Day, Novell

 1  Ind      |         such as~ ~were for their instant sustenance. Whereupon, it
 2    1,    1|          of my birth, until this instant houre of my~ ~shrift. And
 3    2,    1| themselves affirmed) in the very instant~ ~houre of his departing,
 4    2,    5|          of them~ ~might at that instant have bin observed, the Arch-byshops
 5    2,    6|       long kept thee, and in one instant, reduce thine honor and~ ~
 6    2,    7|       Majorica, untill that very instant houre;~ ~speaking them in
 7    2,    7|       you will be pleased) in an instant, do~ ~me an exceeding honor,
 8    2,    7|        calamities: being at this instant in very~ ~poore estate,
 9    2,    7|      after, upon her earnest and instant request, with an honourable
10    2,    9|       condition he stood at that instant.~ ~ Frownes and fury he
11    2,    9|         friends love, that in an instant, and by a~ ~wicked lye,
12    2,   10|   certaine I am, that (till this instant) I~ ~have not seene you.
13    3,    7|     Theobaldo living.~ ~ At this instant Theobaldo thought it to
14    3,    8|       City of Bologna, that very instant day, a well staide and~ ~
15    3,    8|       upon his feete: at~ ~which instant time, the Monks having ended
16    3,    9|        the very originall to the instant, revealing also what she
17    4,    1|           and overthrew~ ~(in an instant) all their poore happinesse,
18    4,    1|       yeares, brought up to this instant in my~ ~Court; wherein thou
19    4,    1|       all things, even till this instant, (being~ ~the utmost period
20    4,    1|     Chamber, entring at the very instant, when she was laide~ ~upon
21    4,    2|         my bed, untill this very instant~ ~morning; whereto the weake-witted
22    4,    3|          Merchants, then at this instant time it is. Among whom,
23    4,    8|          presuming; that (in one instant) she~ ~expelled both love,
24    5,    1|       Love is the~ ~ground of my instant Conquest, and I must use
25    5,    2|         misfortunes, as also the instant solace of her soule (not
26    5,    6|          thither~ ~(at that very instant time) certaine Sicilian
27    5,    6|          seene him~ ~before this instant, and upon this perswasion (
28    5,    7|          from me,~ ~that in this instant houre, two severall kinds
29    5,   10|          were returned home this instant night, having their Asses~ ~
30    6,   10|        another. As~ ~now at this instant it hath bin my fortune:
31    6,   10|        why you would have~ ~this instant argument altered: but to
32    6,   10|          of our meeting, to this instant: appeareth~ ~not any jot
33    7,    3| boldnesse; that he durst be more instant with~ ~her (concerning his
34    7,    6|     returning home in~ ~the very instant; shee caused Lambertuccio
35    7,    6| faithfully to beleeve it, by the instant safety both~ ~of your owne
36    7,    9|        it to the~ ~ground, in an instant, revenge both thy wrong
37    8,    7|         waitingwoman. About this instant, the Scholler who lay sleeping (
38    8,    8|       revenged his wrong at that instant, so that neyther of them
39    8,    9|         procure the meanes, this instant night, when all~ ~the people
40    8,   10|      house, which let it be this instant night, if thou~ ~canst.
41    8,   10|       shaped his course. At that instant~ ~lodged there, Don Pietro
42    8,   10|          one thousand. At this~ ~instant I am utterly destitute of
43    9,    1|          Gray~ ~Friars, and this instant morning, Scannadio (for
44    9,    4|      tendered downe at this very instant,~ ~whereas if we deferre
45    9,    5|   occasions which~ ~command mine instant being at Florence: worke
46   10,    3|          selfe: even at the very instant, and when it was~ ~most
47   10,    4|        of the other, whereto our instant age is most of all~ ~inclined:
48   10,    4|       still and silent~ ~at this instant. Tell us then (said they)
49   10,    4|        all had~ ~happened to the instant houre, to the no meane admiration
50   10,    5|           the occasion of your~ ~instant comming hither, and thus
51   10,    6|       doe~ ~it. At the same time instant, no other service remaining
52   10,    6|          infancy;~ ~even to this instant houre, and alwayes your
53   10,    7|          that even in the very~ ~instant, when Loves fire tooke hold
54   10,    8|    affliction, thou wilt (in one instant) make us both truely~ ~comforted,
55   10,    8|         for Gisippus, as at this instant is made manifest by~ ~full
56   10,    9|       gladly too.~ ~ Even at the instant Sir, as we met with you,
57   10,    9|         of his departure, to the instant~ ~houre. Concluding withall,
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