Book, Chapter, Paragraph

 1 Pre,     0,  1|          the flesh; for before that time, Christ, the Word of God,
 2 Pre,     0,  5|         also, that there is to be a time of resurrection from the
 3 Pre,     0,  6|             these up to the present time are called his angels.~
 4 Pre,     0,  7|          its beginning at a certain time, and is to be destroyed
 5   I,     I,  8|            one hath seen God at any time," manifestly declares to
 6   I,    II,  2|       existed, even for a moment of time, without having generated
 7   I,    II,  2|        measured by any divisions of time, but even that which the
 8   I,    II,  9|             being, and never at any time non-existent. For if any
 9   I,    II, 10|            some ages or portions of time, or whatever else he likes
10   I,    II, 10|          afterwards, viz., from the time that He began to have persons
11   I,    II, 10|            But if there never was a time when He was not omnipotent,
12   I,    II, 11|          from the Father but not in time, nor from any other beginning,
13   I,    II, 13|             would require both much time and labour to collect together
14   I,   III,  3| descriptions. But up to the present time we have been able to find
15   I,   III,  4|         venture to say, that at the time when He was not yet the
16   I,   III,  4|            any other designation of time, they are not to be taken
17   I,   III,  4|            of these words relate to time, and those subjects of which
18   I,   III,  4|             language as existing in time, they nevertheless surpass
19   I,   III,  6|             knowledge of how long a time man is without sin, and
20   I,   III,  6|         have sinned, viz., from the time they are made capable of
21   I,   III,  6|          sin," viz., that, from the time the divine word or reason
22   I,   III,  7|       saints. Finally, also, at the time of the flood, when all flesh
23   I,   III,  8|           we be able at some future time perhaps, although with difficulty,
24   I,    IV,  1|            himself for a lengthened time in its principles and practice,
25   I,    IV,  1|            more, until in course of time everything will be forgotten,
26   I,    IV,  1|             losses which up to that time are only recent, and recover
27   I,     V,  3|            of happiness at the same time with their coming forth
28   I,     V,  4|          happiness it fell from the time that iniquity was found
29   I,     V,  5|         like lightning." For at one time he was light. Moreover our
30   I,     V,  5|             that he had been at one time in heaven, and had had a
31   I,    VI,  1|          punishment for his sins; a time which God alone knows, when
32   I,   VII,  3|          into existence at the same time with their bodies, or seem
33   I,   VII,  3|             living things be at any time without motion. And seeing
34   I,   VII,  3|           never appear to be at any time subject to derangement,
35   I,   VII,  4|            with their bodies at the time mentioned in Scripture,
36   I,   VII,  5|      corruption and vanity when the time of the glorious redemption
37   I,  VIII,  3|          prophets, there was once a time when he was good, when he
38   I,  VIII,  4|           shall show, at the proper time and place, how those passages
39  II,     I,  4|           granted that for a little time matter did not exist, and
40  II,    II,  1|          nothing after intervals of time, was produced when it did
41  II,   III,  1|              and if there will be a time when no world shall anywhere
42  II,   III,  1|              or if there has been a time when there was no world
43  II,   III,  2|           exist during intervals of time, and whether, as it did
44  II,   III,  2|            longer period, up to the time, viz., when those very bodies
45  II,   III,  3|       rational creatures can at any time lead an existence out of
46  II,   III,  3|            condition at some future time to be incorporeal; and if
47  II,   III,  4|              there will be a second time the same deluge, and the
48  II,   III,  4|            Judas will also a second time betray the Lord; Paul will
49  II,   III,  4|            Lord; Paul will a second time keep the garments of those
50  II,   III,  4|            would lie for the second time close beside that grain
51  II,   III,  4|             restored for the second time, with the same order and
52  II,    IV,  3|            man hath seen God at any time." But that God whom Moses
53  II,     V,  2|           those who perished at the time of the deluge, or the inhabitants
54  II,     V,  2|         they say that He who at one time was just has been made good?
55  II,     V,  4|          Spirit, who is at the same time both holy, and good, and
56  II,     V,  4|       testimonies, may perhaps some time be put to the blush.~
57  II,    VI,  1|                        1. It is now time, after this cursory notice
58  II,    VI,  6|  incessantly burning, it was at any time capable of admitting cold?
59  II,   VII,  1|           of the Holy Spirit.~It is time, then, that we say a few
60  II,   VII,  2|          only a few persons at that time, viz., the prophets themselves,
61  II,  VIII,  3|        before it was lost, at which time it was something else than
62  II,  VIII,  3|          have been something at one time, when as yet it had not
63  II,  VIII,  3|              it may become a second time what it was before it perished,
64  II,     X,  1|        teaching-viz., that when the time of judgment comes, everlasting
65  II,     X,  1|          clothed with them a second time at the resurrection. The
66  II,     X,  1|            in order to die a second time. And this, finally, may
67  II,     X,  4|       against itself, at a suitable time all that assembly of evils
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