Parte,  Chap.

  1   I,  TransPre|             proof of the uncritical way in which "Don Quixote" is
  2   I,  TransPre|            his boyhood was in every way a transition period for
  3   I,  TransPre|          that a "Lycidas" finds its way into a volume of this sort,
  4   I,  TransPre|          him much good in any other way.~ ~While it was going through
  5   I,  TransPre|           basin on his head, on his way to bleed a patient; the
  6   I,  TransPre|             Don Quixote in the only way he could, by killing him.
  7   I,  TransPre|           conceive Cervantes giving way to despondency or prostrated
  8   I,  TransPre|       oftener requited in some such way for all the mischief it
  9   I,  TransPre|           to spoil his work in this way. Sancho, when he reappears,
 10   I,   AuthPre|            may safely do it in this way. If you mention any giant
 11   I,   AuthPre|      whether you have not, being no way concerned in it; especially
 12   I,         I|    commended, however, the author's way of ending his book with
 13   I,        II|   comforting himself he pursued his way, taking that which his horse
 14   I,        II|            they call them, on their way to Seville with some carriers
 16   I,        IV|            Toledo traders, on their way to buy silk at Murcia. There
 17   I,        IV|            at the ball, and in this way we shall be satisfied and
 18   I,         V|           has, and has got into the way of reading so constantly,
 19   I,         V|             brought to ruin in this way the finest understanding
 20   I,         V|             it was often my uncle's way to stay two days and nights
 21   I,         V|        talked when found and on the way home, all which made the
 22   I,        VI|      temptation out of our friend's way. To begin, then, with the '
 23   I,        VI|            been written, and in its way it is the best and the most
 24   I,       VII|           night, and made such good way in the course of it that
 25   I,      VIII|            while he went on in this way, gulping down draught after
 26   I,      VIII|           did not seem to be on the way to remedy the deficiency
 27   I,      VIII|      appeared, a Biscay lady on her way to Seville, where her husband
 28   I,      VIII|          seeing him come on in this way, was convinced of his courage
 29   I,      VIII|     favouring him, he did find in a way that shall be related in
 30   I,        IX|    discovery of it occurred in this way.~ ~One day, as I was in
 31   I,        IX|            written in the margin by way of a note. I bade him tell
 32   I,        IX|          translation, began in this way:~ ~With trenchant swords
 33   I,        XI|             gallantry will make its way to them through chinks or
 34   I,        XI|             Sancho had no mind that way, being more inclined for
 35   I,      XIII|    inquiring one of the other which way each party was going, they
 36   I,      XIII|           love; besides which, that way of falling in love with
 37   I,      XIII|            along conversing in this way, when they saw descending
 38   I,       XIV|     deceived complain, let him give way to despair whose encouraged
 39   I,        XV|           Yanguesan carriers, whose way it is to take their midday
 40   I,        XV|          Don Quixote fared the same way, all his skill and high
 41   I,       XVI|          not that this stood in the way I should not be so insensible
 42   I,       XVI|          his warrants, and made his way in the dark into the room
 43   I,      XVII|         then pummelled me in such a way that I am in a worse plight
 44   I,      XVII|             Don Quixote; "is it the way of this country to address
 45   I,      XVII|      officer heard him talk in this way, he took him for a man out
 46   I,      XVII|           each word with a cross by way of benediction, at all which
 47   I,      XVII|            began to vomit in such a way that nothing was left in
 48   I,      XVII|        stood there, to serve him by way of a lance. All that were
 49   I,      XVII|          not pay to compel him in a way that he would not like.
 50   I,      XVII|           see if he could find some way of getting in; but as soon
 51   I,     XVIII|         have avenged thee in such a way that those braggart thieves
 52   I,     XVIII|         Mount, friend, and lead the way, and I will follow thee
 53   I,       XIX|          Going along, then, in this way, the night dark, the squire
 54   I,       XIX|          leave me injured in such a way that I shall remain injured
 55   I,       XIX|          not all happen in the same way," answered Don Quixote; "
 56   I,        XX|            the meadow feeling their way, for the darkness of the
 57   I,        XX|           weep in the most pathetic way, saying:~ ~"Senor, I know
 58   I,        XX|        grazier -"~ ~"If that is the way thou tellest thy tale, Sancho,"
 59   I,        XX|           in my country in the very way I am telling this," answered
 60   I,        XX|                 That is the natural way of women," said Don Quixote, "
 61   I,        XX|           goats before him took his way across the plains of Estremadura
 62   I,        XX|            going and coming in this way, or thou wilt not make an
 63   I,        XX|           have imagined, and such a way of telling it and ending
 64   I,        XX|          and enterprise, and on the way commending himself to God,
 65   I,        XX|             moreover that it is the way with great lords after any
 66   I,        XX|          liberties, for in whatever way I may be provoked with you
 67   I,       XXI|           have it, as he was on the way it began to rain, and not
 68   I,       XXI|         down upon him, had no other way of saving himself from the
 69   I,       XXI|          turning it round, now this way, now that, in search of
 70   I,       XXI|            of putting myself in the way of wanting it, for I mean,
 71   I,       XXI|        deserted here? for, from the way he took to his heels and
 72   I,       XXI|           went along, then, in this way Sancho said to his master, "
 73   I,       XXI|         their hearts not to see any way of making their pains and
 74   I,       XXI|            off or in whatever other way it may be, the princess
 75   I,       XXI|           Quixote, "and in the same way thou mayest carry thy barber
 76   I,      XXII|            of galley slaves, on the way to the galleys by force
 77   I,      XXII|          dying of hunger and has no way of buying what he wants;
 78   I,      XXII|          brokers on change; in this way many of the evils would
 79   I,      XXII|            the crumbs freeze on the way to their mouths, and know
 80   I,      XXII|       others, they being therein no way concerned. This request
 81   I,      XXII|          order us to do so! Go your way, sir, and good luck to you;
 82   I,      XXII|      separate, and each one his own way, endeavouring to hide ourselves
 83   I,      XXII|          they went each one his own way, more solicitous about keeping
 84   I,     XXIII|       Seeing himself served in this way, Don Quixote said to his
 85   I,     XXIII|             and, Sancho leading the way on his ass, they entered
 86   I,     XXIII|       settles everything in its own way, so ordered it that Gines
 87   I,     XXIII|            long as he could go that way, he would not have given
 88   I,     XXIII|     feebleness of Rocinante to make way over such rough ground,
 89   I,     XXIII|            meddlesome and officious way the real owner may be discovered;
 90   I,     XXIII|            not be able to find your way out; and I am wondering
 91   I,     XXIII|             talking to himself in a way that would have been unintelligible
 92   I,      XXIV|             attempt it in any other way was to attempt an impossibility.
 93   I,      XXIV|             he could find no better way of effacing from his mind
 94   I,      XXIV|            upon him angrily, as his way was; "and it is a very great
 95   I,      XXIV|          One received him in such a way that with a blow of his
 96   I,       XXV|      proceeded slowly, making their way into the most rugged part
 97   I,       XXV|           of at your breast, a fine way we should have been in for
 98   I,       XXV|           to posterity. In the same way Amadis was the polestar,
 99   I,       XXV|          Amadis, who without giving way to any mischievous madness
100   I,       XXV|         knights who behaved in this way had provocation and cause
101   I,       XXV|           no more; thus in whatever way she may answer I shall escape
102   I,       XXV|          such a rock, and in such a way, that the very first may
103   I,       XXV|        loveletter thou canst put by way of signature, 'Yours till
104   I,       XXV|           have a good right to give way to despair and hang yourself;
105   I,       XXV|         said to the worthy widow by way of brotherly remonstrance, '
106   I,       XXV|             Aristotle.' In the same way, Sancho, for all I want
107   I,       XXV|        shall not be able to find my way back to this spot where
108   I,       XXV|             him; and so he went his way, though Don Quixote still
109   I,      XXVI|       perfectly deciphered. In this way, and in sighing and calling
110   I,      XXVI|           was to put himself in the way of endeavouring to become
111   I,      XXVI|             since it did not in any way hurt his conscience it would
112   I,      XXVI|        bring things about in such a way that my master should have
113   I,      XXVI|             terms, and that in this way they might remove him and
114   I,     XXVII|        priest to dress himself that way even though much might depend
115   I,     XXVII|          guise and dressing in this way were of the highest importance
116   I,     XXVII|            himself, because in this way and with what they meant
117   I,     XXVII|            he felt sure that in the way of bestowing rewards on
118   I,     XXVII|              but as I was making my way among these crags, my mule
119   I,    XXVIII|        their wealth and free-handed way of life they are coming
120   I,    XXVIII|            other nights in the same way, until it should be his
121   I,    XXVIII|       honour, when my patience gave way and the secret of my heart
122   I,    XXVIII|          put this impediment in the way of the second marriage,
123   I,    XXVIII|       terror and fatigue, I made my way into the mountains, without
124   I,      XXIX|         offered his services in any way that might be of use to
125   I,      XXIX|            relief, and smoothed the way for us to our object."~ ~
126   I,      XXIX|       princess at once; for in this way he will be disabled from
127   I,      XXIX|         Guinea queens have the same way of taking the names of their
128   I,      XXIX|            devices, soon hit upon a way of effecting their purpose,
129   I,      XXIX|            she said "Yes, senor, my way lies towards that kingdom."~ ~"
130   I,       XXX|           on the high roads go that way and suffer as they do because
131   I,       XXX|         Sancho, "for I shall find a way out of all as as I found
132   I,       XXX|          out of all as as I found a way in; but I implore you, senor,
133   I,      XXXI|                  I measured in this way," said Sancho; "going to
134   I,      XXXI|          his knowing how or in what way it happened, he wakes up
135   I,      XXXI|             mean to travel all that way for nothing, and to let
136   I,      XXXI|          know that according to our way of thinking in chivalry,
137   I,      XXXI|           by a youth passing on his way, who stopping to examine
138   I,      XXXI|            if you had gone your own way and not come where there
139   I,      XXXI|             burst upon me in such a way, that I feel as if I should
140   I,     XXXII|         tail, for it is a shame the way that thing of my husband'
141   I,    XXXIII|          such great friends that by way of distinction they were
142   I,    XXXIII|             of Anselmo, and in this way their inclinations kept
143   I,    XXXIII|             to gratify him in every way he could; but when the wedding
144   I,    XXXIII|            and should not be in any way suspicious, still a married
145   I,    XXXIII|            by testing her in such a way that the trial may prove
146   I,    XXXIII|       treating her as guilty in the way that may seem best to thee?
147   I,    XXXIII|          possesses; and if she give way and be unable to resist,
148   I,    XXXIII|             not to be placed in her way to make her trip and fall,
149   I,    XXXIII|           and passes, they stop the way to them with mud, and then
150   I,    XXXIII|           that her virtue will give way at the first attack: with
151   I,    XXXIII|           could see no satisfactory way out of this ill-advised
152   I,    XXXIII|          seemed to him an excellent way of beginning to gain her
153   I,    XXXIII|             knew not what to say by way of a new falsehood; but
154   I,     XXXIV|             kept her word in such a way that she confirmed Camilla'
155   I,     XXXIV|            less cruel and degrading way. He cursed his want of sense,
156   I,     XXXIV|             the moment thought of a way to remedy what was to all
157   I,     XXXIV|        heard him he spoke in such a way as to make a listener feel
158   I,      XXXV|             to pummel him in such a way, that if Cardenio and the
159   I,      XXXV|            calm, senor; do not give way to passion or follow him
160   I,      XXXV|            the citizen and went his way.~ ~This disastrous intelligence
161   I,      XXXV|   impossibility about it. As to the way in which the story is told,
162   I,     XXXVI|           not seen her face all the way: I have indeed heard her
163   I,     XXXVI|           that woman, for it is her way to give no thanks for anything
164   I,     XXXVI|          ceasing to speak, she gave way to such sobs and sighs that
165   I,     XXXVI|          not to be blamed who gives way to it.~ ~To be brief, they
166   I,    XXXVII|       devise or discover some other way of getting him home.~ ~Cardenio
167   I,    XXXVII|           my sword will not force a way, and with it, before many
168   I,    XXXVII|            out such a sure and easy way of remedying my misfortune;
169   I,    XXXVII|       to-day we could not make much way; and for the rest of the
170   I,    XXXVII|            mischief with thee, in a way that will teach sense for
171   I,    XXXVII|        luxuries here, for it is the way of road-side inns to be
172   I,     XXXIX|             Duke of Alva was on his way to Flanders. I changed my
173   I,     XXXIX|        hands.~ ~It happened in this way: El Uchali, the king of
174   I,     XXXIX|             he died of grief on the way to Constantinople, where
175   I,     XXXIX|             composed two sonnets by way of epitaphs, one on the
176   I,        XL|        expectations, without giving way to despair I immediately
177   I,        XL|       feeble it might be.~ ~In this way I lived on immured in a
178   I,        XL|             in their foray. In this way they escape the consequences
179   I,        XL|            no one else could find a way out of all these difficulties.
180   I,        XL|         easy for him to hit on some way of getting us all out of
181   I,        XL|           them ransomed in the same way as I was, handing over all
182   I,       XLI|               This I said in such a way that she understood perfectly
183   I,       XLI|          request have gone back the way they came."~ ~ ~"It was
184   I,       XLI|         their captain speak in this way, were cowed, and without
185   I,       XLI|          that we were about to give way with the oars, Zoraida,
186   I,       XLI|         face to his, they both gave way to such an outburst of tears
187   I,       XLI|             habitation, for in this way we should be relieved from
188   I,       XLI|             and then climbed a long way up the mountain, for even
189   I,       XLI|          their departures, each the way that seemed best to him,
190   I,      XLII|            of service to him in any way that lay in their power,
191   I,      XLII|      abruptly, but in some indirect way."~ ~"I have told you already,"
192   I,      XLII|          that I will manage it in a way to satisfy us all."~ ~By
193   I,      XLII|           him, holding him a little way off but as soon as he had
194   I,     XLIII|                 You speak in such a way that I cannot understand
195   I,     XLIII|           thy intent~ Dost make thy way,~ Heedless of hindrance
196   I,     XLIII|      leaving him fastened in such a way that it was impossible for
197   I,     XLIII|         better if it were the other way," said the traveller, "the
198   I,     XLIII|            he could not help giving way and in return smelling the
199   I,      XLIV|            you to come here in this way, and in this dress, which
200   I,      XLIV|              pressing his hand in a way that showed his heart was
201   I,      XLIV|           them with his tears, in a way that would have touched
202   I,       XLV|     Brotherhood if they come in his way?"~ ~ ~
203   I,      XLVI|             be injurious to us in a way that we shall find out some
204   I,      XLVI|        right foot, showing in every way the rage that was pent up
205   I,      XLVI|         happened to be passing that way to carry him after this
206   I,      XLVI|             themselves, some in one way, some in another, so as
207   I,      XLVI|          upon which he at once gave way to the idea which his crazed
208   I,     XLVII|         hoisted on the cart in this way, he said, "Many grave histories
209   I,     XLVII|            he had already gone some way, resolved to hasten their
210   I,     XLVII|           meaning of his going this way, senor, for we do not know."~ ~
211   I,     XLVII|           order to answer in such a way as to save their stratagem
212   I,     XLVII|             prisoner of him in this way, and charge against you
213   I,     XLVII|          long so much for found its way into your head."~ ~"I am
214   I,     XLVII|            be constructed in such a way that, reconciling impossibilities,
215   I,    XLVIII|             book will fare the same way, after I have burnt off
216   I,      XLIX|          and that now it may be the way with enchanted people to
217   I,      XLIX|           aint-hearted and cowardly way I allowed myself to lie
218   I,      XLIX|             is shown plainly by the way they have served your worship,
219   I,         L|             let things go their own way."~ ~"That, brother Sancho,"
220   I,         L|             Quixote uttered, at the way in which he had described
221   I,         L|             that they cannot find a way out of it for six days;
222   I,        LI|           cities, and even made its way into the halls of royalty
223   I,        LI|            who chanced to pass that way with his company had carried
224   I,       LII|        himself most liberal in this way was Don Quixote, who said
225   I,       LII|           tell you this much by the way, that there is nothing in
226   I,       LII|             his spurs, he is on his way." Should he reach destination
227   I,       LII|             own sprightly, pleasant way, to tell him this story.~ ~
228   I,       LII|            madman in the world gave way to. It was this: he made
229   I,       LII|           was another madman, whose way it was to carry a piece
230   I,       LII|     greatest height in the ordinary way. The poor man may retain
231  II,         I|           short, he spoke in such a way that he cast suspicion on
232  II,         I|         waste the world? But in one way only will I punish this
233  II,         I|             did not mean it in that way, and, so help me God, my
234  II,         I|             for it is naturally the way with poets who have been
235  II,        II|           was striving to force his way in to see Don Quixote while
236  II,       III|             of the dead body on its way to be buried at Segovia;
237  II,       III|        Sancho; "if that's to be the way we shall not make an end
238  II,       III|         have spoken of me in such a way that what is said of me
239  II,       III|            a haphazard and heedless way, set about writing it, let
240  II,       III|               To write in any other way," said Don Quixote, "would
241  II,        IV|           the pack-saddle in such a way that he left me mounted
242  II,        IV|             stirred the stakes gave way and I fell to the ground
243  II,        IV|           ready to his hand, in the way of adventures and accidents
244  II,         V|           talk in such a roundabout way that there is no understanding
245  II,         V|        would be right in not giving way to my will; but if in an
246  II,        VI|         them, on two tall towers by way of legs, and whose arms
247  II,        VI|           The poor gentleman has no way of showing that he is a
248  II,       VII|            and while you are on the way say the prayer of Santa
249  II,       VII|             means I am so much that way," replied Sancho.~ ~"I understand
250  II,       VII|       compensation. I speak in this way, Sancho, to show you that
251  II,       VII|            third sally, may find no way out of the labyrinth of
252  II,       VII|          with its codicil in such a way that it can't be provoked,
253  II,       VII|         with certain matters in the way of victuals, and his purse
255  II,        IX|           let your worship lead the way," said Sancho, "perhaps
256  II,        IX|        Sancho, "every country has a way of its own; perhaps here
257  II,        IX|         here in El Toboso it is the way to build palaces and grand
258  II,         X|       actions and motions they give way to when their loves are
259  II,         X|              by holding out in this way, I may put a stop to his
260  II,         X|            Sancho, "don't talk that way, but open your eyes, and
261  II,         X|            testily, "Get out of the way, bad luck to you, and let
262  II,         X|             themselves. Go your own way, and let us go ours, and
263  II,         X|         love-making! Get out of the way and let us pass, and we'
264  II,         X|              and her damsels are no way behind her, for they all
265  II,        XI|           nor could he think of any way of restoring her to her
266  II,        XI|            for men; but if men give way to it overmuch they turn
267  II,        XI|           began to consider in what way he could attack them with
268  II,       XII|          now and then he spoke in a way that surprised him; though
269  II,       XII|           of one, for it is in this way adventures begin. But listen,
270  II,       XII|             or guitar, and from the way he is spitting and clearing
271  II,       XII|            tell my woes in some new way?~ Then shall my tale by
272  II,      XIII|        replied Sancho, "and in this way, and by the same reasoning,
273  II,      XIII|        called this wine whoreson by way of praise."~ ~"Well," said
274  II,       XIV|       village lass, and in the same way they must have transformed
275  II,       XIV|           or on horseback or in any way you please."~ ~And so saying
276  II,       XIV|         were all together.~ ~On the way, he of the Grove said to
277  II,       XIV|             arms."~ ~"If that's the way, so be it with all my heart,"
278  II,       XIV|            same weight; and in this way we shall be able to baste
279  II,       XIV|             the Grove, "and in this way: before we begin the battle,
280  II,       XIV|          the arrow-though the surer way would be to let everyone'
281  II,       XIV|           did not for all that give way to fear, like Sancho Panza;
282  II,       XVI|        discover any means, mode, or way of disenchanting his lady
283  II,       XVI|             found worthy to make my way in print to well-nigh all,
284  II,       XVI|            to be understood in this way or in that; in short, all
285  II,      XVII|            thou hast seen me do, by way of certificate; to wit,
286  II,      XVII|       purpose."~ ~The cart went its way, and Don Quixote, Sancho,
287  II,     XVIII|            first, reckoning in this way, will be third, in the same
288  II,     XVIII|          will be third, in the same way as licentiate degrees are
289  II,     XVIII|          try;~ For love will find a way whate'er befall.~ Impatient
290  II,       XIX|           piece of green buckram by way of a portmanteau, what seemed
291  II,       XIX|           showed they were on their way from some large town where
292  II,       XIX|          and that he was called, by way of surname, the Knight of
293  II,       XIX|            fixed road, as it is the way with those who seek adventures
294  II,       XIX|         that he spoke of it in this way. "Not at all," said the
295  II,       XIX|            wanted in choosing one's way of life; and the matrimonial
296  II,       XIX|             talking to himself in a way that shows plainly he is
297  II,       XIX|         earth in such an abstracted way that he might be taken for
298  II,       XIX|                 It must not be that way," said Don Quixote at this
299  II,        XX|           distinguished in the same way; the badge of the first
300  II,        XX|       mighty than dainty, she is no way squeamish, she devours all
301  II,       XXI|           his shield, made all give way before him. Sancho, who
302  II,      XXII|           his own wife, and in this way he would live happy. I myself
303  II,      XXII|             a guide to show him the way to the cave of Montesinos,
304  II,      XXII|             of Montesinos.~ ~On the way Don Quixote asked the cousin
305  II,     XXIII|                Thou talkest in this way because thou lovest me,
306  II,      XXIV|           one of the cave, I see no way of accepting it as true,
307  II,      XXIV|         myself cool, I am making my way in this fashion to overtake
308  II,       XXV|             began his story in this way:~ ~"You must know that in
309  II,       XXV| circumstances, and in the very same way I am telling it now, that
310  II,       XXV|              until they arranged by way of countersign, so as to
311  II,       XXV|            after the other. In this way, doubling the brays at every
312  II,       XXV|           town to another in such a way that the men of the braying
313  II,      XXVI|         clarion; to ring bells this way in Sansuena is unquestionably
314  II,      XXVI|           small, and got out of the way, would have sliced off his
315  II,     XXVII|           the case exactly. In this way he acquired a prodigious
316  II,     XXVII|           he would answer in such a way that the answers suited
317  II,     XXVII|           soldiers was passing that way, and to see them he spurred
318  II,     XXVII|             Quixote having got some way off looked back, and seeing
319  II,    XXVIII|            Don Quixote, who, giving way before the fury of the townsfolk
320  II,    XXVIII|            may have it all your own way and stretch yourself to
321  II,      XXIX|             strait; for this is the way of the books of chivalry
322  II,       XXX|           the pack-saddle in such a way that he was unable to free
323  II,       XXX|           lady the duchess is in no way behind my mistress the lady
324  II,      XXXI|         himself treated in the same way as he had read of such knights
325  II,      XXXI|         Sancho, "if I meant it that way; I only spoke because the
326  II,      XXXI|           for he who falls into the way of being a chatterbox and
327  II,      XXXI|             for thou art taking the way not to make an end for two
328  II,      XXXI|            the long-winded, halting way Sancho had of telling his
329  II,     XXXII|            wound, nor have they any way of standing their ground,
330  II,     XXXII|           with a straining-cloth by way of a bib, and followed by
331  II,     XXXII|          give no annoyance; but the way of washing they have here
332  II,    XXXIII|            be all exactly the other way, as your ladyship says;
333  II,    XXXIII|             wench Sancho saw on the way from El Toboso, it is, no
335  II,     XXXIV|        ill-luck and hard fate, gave way, and caught in his fall
336  II,     XXXIV|             fierce animal came that way he might be able to get
337  II,     XXXIV|           those who are coming this way are six troops of enchanters,
338  II,     XXXIV|         brave it; but Sancho's gave way, and he fell fainting on
339  II,      XXXV|       lashes. The devil take such a way of disenchanting! I don'
340  II,      XXXV|            not found out some other way of disenchanting the lady
341  II,      XXXV|              where she learned this way she has of asking favours.
342  II,      XXXV|         plague take them, the right way to ask, and beg, and behave
343  II,     XXXVI|           lukewarm and half-hearted way are without merit and of
344  II,     XXXVI|          governor style; I mean the way governors ought to write."~ ~"
345  II,     XXXVI|     importance, because every other way of going is going on all-fours.
346  II,     XXXVI|        droll blockhead, and I am no way behind him. We have been
347  II,     XXXVI|           they beg for; so that one way or another thou wilt be
348  II,     XXXVI|                I don't mean it that way, senora," said Sancho; "
349  II,    XXXVII|             any difficulties in the way of the promise of my government;
350  II,   XXXVIII|      whither; but it must be a long way off, for the more I look
351  II,   XXXVIII|         anything else, made me give way and led to my fall; and
352  II,   XXXVIII|           little caution opened the way and cleared the path for
353  II,   XXXVIII|            go-between, he found his way many a time into the chamber
354  II,        XL|          using sticking-plasters by way of an economical remedy,
355  II,        XL|            remain overgrown in this way because of your idle fears;
356  II,        XL|             this in such a pathetic way that she drew tears from
357  II,       XLI|       retired with easy dignity the way they came. As soon as the
358  II,       XLI|       good-will or bad-will, or any way at all; and if this shaving
359  II,       XLI|         these ladies for some other way of making their faces smooth;
360  II,       XLI|            like a woman, as in that way he would not feel the hardness
361  II,       XLI|             I don't understand that way of looking at things," said
362  II,       XLI|             by enchantment whatever way I looked; and if you won'
363  II,       XLI|              and if I had not given way to it I think I'd have burst.
364  II,     XLIII|     deliberately, but not in such a way as to make it seem thou
365  II,     XLIII|             understood; this is the way a language is enriched;
366  II,     XLIII|           families, at least in the way of comparing them one with
367  II,      XLIV|             Trifaldi in the comical way that has been already described;
368  II,      XLIV|             private and in your own way, as you please and when
369  II,      XLIV|             enchanted Moor may give way to despair, but I must be
370  II,       XLV|           or because of the joke by way of which the government
371  II,       XLV|              one carrying a cane by way of a walking-stick, and
372  II,       XLV|            as if he found it in his way; and then laid his hand
373  II,       XLV|            as he could and went his way, and the bystanders were
374  II,      XLVI|             the guest hath gone his way.~ ~ Love that springs up
375  II,      XLVI|        three of the cats made their way in through the grating of
376  II,      XLVI|           rushed about seeking some way of escape; the cord with
377  II,     XLVII|              to deny me food is the way to take my life instead
378  II,    XLVIII|         linked hand in hand in this way, he would have given the
379  II,    XLVIII|          offend or annoy him in any way. Now, senor, I want your
380  II,    XLVIII|         Quixote.~ ~"Adjured in that way," replied the duenna, "I
381  II,      XLIX|             crown or so at least by way of a present, as it is usual
382  II,      XLIX|              The young man went his way, and the governor continued
383  II,      XLIX|              And once more she gave way to a burst of weeping.~ ~"
384  II,      XLIX|            be paid for in some such way."~ ~The maiden's beauty
385  II,      XLIX|          our father's house in this way in order to ramble about,
386  II,         L|         make me as good as Sancho's way of governing. Herewith I
387  II,         L|          page; "by God he is in the way to take the road with a
388  II,        LI|            in a moment, and in this way; the man swears that he
389  II,        LI|          that has lied; and in this way the conditions of the passage
390  II,        LI|          out something to send, one way or another. If my wife Teresa
391  II,        LI|             life together, from the way Doctor Pedro Recio treats
392  II,       LII|          Quixote, still the earnest way the woman sighed and moaned
393  II,       LII|         duchess's hand. One bore by way of address, Letter for my
394  II,       LII|             Barataria;" and in this way Sancho will become known,
395  II,      LIII|         with their swords in such a way that, if he had not gathered
396  II,      LIII|            stood by, he said, "Make way, gentlemen, and let me go
397  II,      LIII|             pruning, are more in my way than defending provinces
398  II,      LIII|             very different from the way governors commonly leave
399  II,       LIV|          before he had gone a great way from the island of his government (
400  II,       LIV|  comfortably and not in the hurried way in which the others took
401  II,       LIV|             be betrayed, and go thy way in God's name and let me
402  II,       LIV|             this in such a touching way that it made me weep myself,
403  II,        LV|            seeing which he made his way back to where the ass was,
404  II,        LV|           comest alone.'"~ ~In this way and with these reflections
405  II,        LV|         like daylight and found its way in on one side, showing
406  II,        LV|           him remarked, "That's the way all bad governors should
407  II,       LVI|    contented when they saw that any way the affair must end in marriage,
408  II,     LVIII|            they always run the same way; and these things the vulgar
409  II,     LVIII|    discourse they were making their way through a wood that lay
410  II,     LVIII|            and delay my journey, by way of revenge for my obduracy
411  II,     LVIII|             Don Quixote had to give way and comply. And now the
412  II,     LVIII|             have to offer in my own way; and so I declare that for
413  II,     LVIII|            horseback, who pass this way or shall pass in the course
414  II,     LVIII|            Quixote, "Get out of the way, you son of the devil, or
415  II,     LVIII|           Quixote to get out of the way even if he wished; and so
416  II,       LIX|          remember, however, in what way, though I know his words
418  II,        LX|           to marry, who in the same way backed out of his promise
419  II,        LX|     impulses that I keep on in this way of life in spite of what
420  II,        LX|          put yourself easily in the way of salvation, come with
421  II,        LX|           Naples, and we are on our way to embark in four galleys
422  II,        LX|            them in suspense in this way for a while; but he had
423  II,        LX|           two, saying, "That is the way I punish impudent saucy
424  II,        LX|         that of a peasant, made his way into Barcelona and gave
425  II,       LXI|             and cries of "Clear the way there!" of some runners,
426  II,       LXI|             city.~ ~ ~The dawn made way for the sun that with a
427  II,       LXI|          urchins should force their way through the crowd, and lifting
428  II,      LXII|           any fair and good-natured way; and having Don Quixote
429  II,      LXII|             d put it in a different way if I did not respect the
430  II,      LXII|            there was nothing in the way of furniture except a table,
431  II,      LXII|           thy wits."~ ~"Go your own way, brother," said Don Antonio, "
432  II,      LXII|            answered him in the same way softly, "Thou and thy wife,
433  II,      LXII|           the common and not in any way highly spiced."~ ~"What!"
434  II,     LXIII|           in shore, so that in this way the vessel could not escape
435  II,     LXIII|              The galley shot a good way ahead; those on board the
436  II,     LXIII|         thee to escape? Is that the way to behave to chief galleys?
437  II,     LXIII|             this strange roundabout way you have seen, I find the
438  II,      LXIV|            Don Gregorio, we have no way of bringing him to Spain,
439  II,      LXIV|             all of a sudden in this way. The Knight of the White
440  II,      LXIV|       saying, "If there be no other way out of it, gallant knights,
441  II,       LXV|            plan failed. He went his way, and I came back conquered,
442  II,       LXV|           turned out just the other way, for it would have obliged
443  II,       LXV|            lie in bed, I mean gives way to weakness and does not
444  II,       LXV|             parents and devise some way of returning for her, he
445  II,      LXVI|          his back, and that in this way the twenty stone of the
446  II,      LXVI|             best; and being in this way reduced to nine stone weight,
447  II,      LXVI|         Castile, and I am now on my way to Barcelona with a packet
448  II,     LXVII|             journey talking in this way they came to the very same
449  II,     LXVII|            and shoulders, in such a way that thou dost drag them
450  II,    LXVIII|             sleep, but did not give way to the second, very different
451  II,    LXVIII|             fair, and were on their way with them at that hour,
452  II,    LXVIII|           and Sancho fared the same way, for the moment he seemed
453  II,      LXIX|        singing still shall hold its way,~ And make the waters of
454  II,       LXX|          him or not) to return that way and let him know the result.
455  II,       LXX|         callow poets of our day the way is for every one to write
457  II,      LXXI|          with time. They made their way at length in among some
458  II,      LXXI|            mean to lay on in such a way as without killing myself
459  II,      LXXI|            simple, straight-forward way, as I have often told thee,
460  II,     LXXII|      Quixote and Sancho he went his way, and Don Quixote went his.
461  II,    LXXIII|          that Sancho had thrown, by way of a sumpter-cloth, over
462  II,    LXXIII|             How is it you come this way, husband? It seems to me
463  II,    LXXIII|             whether it was got this way or that; for, however you
464  II,    LXXIII|         will answer our purpose one way or another."~ ~"And," added
465  II,     LXXIV|            of his body was in a bad way. Don Quixote heard this
466  II,     LXXIV|        would fain meet it in such a way as to show that my life
467  II,     LXXIV|           but Alonso Quixano, whose way of life won for him the
468  II,     LXXIV|             heard him speak in this way, they had no doubt whatever
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