
  1      III|           him.~ ~“Do you hear that, Marquis?” he exclaimed.~ ~And pleased
  2      III|             and this is my son, the Marquis.”~ ~The priest bowed, but
  3      III|          there was one, Monsieur le Marquis.”~ ~The old housekeeper,
  4       IV|         duke’s arrival.~ ~“I am the Marquis de Sairmeuse,” he said,
  5        V|             step on the part of the Marquis de Sairmeuse.~ ~At the thought
  6       VI|           about the square with the Marquis de Courtornieu——”~ ~“And
  7       VI|         interrupted Maurice.~ ~“The Marquis Martial, is it not? He is
  8      VII|             good people. Follow me, Marquis!”~ ~As he appeared at the
  9      VII|            companions in exile, the Marquis de Courtornieu, whom he
 10     VIII|            the banquet given by the Marquis de Courtornieu was over;
 11        X|      returning from dining with the Marquis de Courtornieu, the evening
 12        X|            concluded:~ ~“Decidedly, Marquis,” he exclaimed, “this Lacheneur
 13        X|            exclaimed. “Are you mad, Marquis? Think of the income that
 14       XI|             apparition of the young Marquis de Sairmeuse, Maurice d’
 15       XI|           armies.~ ~Still the young marquis did not change his insolently
 16       XI|            nor forget.”~ ~The young marquis shook his head gravely.~ ~“
 17       XI|        ignorant.~ ~But what did the marquis desire here—and why this
 18       XI|             the first advance; you, Marquis, go and find Monsieur Lacheneur,
 19       XI|        Maurice. In other words, the marquis, not content with having
 20       XI|              This last is too much, Marquis de Sairmeuse!”~ ~Maurice’
 21       XI|        cowardice on the part of the Marquis de Sairmeuse that he decided
 22       XI|            the meaning of the young marquis.~ ~He was evidentlypaying
 23       XI|            Her agitation, while the marquis spoke in a more and more
 24       XI|          him? Had he avowed it, the marquis would not have been displeased.~ ~
 25       XI|            meeting you, Monsieur le Marquis,” said he, “I deem it my
 26       XI|           conceal the fact when the marquis, after many earnest protestations,
 27       XI|           pleased this coxcomb of a marquis; and— he wishes to make
 28      XII|           he ventured to follow the marquis at a little distance, but
 29      XII|            Did he suspect the young marquis’s passion for Marie-Anne?~ ~
 30      XII|             it to him.”~ ~The young marquis gave fervent thanks to Heaven
 31     XIII|            leaving Sairmeuse.~ ~The marquis thought that he had caused
 32     XIII|              in comparison with the Marquis de Courtornieu, I am only
 33     XIII|             to Bonaparte, this dear marquis. But, chut! do not remind
 34     XIII|           he is as rich as you are, Marquis, and his influence is powerful
 35     XIII|             de Courtornieu, and the marquis came forward to receive
 36     XIII|     lavished upon his visitors. The marquis was long rather than tall,
 37     XIII|            our cousin,” replied the marquis, in an indifferent tone; “
 38     XIII|          allowed his father and the marquis to go upstairs without him.~ ~
 39     XIII|       appearances of a man like the Marquis de Courtornieu.~ ~The apparently
 40     XIII|           in the least, Monsieur le Marquis, although this letter which
 41     XIII|            drawing-rooms, the young marquis had taught his face not
 42     XIII|             Marie-Anne, Monsieur le Marquis, since her father was the
 43     XIII|           would have protested. The marquis was not guilty of this folly.~ ~“
 44     XIII|           was more cunning than the marquis. She had satisfied herself
 45     XIII|        expressed was a command. The marquis bowed and obeyed.~ ~“She
 46     XIII|                So you have seen the marquis, Marie-Anne?”~ ~“Yes.”~ ~“
 47      XIV|            all that he heard in the Marquis de Courtornieu’s cabinet,
 48      XIV|            bitter reproaches.~ ~The Marquis de Courtornieu, who acted
 49      XIV|             Blanche, when the young marquis rejoined her, quite forgot
 50      XIV|          fascination upon the young marquis.~ ~She was so evidently
 51      XIV|            in the soul of the young marquis; a conflict between his
 52      XIV|              Useless folly! Zounds! Marquis, you carry matters with
 53       XV|            he had received from the marquis, and Lacheneur’s feigned
 54      XVI|     reflections.~ ~“To say that the marquis has been kind is saying
 55      XVI|            hearing the names of the marquis and of Marie-Anne, the robust
 56      XVI|              said she, “here is the Marquis de Sairmeuse.”~ ~This name,
 57      XVI|         deceived by the excuses the marquis makes for these frequent
 58      XVI|        opened the door to admit the Marquis de Sairmeuse.~ ~Martial
 59      XVI|            him made him turn.~ ~The Marquis de Sairmeuse was following
 60     XVII|                  CHAPTER XVII~ ~The Marquis de Courtornieu idolized
 61     XVII|             moment.~ ~Sometimes the marquis revolted, but nine times
 62     XVII|          find this liberator?~ ~The marquis had announced everywhere
 63     XVII|      son-in-law,” he thought.~ ~The marquis believed it best to strike
 64     XVII|     marriage portion,” declared the marquis.~ ~“His Majesty is favorably
 65     XVII|         most intense anxiety.~ ~The marquis was delighted.~ ~“My wilful
 66     XVII|          the movements of the young Marquis de Sairmeuse, one would
 67     XVII|            is—an attention from the Marquis de Sairmeuse.”~ ~“So she
 68     XVII|    accepting flowers.”~ ~“What! the Marquis de Sairmeuse?”~ ~“Has demanded
 69     XVII|          you: she imagines that the Marquis de Sairmeuse is your lover.”~ ~
 70     XVII|           to the attentions of this marquis, whom you loathe as much
 71    XVIII|             to be reconciled to the Marquis de Sairmeuse in order to
 72    XVIII|           over Chanlouineau and the Marquis de Sairmeuse. If she became
 73    XVIII|           of Chanlouineau or of the Marquis de Sairmeuse. You regard
 74    XVIII|             promise me to avoid the Marquis de Sairmeuse?”~ ~“I will.”~ ~“
 75      XIX|         Maurice dEscorval whom the Marquis de Sairmeuse had seen leaving
 76      XIX|     department of Montaignac.~ ~The Marquis de Courtornieu had also
 77      XIX|             to the lowliness of the marquis’s former tastes. She found
 78      XIX|         camp,” said Lacheneur. “The Marquis de Sairmeuse will be our
 79      XIX|          But he was in love.~ ~“Ah! Marquis,” remarked his father one
 80       XX|            Duc de Sairmeuse and the Marquis de Courtornieu were past
 81       XX|            military forces, and the marquis, made presiding judge of
 82       XX|             useless to send for the marquis.”~ ~“And why, you fool?”~ ~“
 83       XX|         gone so far.~ ~“Because the marquis——”~ ~“Well?”~ ~“He is engaged
 84       XX|            house.~ ~He expected the marquis would be terrified; not
 85      XXI|            Duc de Sairmeuse and the Marquis de Courtornieu had more
 86      XXI|            Duc de Sairmeuse nor the Marquis de Courtornieu has been
 87      XXI|          very hour the duke and the marquis are in the power of our
 88     XXII|          went to Montaignac, or the marquis paid a visit to the chateau.~ ~
 89     XXII|     messenger was informed that the marquis was perfectly well, but,
 90    XXIII|    Sairmeuse nearly wild.~ ~But the Marquis de Courtornieu’s coolness
 91    XXIII|        satisfaction.~ ~His son, the Marquis de Sairmeuse, was he, or
 92    XXIII|             had he met him? Was the marquis returning? And by which
 93    XXIII|           of an hour before.~ ~“The marquis went at once to his own
 94    XXIII|            not speak ill of Chupin, Marquis; he is a very useful man.
 95    XXIII|          head of the movement? yes, Marquis. Ah! your usual discernment
 96      XXV|            Duc de Sairmeuse and the Marquis de Courtornieu. I will accompany
 97      XXV|            Duc de Sairmeuse and the Marquis de Courtornieu had closed
 98      XXV|            was going on between the Marquis de Courtornieu and himself.~ ~
 99      XXV|           last, even threats.~ ~The marquis declared it necessary to
100      XXV|     inclined to be indulgent.~ ~The marquis declared that since Lacheneur,
101      XXV|           the tribunal. At last the marquis yielded.~ ~The duke had
102      XXV|             pistols that the worthy marquis felt a disagreeable chilliness
103     XXVI|            Duc de Sairmeuse and the Marquis de Courtornieu were passing
104    XXVII|            Duc de Sairmeuse and the Marquis de Courtornieu for the assembling
105    XXVII|            entered, followed by the Marquis de Courtornieu and several
106    XXVII|    Lacheneur, his son Jean, and the Marquis de Sairmeuse.”~ ~The duke
107    XXVII|         nodded their assent.~ ~“The Marquis de Sairmeuse was so truly
108    XXVII|             gasped.~ ~“Send for the marquis,” said Chanlouineau, tranquilly, “
109    XXVII|       understand the part which the Marquis de Sairmeuse has played
110    XXVII|        demanded the presence of the Marquis de Sairmeuse.~ ~But the
111    XXVII|       Thanks to the activity of the Marquis de Courtornieu, the prosecution
112    XXVII|            for the prosecution, the Marquis de Courtornieu left his
113    XXVII|            request you, Monsieur le Marquis,” said the duke, “to have
114    XXVII| inarticulate moans, interrupted the marquis.~ ~The suffering which Maurice
115   XXVIII|            Duc de Sairmeuse, or the Marquis de Courtornieu, and tell
116   XXVIII|        powerful attractions for the Marquis de Courtornieu.~ ~“Do you
117   XXVIII|             in case of failure, the Marquis de Sairmeuse furnished it.
118   XXVIII|          written by the hand of the Marquis de Sairmeuse. It is impossible
119   XXVIII|             the commission that the Marquis de Sairmeuse was one of
120   XXVIII|          success as I knew that the marquis had been wounded. I declared
121   XXVIII|                Did you say that the Marquis de Sairmeuse had been wounded?”
122   XXVIII|             fury on recognizing the marquis would be impossible.~ ~“‘
123   XXVIII|       murmured, “has challenged the marquis! Is it possible?”~ ~“Brave
124   XXVIII|       threatening a manner that the marquis dismounted, and addressing
125   XXVIII|         care for him.~ ~“As for the marquis, he showed me that he too
126     XXIX|            conspirator, excited the Marquis de Courtornieu so much that
127     XXIX|          capture.”~ ~From white the Marquis de Sairmeuse had turned
128     XXIX|            for nothing, Monsieur le Marquis,” she said, quietly.~ ~“
129     XXIX|             love you only. I am the Marquis de Sairmeuse. I am the possessor
130     XXIX|                 Marie-Anne knew the Marquis de Sairmeuse well enough
131     XXIX|            a poor girl, Monsieur le Marquis,” she murmured, at last. “
132     XXIX|            have answered “Yes.” The Marquis de Sairmeuse did inspire
133     XXIX|          letter was the work of the Marquis de Sairmeuse, your son.”~ ~
134     XXIX|        expected, on the part of the marquis, an indignant denial, cruel
135     XXIX|         prove the complicity of the Marquis de Sairmeuse? Yes, or no?
136     XXIX|             tribunal, declared you, Marquis, his leader and his accomplice.
137     XXIX|        brilliantly? You, you alone, Marquis.~ ~“You believe in nothing,
138     XXIX|            you who I am addressing, Marquis. Do you hear me? Speak!
139     XXIX|            to add another word, the marquis turned to Marie-Anne.~ ~“
140     XXIX|             before us,” resumed the marquis. “Fortunately, it is only
141      XXX|          resumed:~ ~“You, yourself, Marquis, would doubtless be compromised.
142      XXX|             reign of Bonaparte? Ah, Marquis! how could a man of your
143      XXX|            not dreaming; it was the Marquis de Courtornieu and Martial
144      XXX|          dear Martial,” pursued the Marquis de Courtornieu; “you possess
145      XXX|               interrupted the young marquis; “I have taken every precaution.
146    XXXII|            door opened to admit the Marquis de Courtornieu, who, after
147    XXXII|             good fellow—” began the marquis, in his most condescending
148    XXXII|             end of the sentence the marquis made his escape, greatly
149    XXXII|    character like that of the young Marquis de Sairmeuse.~ ~The document
150    XXXII|           upon the credulity of the Marquis de Courtornieu. This was
151    XXXII|             de Sairmeuse and to the Marquis de Courtornieu, who, in
152    XXXII|            Duc de Sairmeuse nor the Marquis de Courtornieu could repress
153    XXXII|            interchanged between the marquis and the duke.~ ~Martial
154    XXXII|              To the duke and to the marquis, of course, since they were
155    XXXII|            to his father and to the marquis; “but what?”~ ~“Well, what
156    XXXII|             it matter?” replied the marquis, “you have the compromising
157   XXXIII|         been guilty.~ ~And when the Marquis de Courtornieu asked if
158   XXXIII|             Now,” she thought, “the marquis will return to me, and I
159   XXXIII|            between the duke and the Marquis de Courtornieu; that he,
160   XXXIII|            Duc de Sairmeuse and the marquis had been pursued with feverish
161   XXXIII|           to these questions.~ ~The Marquis de Courtornieu himself seemed
162   XXXIII|            curiosity of Monsieur le Marquis. I do not belong to the
163   XXXIII|            Duc de Sairmeuse and the Marquis de Courtornieu; and it was
164    XXXIV|            part of the duke and the marquis to fear.~ ~People execrated
165    XXXIV|          Someone desires to see the marquis,” whispered the valet.~ ~“
166    XXXIV|          husky voice; “where is the Marquis de Courtornieu?”~ ~The duke
167    XXXIV|    Courtornieu?”~ ~The duke and the marquis were with Mme. Blanche in
168    XXXIV|         paper from the hands of the Marquis de Courtornieu, and addressing
169    XXXIV|         that the voice of the young marquis penetrated to the farthest
170    XXXIV|             he read:~ ~“Monsieur le marquis—In exchange for a dozen
171    XXXIV|            he demanded, looking the Marquis de Courtornieu full in the
172    XXXIV|  Overwhelmed by this denouement the marquis sank into an arm-chair,
173     XXXV|          fall into the hands of the Marquis de Courtornieu alive. You
174     XXXV|            Duc de Sairmeuse and the Marquis de Courtornieu off the track;
175   XXXVII|            of the Sairmeuse and the Marquis de Courtornieu! I do not
176  XXXVIII|            effect produced upon the marquis by the insulting letter.~ ~“
177  XXXVIII|             this proud and detested marquis at his feet.~ ~“Very well,
178  XXXVIII|           are too fast, Monsieur le Marquis! Have you forgotten all
179  XXXVIII|   bewilderment had seized the young marquis, and he stood motionless
180  XXXVIII|           wife, his father, and the Marquis de Courtornieu. What reproaches,
181    XXXIX|             full in the face of the Marquis de Courtornieu.~ ~And when
182    XXXIX|         Courtornieu.~ ~And when the marquis sank half-fainting into
183    XXXIX|        broke the spell.~ ~While the Marquis de Courtornieu was panting
184    XXXIX|         fled.~ ~An hour before, the Marquis de Courtornieu and the Duc
185    XXXIX|             servants surrounded the marquis, who was lying like one
186    XXXIX|          most angry, Martial or the Marquis de Courtornieu.~ ~Martial,
187    XXXIX|             other hand, had not the Marquis de Courtornieu represented
188    XXXIX|         which had so often made the Marquis de Courtornieu tremble,
189    XXXIX|                  Speak,” sighed the marquis. “What do you wish to say?”~ ~
190    XXXIX|             sound of this name, the marquis bounded from his chair with
191    XXXIX|          death would have given the Marquis de Courtornieu infinite
192    XXXIX|           the proper moment.”~ ~The marquis gravely shook his head.~ ~“
193       XL|           could he thus abandon the Marquis de Courtornieu, who had
194       XL|            attend him, declared the marquis to be at death’s door.~ ~
195       XL|            he entered the room, the marquis, who was seated in an arm-chair,
196       XL|            Enough!” interrupted the marquis; “enough! This is one of
197       XL|     wonderstruck air he watched the marquis and his daughter depart,
198       XL|    successfully with the perfidious marquis.~ ~“But Martial is a match
199       XL|            certainly have gone mad, Marquis,” he exclaimed. “That is
200       XL|         Escorval had appointed?”~ ~“Marquis!”~ ~“Very well! Then it
201       XL|           infamy on the part of the Marquis de Courtornieu.”~ ~The duke
202       XL|        throw all the odium upon the Marquis de Courtornieu, and keep
203       XL|         face brightened.~ ~“Zounds, Marquis!” he exclaimed; “that is
204       XL|        thoughtful.~ ~“It is not the Marquis de Courtornieu whom I fear,”
205      XLI|      failure to be the fault of the Marquis de Sairmeuse, who had detained
206      XLI|            Duc de Sairmeuse and the Marquis de Courtornieu were at variance.
207      XLI|            talk of the country. The marquis had returned to his chateau,
208      XLI|             it was rumored that the Marquis de Courtornieu was ill,
209      XLI|            between the duke and the marquis, and this was the universal
210      XLI|           influenced by that odious Marquis de Courtornieu.”~ ~Marie-Anne
211     XLII|             see that day!” said the marquis, vehemently.~ ~But, unfortunately
212     XLII|            King to suppose that the Marquis de Courtornieu might have
213     XLII|           been led by the ambitious marquis, upon whom he cast most
214     XLII|             this was, that when the Marquis de Courtornieu’s report
215     XLII|          only wish you to watch the Marquis de Sairmeuse.”~ ~“Your husband?”~ ~“
216     XLII|            Your father, monsieur le marquismon Dieu! what a misfortune!
217     XLII|            can I tell you? When the marquis went out this morning his
218     XLII|          the chateau.~ ~“How is the marquis?” she inquired of the first
219     XLII|            a gun; he fired——”~ ~The marquis paused, and Blanche summoned
220     XLII|           utter the name.~ ~But the marquis had resumed his incoherent
221     XLII|             circumstances, that the marquis had not pardoned Lacheneur.~ ~
222     XLII|         this?”~ ~“In undressing the marquis I noticed that he had received
223     XLII|            you have not watched the marquis?”~ ~“Your husband? Excuse
224     XLII|      Lacheneur who had fired at the marquis then. She did not doubt
225    XLIII|           this ambitious man.~ ~The marquis, who had always been temperate
226    XLIII|            a child.~ ~Often, as the marquis roamed about the large gardens,
227    XLIII|            I have been watching the marquis, he has not once passed
228     XLIV|       looked at the address.~ ~“The Marquis de Sairmeuse!” she exclaimed,
229     XLIV|              Ah!” she thought, “the Marquis de Sairmeuse would be a
230     XLIV|            my child,” said he; “the Marquis is certainly sincere. It
231     XLIV|         must trust ourselves to the Marquis de Sairmeuse. Only the baron,
232     XLIV|           his enemies? Does not the Marquis de Sairmeuse promise him
233     XLIV|         letter I am to write to the marquis.”~ ~The priest did not reply
234     XLIV|             not that I distrust the marquis, not by any means, but a
235     XLIV|       through the attentions of the marquis.”~ ~“Oh! sir, I entreat
236     XLIV|             had promised to see the marquis in person. But the cause
237      XLV|         Aunt Medea was ready.~ ~The marquis had just been put to bed,
238      XLV|          Martial.~ ~Yes, it was the Marquis de Sairmeuse who was to
239     XLVI|         Martial’s mistress!”~ ~“The Marquis de Sairmeuse! I saw him
240     XLVI|             not the mistress of the Marquis de Sairmeuse,” she said,
241    XLVII|          must be punished. When the Marquis de Sairmeuse became convinced
242    XLVII|            your arrest——”~ ~“Or the Marquis de Courtornieu,” interrupted
243    XLVII|       infuriated wild beast.~ ~“The Marquis de Sairmeuse here!” he exclaimed.~ ~
244    XLVII|       attack Maurice.~ ~But no; the Marquis de Sairmeuse had resumed
245    XLVII|        remount his horse.~ ~But the marquis did not take the road to
246   XLVIII|           to be the birthday of the marquis’s valet de chambre. The
247   XLVIII|             Will you speak?”~ ~“The Marquis de Sairmeuse is below, in
248   XLVIII|            to suspense.~ ~“Tell the marquis that I will be there in
249   XLVIII|            left in the hands of the Marquis de Courtornieu. Now that
250   XLVIII|            to see Mme. Blanche, the marquis was again reminded of the
251   XLVIII|            exist no longer, and the Marquis de Courtornieu may be regarded
252   XLVIII|           was soon rumored that the Marquis and the Marquise de Sairmeuse
253     XLIX|        traitor, assassinated.~ ~The Marquis de Courtornieu lived, or
254       LI|             insane people. When the marquis began to rave and howl this
255       LI|      represented the savings of the Marquis de Courtornieu during the
256       LI|            the post-chaise with the Marquis and Marquise de Sairmeuse.~ ~
257       LI|          take the fellow!” said the marquis, angrily, on receiving this
258       LI|            his immense fortune, the Marquis de Sairmeuse knew that a
259      LII|                  It is probably the marquis whom he desires to see.”~ ~“
260      LII|        everybody the address of the Marquis de Sairmeuse. At last he
261      LII|        attempted to assassinate the Marquis de Courtornieu——”~ ~“Jean
262      LII|            Duc de Sairmeuse and the Marquis de Courtornieu have reaped
263     LIII|      traitor, up to her father, the Marquis de Courtornieu, whose mind
264       LV|        through the jeweller and the Marquis dArlange had failed, it
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