punishments are due
620 2, 7, 63 | 63. Q. Why is Jesus Christ
621 3, 14, 629 | Q. 630. Why is there a double punishment
622 3, 14, 630 | Q. 631. Is Baptism necessary to
623 3, 14, 631 | Q. 632. Where will persons go who --
624 3, 14, 632 | Q. 633. Who can administer Baptism?~
625 3, 14, 633 | Q. 634. What do we mean by the "
626 3, 14, 634 | Q. 635. Can a person who has not
627 3, 14, 635 | Q. 636. Why do the consequences
628 3, 14, 636 | Q. 637. Can a person ever receive
629 3, 14, 637 | Q. 638. How is Baptism given?~A.
630 3, 14, 638 | Q. 639. If water cannot be had,
631 2, 7, 64 | 64. Q. Why is Jesus Christ
632 3, 14, 639 | Q. 640. If it is impossible, in
633 3, 14, 640 | Q. 641. Is the baptism valid if
634 3, 14, 641 | Q. 642. Is it wrong to defer the
635 3, 14, 642 | Q. 643. Can we baptize a child
636 3, 14, 643 | Q. 644. How many kinds of Baptism
637 3, 14, 644 | Q. 645. What is Baptism of water?~
638 3, 14, 645 | Q. 646. In how many ways was the
639 3, 14, 646 | Q. 647. What are the chief ceremonies
640 3, 14, 647 | Q. 648. Should one who, in case
641 3, 14, 648 | Q. 649. Is solemn baptism given
642 2, 7, 65 | 65. Q. How many natures are
643 3, 14, 649 | Q. 650. What is Baptism of desire?~
644 3, 14, 650 | Q. 651. What is Baptism of blood?~
645 3, 14, 651 | Q. 652. What is the baptism of
646 3, 14, 652 | Q. 653. Is Baptism of desire or
647 3, 14, 653 | Q. 654. How do we know that the
648 3, 14, 654 | Q. 655. What do we promise in Baptism?~
649 3, 14, 655 | Q. 656. What do we mean by the "
650 3, 14, 656 | Q. 657. Why is the name of a saint
651 3, 14, 657 | Q. 658. What is the Saint whose
652 3, 14, 658 | Q. 659. What names should never
653 2, 7, 66 | 66. Q. Is Jesus Christ more
654 3, 14, 659 | Q. 660. Why are godfathers and
655 3, 14, 660 | Q. 661. By what other name are
656 3, 14, 661 | Q. 662. Can a person ever be sponsor
657 3, 14, 662 | Q. 663. With whom do godparents,
658 3, 14, 663 | Q. 664. What questions should persons
659 3, 14, 664 | Q. 665. What is the obligation
660 3, 14, 665 | Q. 666. Can persons who are not
661 3, 14, 666 | Q. 667. What should parents chiefly
662 3, 14, 667 | Q. 668. What dispositions must
663 3, 14, 668 | Q. 669. What is the ceremony of
664 2, 7, 67 | 67. Q. Was Jesus Christ always
665 3, 15, 669 | Q. 670. What is Confirmation?~A.
666 3, 15, 670 | Q. 671. When was Confirmation instituted?~
667 3, 15, 671 | Q. 672. Why is Confirmation so
668 3, 15, 672 | Q. 673. Why are we called soldiers
669 3, 15, 673 | Q. 674. May one add a new name
670 3, 15, 674 | Q. 675. Who administers Confirmation?~
671 3, 15, 675 | Q. 676. Why do we say the bishop
672 3, 15, 676 | Q. 677. How does the bishop give
673 3, 15, 677 | Q. 678. In Confirmation, what does
674 3, 15, 678 | Q. 679. What is holy chrism?~A.
675 2, 7, 68 | 68. Q. Was Jesus Christ always
676 3, 15, 679 | Q. 680. What do the oil and balm
677 3, 15, 680 | Q. 681. How many holy oils are
678 3, 15, 681 | Q. 682. What constitutes the difference
679 3, 15, 682 | Q. 683. When and by whom are the
680 3, 15, 683 | Q. 684. For what are the holy oils
681 3, 15, 684 | Q. 685. What does the bishop say
682 3, 15, 685 | Q. 686. What is meant by anointing
683 3, 15, 686 | Q. 687. When must we openly profess
684 3, 15, 687 | Q. 688. Why have we good reason
685 3, 15, 688 | Q. 689. Why does the bishop give
686 3, 15, 689 | Q. 690. Is it right to test ourselves
687 3, 15, 690 | Q. 691. To receive Confirmation
688 3, 15, 691 | Q. 692. What special preparation
689 3, 15, 692 | Q. 693. Why should we know the
690 3, 15, 693 | Q. 694. Is it a sin to neglect
691 3, 15, 694 | Q. 695. What do we mean by "these
692 3, 15, 695 | Q. 696. Is Confirmation necessary
693 3, 15, 696 | Q. 697. Are sponsors necessary
694 3, 15, 697 | Q. 698. Which are the effects of
695 3, 15, 698 | Q. 699. Which are the gifts of
696 3, 15, 699 | Q. 700. Why do we receive the gift
697 3, 15, 700 | Q. 701. Why do we receive the gift
698 3, 15, 701 | Q. 702. Why do we receive the gift
699 3, 15, 702 | Q. 703. Why do we receive the gift
700 3, 15, 703 | Q. 704. Why do we receive the gift
701 3, 15, 704 | Q. 705. How is it clear that the
702 3, 15, 705 | Q. 706. Why do we receive the gift
703 3, 15, 706 | Q. 707. Why do we receive the gift
704 3, 15, 707 | Q. 708. Which are the Beatitudes?~
705 3, 15, 708 | Q. 709. What are the Beatitudes
706 2, 7, 71 | 71. Q. Is the Blessed Virgin
707 3, 15, 709 | Q. 710. Where did Our Lord usually
708 3, 15, 710 | Q. 711. What is the meaning and
709 3, 15, 711 | Q. 712. What does the first Beatitude
710 3, 15, 712 | Q. 713. Who are the mourners who
711 3, 15, 713 | Q. 714. What lessons do the other
712 3, 15, 714 | Q. 715. Who may be rightly called
713 3, 15, 715 | Q. 716. Why are the clean of heart
714 3, 15, 716 | Q. 717. What is the duty of a peacemaker?~
715 3, 15, 717 | Q. 718. Why does Our Lord speak
716 3, 15, 718 | Q. 719. Which are the twelve fruits
717 2, 7, 72 | 72. Q. Did the Son of God become
718 3, 15, 719 | Q. 720. Why are charity, joy, peace,
719 3, 16, 720 | Q. 721. What is the Sacrament of
720 3, 16, 721 | Q. 722. Has the word Penance any
721 3, 16, 722 | Q. 723. How does the institution
722 3, 16, 723 | Q. 724. What are the natural benefits
723 3, 16, 724 | Q. 725. How does the Sacrament
724 3, 16, 725 | Q. 726. What is Absolution?~A.
725 3, 16, 726 | Q. 727. Does the priest ever refuse
726 3, 16, 727 | Q. 728. What should a person do
727 3, 16, 728 | Q. 729. Can the priest forgive
728 2, 7, 73 | 73. Q. How could they be saved
729 3, 16, 729 | Q. 730. What are the sins called
730 3, 16, 730 | Q. 731. Why is the absolution from
731 3, 16, 731 | Q. 732. Can any priest absolve
732 3, 16, 732 | Q. 733. How do you know that the
733 3, 16, 733 | Q. 734. How do we know that Our
734 3, 16, 734 | Q. 735. Was the power to forgive
735 3, 16, 735 | Q. 736. When was the Sacrament
736 3, 16, 736 | Q. 737. Are the enemies of our
737 3, 16, 737 | Q. 738. How do the priests of the
738 3, 16, 738 | Q. 739. How does the power to forgive
739 3, 16, 739 | Q. 740. Could God not forgive our
740 3, 16, 740 | Q. 741. What must we do to receive
741 3, 16, 741 | Q. 742. What should we pray for
742 3, 16, 742 | Q. 743. What faults do many commit
743 3, 16, 743 | Q. 744. What, then, is the most
744 3, 16, 744 | Q. 745. What is the chief reason
745 3, 16, 745 | Q. 746. What faults are to be avoided
746 3, 16, 746 | Q. 747. Is it wrong to go to confession
747 3, 16, 747 | Q. 748. What should a penitent
748 3, 16, 748 | Q. 749. What is the examination
749 3, 16, 749 | Q. 750. When is our confession
750 3, 16, 750 | Q. 751. How can we make a good
751 3, 16, 751 | Q. 752. What should we do before
752 3, 17, 752 | Q. 753. What is contrition, or
753 3, 17, 753 | Q. 754. Give an example of how
754 3, 17, 754 | Q. 755. What kind of sorrow should
755 3, 17, 755 | Q. 756. What do you mean by saying
756 3, 17, 756 | Q. 757. What do you mean by saying
757 3, 17, 757 | Q. 758. What do we mean by "motives
758 3, 17, 758 | Q. 759. What do you mean by saying
759 2, 7, 76 | 76. Q. How long did Christ
760 3, 17, 759 | Q. 760. Why cannot some of our
761 3, 17, 760 | Q. 761. What do you mean when you
762 3, 17, 761 | Q. 762. Why should we be sorry
763 3, 17, 762 | Q. 763. How do we show that sin
764 3, 17, 763 | Q. 764. How many kinds of contrition
765 3, 17, 764 | Q. 765. What is perfect contrition?~
766 3, 17, 765 | Q. 766. When will perfect contrition
767 3, 17, 766 | Q. 767. What is imperfect contrition?~
768 3, 17, 767 | Q. 768. What other name is given
769 3, 17, 768 | Q. 769. Is imperfect contrition
770 2, 7, 77 | 77. Q. Why did Christ live
771 3, 17, 769 | Q. 770. What do you mean by a firm
772 3, 17, 770 | Q. 771. What do you mean by the
773 3, 17, 771 | Q. 772. Why are we bound to avoid
774 3, 17, 772 | Q. 773. Is a person who is determined
775 3, 17, 773 | Q. 774. How many kinds of occasions
776 3, 17, 774 | Q. 775. What persons, places and
777 3, 18, 775 | Q. 776. What is Confession?~A.
778 3, 18, 776 | Q. 777. Who is a duly authorized
779 3, 18, 777 | Q. 778. Is it ever allowed to write
780 3, 18, 778 | Q. 779. What is to be done when
781 3, 18, 779 | Q. 780. What sins are we bound
782 3, 18, 780 | Q. 781. Why is it well to confess
783 3, 18, 781 | Q. 782. What should one do who
784 3, 18, 782 | Q. 783. Should a person stay from
785 3, 18, 783 | Q. 784. Should a person go to Communion
786 3, 18, 784 | Q. 785. Which are the chief qualities
787 3, 18, 785 | Q. 786. When is our Confession
788 3, 18, 786 | Q. 787. When is our Confession
789 3, 18, 787 | Q. 788. Why is it wrong to accuse
790 3, 18, 788 | Q. 789. When is our Confession
791 3, 18, 789 | Q. 790. What do you mean by the "
792 3, 18, 790 | Q. 791. What do we mean by "circumstances
793 3, 18, 791 | Q. 792. What should we do if we
794 3, 18, 792 | Q. 793. Is our Confession worthy
795 3, 18, 793 | Q. 794. May a person who has forgotten
796 3, 18, 794 | Q. 795. Is it a grievous offense
797 3, 18, 795 | Q. 796. How is concealing a sin
798 3, 18, 796 | Q. 797. Why is it foolish to conceal
799 3, 18, 797 | Q. 798. What must he do who has
800 3, 18, 798 | Q. 799. Must one who has willfully
801 2, 8, 80 | 80. Q. Why do you call that
802 3, 18, 799 | Q. 800. Why does the priest give
803 3, 18, 800 | Q. 801. Why should we have to satisfy
804 3, 18, 801 | Q. 802. Is the slight penance the
805 3, 18, 802 | Q. 803. Does not the Sacrament
806 3, 18, 803 | Q. 804. Why does God require a
807 3, 18, 804 | Q. 805. Which are the chief means
808 3, 18, 805 | Q. 806. What fasting has the greatest
809 3, 18, 806 | Q. 807. What is Lent?~A. Lent is
810 3, 18, 807 | Q. 808. What do we mean by "almsgiving"?~
811 3, 18, 808 | Q. 809. What "ills of life" help
812 2, 8, 81 | 81. Q. Where did Christ die?~
813 3, 18, 809 | Q. 810. How did the Christians
814 3, 18, 810 | Q. 811. What were these severe
815 3, 18, 811 | Q. 812. How can we know spiritual
816 3, 18, 812 | Q. 813. Which are the chief spiritual
817 3, 18, 813 | Q. 814. When are we bound to admonish
818 3, 18, 814 | Q. 815. Who are meant by the "ignorant"
819 3, 18, 815 | Q. 816. Why are we advised to bear
820 3, 18, 816 | Q. 817. If, then, it be a Christian
821 3, 18, 817 | Q. 818. Why is it a work of mercy
822 3, 18, 818 | Q. 819. Which are the chief corporal
823 2, 8, 82 | 82. Q. How did Christ die?~
824 3, 18, 819 | Q. 820. How may we briefly state
825 3, 18, 820 | Q. 821. How are Christians aided
826 3, 18, 821 | Q. 822. Who are religious?~A. Religious
827 3, 18, 822 | Q. 823. Are there any religious
828 3, 18, 823 | Q. 824. Why are there so many different
829 3, 19, 824 | Q. 825. What should we do on entering
830 3, 19, 825 | Q. 826. Which are the first things
831 3, 19, 826 | Q. 827. Should we tell anything
832 3, 19, 827 | Q. 828. After telling the time
833 3, 19, 828 | Q. 829. What is a general confession?~
834 3, 19, 829 | Q. 830. When should a General Confession
835 3, 19, 830 | Q. 831. What are the signs of scruples
836 3, 19, 831 | Q. 832. What must we do when the
837 3, 19, 832 | Q. 833. What should we do after
838 3, 19, 833 | Q. 834. What duties does the priest
839 3, 19, 834 | Q. 835. Why is it beneficial to
840 3, 19, 835 | Q. 836. Should we remain away from
841 3, 19, 836 | Q. 837. How should we end our Confession?~
842 3, 19, 837 | Q. 838. What should we do while
843 3, 20, 838 | Q. 839. What is an Indulgence?~
844 2, 8, 84 | 84. Q. What lessons do we learn
845 3, 20, 839 | Q. 840. What does the word "indulgence"
846 3, 20, 840 | Q. 841. Is an Indulgence a pardon
847 3, 20, 841 | Q. 842. How do good works done
848 3, 20, 842 | Q. 843. How many kinds of Indulgences
849 3, 20, 843 | Q. 844. What is Plenary Indulgence?~
850 3, 20, 844 | Q. 845. Is it easy to gain a Plenary
851 3, 20, 845 | Q. 846. Which are the most important
852 3, 20, 846 | Q. 847. What is a Partial Indulgence?~
853 3, 20, 847 | Q. 848. How long has the practice
854 3, 20, 848 | Q. 849. How do we show that the
855 2, 8, 85 | 85. Q. Where did Christ's soul
856 3, 20, 849 | Q. 850. How do we know that these
857 3, 20, 850 | Q. 851. Have there ever existed
858 3, 20, 851 | Q. 852. How have the enemies of
859 3, 20, 852 | Q. 853. How does the Church by
860 3, 20, 853 | Q. 854. What do we mean by the "
861 3, 20, 854 | Q. 855. Does the Church, by granting
862 3, 20, 855 | Q. 856. Who has the power to grant
863 3, 20, 856 | Q. 857. Where shall we find the
864 3, 20, 857 | Q. 858. What must we do to gain
865 3, 20, 858 | Q. 859. Besides being in a state
866 2, 8, 86 | 86. Q. Did Christ's soul descend
867 3, 20, 859 | Q. 860. How and why should we make
868 3, 20, 860 | Q. 861. What works are generally
869 3, 20, 861 | Q. 862. What does praying for a
870 3, 20, 862 | Q. 863. What does an Indulgence
871 3, 20, 863 | Q. 864. Why did the Church moderate
872 3, 20, 864 | Q. 865. To what things may Indulgences
873 3, 20, 865 | Q. 866. When do things lose the
874 3, 20, 866 | Q. 867. Will a weekly Confession
875 3, 20, 867 | Q. 868. How and when may we apply
876 3, 21, 868 | Q. 869. What does the word Eucharist
877 2, 8, 87 | 87. Q. Why did Christ descend
878 3, 21, 869 | Q. 870. What is the Holy Eucharist?~
879 3, 21, 870 | Q. 871. What do we mean when we
880 3, 21, 871 | Q. 872. When is the Holy Eucharist
881 3, 21, 872 | Q. 873. When did Christ institute
882 3, 21, 873 | Q. 874. Who were present when our
883 3, 21, 874 | Q. 875. How did our Lord institute
884 3, 21, 875 | Q. 876. What happened when our
885 3, 21, 876 | Q. 877. How do we prove the Real
886 3, 21, 877 | Q. 878. How do we know that it
887 3, 21, 878 | Q. 879. Are these changes exactly
888 2, 8, 88 | 88. Q. Where was Christ's body
889 3, 21, 879 | Q. 880. How do we show that Christ
890 3, 21, 880 | Q. 881. Is Jesus Christ whole and
891 3, 21, 881 | Q. 882. How do we know that under
892 3, 21, 882 | Q. 883. Is Jesus Christ present
893 3, 21, 883 | Q. 884. Did anything remain of
894 3, 21, 884 | Q. 885. What do you mean by the
895 3, 21, 885 | Q. 886. What is this change of
896 3, 21, 886 | Q. 887. What is the second great
897 3, 21, 887 | Q. 888. Are there not, then, as
898 3, 21, 888 | Q. 889. How was the substance of
899 3, 21, 889 | Q. 890. Does this change of bread
900 3, 21, 890 | Q. 891. When did Christ give His
901 3, 21, 891 | Q. 892. What do the words "Do this
902 3, 21, 892 | Q. 893. How do the priests exercise
903 3, 21, 893 | Q. 894. At what part of the Mass
904 3, 22, 894 | Q. 895. Why did Christ institute
905 3, 22, 895 | Q. 896. Has the Holy Eucharist
906 3, 22, 896 | Q. 897. How are we united to Jesus
907 3, 22, 897 | Q. 898. What is Holy Communion?~
908 3, 22, 898 | Q. 899. Is it not beneath the dignity
909 3, 35, 1333| Immaculate Conception (Dec. 8th);~2. Christmas (Dec. 25th);~
910 2, 8, 90 | 90. Q. How long did Christ
911 3, 22, 899 | Q. 900. Why does not the Church
912 3, 22, 900 | Q. 901. What is necessary to make
913 3, 22, 901 | Q. 902. What should a person do
914 3, 22, 902 | Q. 903. Does he who receives Communion
915 3, 22, 903 | Q. 904. Is it enough to be free
916 3, 22, 904 | Q. 905. What is the fast necessary
917 3, 22, 905 | Q. 906. Does medicine taken by
918 3, 22, 906 | Q. 907. Is any one ever allowed
919 3, 22, 907 | Q. 908. Is the Holy Communion called
920 3, 22, 908 | Q. 909. When are we bound to receive
921 3, 22, 909 | Q. 910. Is it well to receive Holy
922 3, 22, 910 | Q. 911. How shall we know how often
923 3, 22, 911 | Q. 912. What is a spiritual Communion?~
924 3, 22, 912 | Q. 913. What should we do after
925 3, 22, 913 | Q. 914. What length of time should
926 3, 22, 914 | Q. 915. What should we be particular
927 3, 23, 915 | Q. 916. When and where are the
928 3, 23, 916 | Q. 917. What is the Mass?~A. The
929 3, 23, 917 | Q. 918. Why is this Sacrifice called
930 3, 23, 918 | Q. 919. What is a sacrifice?~A.
931 2, 8, 92 | 92. Q. Where is Christ in heaven?~
932 3, 23, 919 | Q. 920. Is the Mass the same sacrifice
933 3, 23, 920 | Q. 921. How is the Mass the same
934 3, 23, 921 | Q. 922. What were the ends for
935 3, 23, 922 | Q. 923. How are the fruits of the
936 3, 23, 923 | Q. 924. Are all Masses of equal
937 3, 23, 924 | Q. 925. How are Masses distinguished?~
938 3, 23, 925 | Q. 926. For what end or intention
939 3, 23, 926 | Q. 927. Explain what is meant by
940 3, 23, 927 | Q. 928. From what may we learn
941 3, 23, 928 | Q. 929. From what did the custom
942 2, 8, 93 | 93. Q. What do you mean by
943 3, 23, 929 | Q. 930. Is it not simony, or the
944 3, 23, 930 | Q. 931. Is there any difference
945 3, 23, 931 | Q. 932. What are the chief parts
946 3, 23, 932 | Q. 933. At what part of the Mass
947 3, 23, 933 | Q. 934. What is the part of the
948 3, 23, 934 | Q. 935. What follows the Communion
949 3, 23, 935 | Q. 936. What things are necessary
950 3, 23, 936 | Q. 937. What is the altar stone,
951 3, 23, 937 | Q. 938. What lesson do we learn
952 3, 23, 938 | Q. 939. What things are used with
953 3, 23, 939 | Q. 940. What is the host?~A. The
954 3, 23, 940 | Q. 941. Are large and small hosts
955 3, 23, 941 | Q. 942. What vestments does the
956 3, 23, 942 | Q. 943. How many colors of vestments
957 3, 23, 943 | Q. 944. What is the Tabernacle
958 3, 23, 944 | Q. 945. What is the Ostensorium
959 3, 23, 945 | Q. 946. How should we assist at
960 3, 23, 946 | Q. 947. Which is the best manner
961 3, 23, 947 | Q. 948. What is important for the
962 3, 23, 948 | Q. 949. What is Benediction of
963 2, 9, 95 | 95. Q. From whom does the Holy
964 3, 23, 949 | Q. 950. Why does the priest wear
965 3, 23, 950 | Q. 951. How do we show that the
966 3, 23, 951 | Q. 952. Are there other reasons
967 3, 23, 952 | Q. 953. How are the persons who
968 3, 23, 953 | Q. 954. What is Vespers?~A. Vespers
969 3, 23, 954 | Q. 955. Can one satisfy for neglecting
970 3, 24, 955 | Q. 956. What is the Sacrament of
971 3, 24, 956 | Q. 957. Why is this Sacrament called
972 3, 24, 957 | Q. 958. Is this Sacrament called
973 3, 24, 958 | Q. 959. To whom may Extreme Unction
974 2, 9, 96 | 96. Q. Is the Holy Ghost equal
975 3, 24, 959 | Q. 960. What are the right dispositions
976 3, 24, 960 | Q. 961. When and by whom was Extreme
977 3, 24, 961 | Q. 962. When should we receive
978 3, 24, 962 | Q. 963. What parts of the body
979 3, 24, 963 | Q. 964. What things should be prepared
980 3, 24, 964 | Q. 965. What seems most proper
981 3, 24, 965 | Q. 966. What else is to be observed
982 3, 24, 966 | Q. 967. Should we wait until we
983 3, 24, 967 | Q. 968. What should we do in case
984 3, 24, 968 | Q. 969. Which are the effects of
985 3, 24, 969 | Q. 970. Will Extreme Unction take
986 3, 24, 970 | Q. 971. How do we know that this
987 3, 24, 971 | Q. 972. Since Extreme Unction may
988 3, 24, 972 | Q. 973. What do you mean by the
989 3, 24, 973 | Q. 974. How should we receive the
990 3, 24, 974 | Q. 975. Who is the minister of
991 3, 24, 975 | Q. 976. What is the final preparation
992 3, 24, 976 | Q. 977. At what time should persons
993 3, 24, 977 | Q. 978. What is the Sacrament of
994 3, 24, 978 | Q. 979. Besides bishops and priests,
995 2, 9, 98 | 98. Q. How did the Holy Ghost
996 3, 24, 979 | Q. 980. Why is this Sacrament called
997 3, 24, 980 | Q. 981. What are the grades by
998 3, 24, 981 | Q. 982. Are not the different orders
999 3, 24, 982 | Q. 983. What name is given to sub-deaconship,
1000 3, 24, 983 | Q. 984. What double power does