Parte,  Chap.

  1   I,  TransPre|           literal frequently - but just as often very loose. He
  2   I,  TransPre|          were taken prisoners, and just as the poor fellows in the
  3   I,  TransPre|     carried the letter was stopped just outside Oran, and the letter
  4   I,  TransPre|          to make their escape; but just as they were about to put
  5   I,  TransPre|    received coldly. The facts show just the contrary. No sooner
  6   I,  TransPre|        very sad that a man who had just uttered so beautiful a sentiment
  7   I,  TransPre|     perception the incongruity has just forced itself. This is Sancho'
  8   I,  TransPre|         beyond all question it was just such an inn-yard as the
  9   I,  TransPre|          mind's eye, and it was on just such a rude stone trough
 10   I,        II|  quickening his pace he reached it just as night was setting in.
 11   I,        IV|             as he is a valiant and just judge, by Roque, if you
 12   I,         V|        gave to Rodrigo de Narvaez, just as he had read the story
 13   I,         V|           they reached the village just as night was beginning to
 14   I,        VI|         rest should be burned; but just then the barber held open
 15   I,       VII|   dependent upon it, which will be just the thing to enable thee
 16   I,      VIII|     whenever and however he chose, just as he liked, for, so far,
 17   I,      VIII|          he wanted nothing himself just then, but that he might
 18   I,      VIII|         meet a speedy death as the just punishment of your evil
 19   I,      VIII|          for the end of the affair just begun, they pursued their
 20   I,        IX|            he translated the whole just as it is set down here.~ ~
 21   I,         X|     prejudicial to the conscience; just tell me now, if for several
 22   I,         X|           read or write, as I said just now, I neither know nor
 23   I,       XII|         THOSE WITH DON QUIXOTE~ ~ ~Just then another young man,
 24   I,       XII|         she had no desire to marry just yet, and that being so young
 25   I,      XVII|      reproach him with breaking so just a privilege.~ ~The ill-luck
 26   I,     XVIII|     opposite side also there rises just such another cloud of dust."~ ~
 27   I,     XVIII|          thee at first. But go not just yet, for I want thy help
 28   I,     XVIII|           eyes into his mouth; now just at that moment the balsam
 29   I,     XVIII|      Quixote, "I would rather have just now a quarter of bread,
 30   I,     XVIII|           on the unjust and on the just."~ ~"Your worship would
 31   I,       XIX|            now broken down. It was just the opposite with his master,
 32   I,       XIX|        sight to see, for it seemed just as if wings had that instant
 33   I,       XIX|            know, then, that though just now I said I was a licentiate,
 34   I,       XIX|            mind to come, as he was just then engaged in unloading
 35   I,       XIX|           into your mouth and mind just now to call me 'The Knight
 36   I,        XX|         rent my hopes asunder, for just as I had them highest about
 37   I,        XX|         put to their tales was not just as each one pleased; it
 38   I,        XX|             so well tied was he.~ ~Just then, whether it was the
 39   I,        XX|        more than ever?"~ ~"Because just now thou smellest stronger
 40   I,       XXI|            stomach, and I have now just one on the tip of my tongue
 41   I,       XXI|   horseback in every turn he took, just as if he was his tail. I
 42   I,      XXII|         not of their own will."~ ~"Just so," said Sancho.~ ~"Then
 43   I,      XXII|            to shame in public."~ ~"Just so," replied the galley
 44   I,     XXIII|            need of legs than hands just now."~ ~Don Quixote mounted
 45   I,     XXIII|            had been led by theirs, just in time to recognise them
 46   I,     XXIII|           they seemed to him to be just the place for the adventures
 47   I,     XXIII|           needful, and reached him just as with the point of the
 48   I,     XXIII|         left it, and there it lies just as it was, for I don't want
 49   I,       XXV|            what is in one's heart, just as if one were dumb."~ ~"
 50   I,       XXV|            him thou didst swear by just now I swear thou hast the
 51   I,       XXV|            it safe, my friend, for just now I have no need of it;
 52   I,       XXV|        thing instead of another is just the same as lying; so my
 53   I,       XXV|           would be as hard to find just now as paper. But it has
 54   I,       XXV|           now as paper. But it has just occurred to me how it may
 55   I,       XXV|         Dulcinea del Toboso she is just as good as the most exalted
 56   I,     XXVII|            devil take Don Quixote. Just at this moment Sancho came
 57   I,     XXVII|          with so fine a voice; but just as they were about to do
 58   I,     XXVII|         long time withheld it; and just as I thought she was taking
 59   I,     XXVII|       there be, so ordered it that just then I had enough and to
 60   I,     XXVII|  misfortune as it was of love; but just as the curate was going
 61   I,    XXVIII|            and wound, relates that just as the curate was going
 62   I,    XXVIII|           lips or uttering a word, just like a village rustic to
 63   I,    XXVIII|           to use violence.~ ~ ~But just Heaven, that seldom fails
 64   I,      XXIX| misfortunes; but as the curate was just about to offer her some
 65   I,      XXIX|         for if that which you have just told us be true, as I believe
 66   I,      XXIX|       gentleman gives me, and with just cause challenge him on account
 67   I,      XXIX|         necessity for his presence just yet, so they allowed the
 68   I,      XXIX|         now fairly started and was just on the point of becoming
 69   I,      XXIX|         master, for he opposed his just commands; he has, I say,
 70   I,       XXX|            I know your worship has just such a mole on the middle
 71   I,       XXX|            Quixote; "hast thou not just now brought me a message
 72   I,       XXX|     returned, "because those blows just now were more because of
 73   I,      XXXI|       knight, a friend of his, who just before had been in England,
 74   I,      XXXI|            the business turned out just the opposite of what your
 75   I,     XXXII|           night and day."~ ~"And I just as much," said the landlady, "
 76   I,     XXXII|         said the barber, "I can do just as well to carry them to
 77   I,    XXXIII|             Anselmo, that thine is just now the temper of mind which
 78   I,    XXXIII|        repose in thee! I have been just now watching through this
 79   I,     XXXIV|         and maledictions."~ ~"I am just going to call him, senora,"
 80   I,     XXXIV|           seems, will not grant my just desire complete satisfaction,
 81   I,      XXXV|            of his misfortune; and, just as he was, without delaying
 82   I,     XXXVI|            OCCURRED AT THE INN~ ~ ~Just at that instant the landlord,
 83   I,    XXXVII|          in to his master, who had just awoke, and said to him:~ ~"
 84   I,    XXXVII|            vagabond, hast thou not just now told me that this princess
 85   I,    XXXVII|            but no one liked to ask just then, seeing that it was
 86   I,     XXXIX|           enemy, the Turk, who had just then with his fleet taken
 87   I,     XXXIX|          fortune that Don John had just arrived at Genoa, and was
 88   I,       XLI|        easy matter to find so many just then, because there were
 89   I,       XLI|         not otherwise ordered it), just as we were moving on in
 90   I,       XLI|       beauty of Zoraida, which was just then heightened, as well
 91   I,     XLIII|        haste returned to the hole, just as Don Quixote had planted
 92   I,     XLIII|           has given you, nor is it just to wreak all your vengeance
 93   I,     XLIII|           the ground that he could just touch it with his feet,
 94   I,     XLIII|           could to gain a footing; just like those undergoing the
 95   I,      XLIV|           have been enchanted with just cause, provided my lady
 96   I,      XLIV|      forward, Mambrino's helmet is just as much a basin as this
 97   I,      XLVI|          have looked into her face just then without seeing the
 98   I,     XLVII|         continued their journey.~ ~Just at that moment the curate,
 99   I,     XLVII|            master, Don Quixote, is just as much enchanted as my
100   I,     XLVII|            may be written in prose just as well as in verse."~ ~ ~ ~
101   I,      XLIX|      pleasure and instruction."~ ~"Just so," said the canon.~ ~"
102   I,      XLIX|          in his kingdom. One might just as well try to make out
103   I,      XLIX|    distinction and good birth; and just as we say now a Knight of
104   I,         L|  disposition only is a dead thing, just as faith without works is
105   I,        LI|           this goat when I came up just now; for as she is a female
106  II,         I|        comes so pat to the purpose just now that I should like greatly
107  II,         I|           a furious madman, though just at that moment calm and
108  II,        II|           the truth to their lords just as it is and in its proper
109  II,        II|         thou hast said."~ ~"That's just where it is, body of my
110  II,       III|           it turn out as it might, just as Orbaneja, the painter
111  II,       VII|           can shower down proverbs just as well as yourself; and
112  II,       VII|           Mistress housekeeper may just as well give over saying
113  II,      VIII|            doubt for me, which has just this minute come into my
114  II,        IX|          we have in hand? He might just as well be singing the ballad
115  II,         X|        strike you that it would be just and right if the El Toboso
116  II,       XII|        from it. From what you have just now sung I gather that yours
117  II,       XII|            peaceably and sociably, just as if, as soon as day broke,
118  II,       XIV|            called Aldonza Lorenzo, just as I call mine Casildea
119  II,       XIV|      combat, do not transgress the just limits of knight-errantry."~ ~"
120  II,       XIV|          one else in his likeness, just as I confess and believe
121  II,        XV|         Mirrors of another, for he just then had no thought of anything
122  II,       XVI|         the sound of the voice was just the same."~ ~"Let us reason
123  II,       XVI|          of my arm, and temper the just wrath of my heart; so that
124  II,       XVI|      Quixote, "but never mind that just now; if our journey lasts
125  II,       XVI|    indifference to Spanish poetry, just now his thoughts are absorbed
126  II,       XVI|            their ewes hard by; and just as the gentleman, highly
127  II,      XVII|          the curds, had to give it just as it was. Don Quixote took
128  II,      XVII|          attack those lions that I just now attacked, although I
129  II,       XIX|            the middle of the road, just as the licentiate, with
130  II,        XX|          away those that have been just quoted. All then mingled
131  II,       XXI|        from her hair and neck look just like them. I swear in my
132  II,       XXI|        that what Basilio asked was just and reasonable, and moreover
133  II,       XXI|         Basilio to Quiteria by the just and beneficent disposal
134  II,       XXI|      desired the festival to go on just as if he were married in
135  II,       XXI|           honour, and uphold them, just as the rich have those who
136  II,      XXII|         what your worship has said just now before I married; perhaps
137  II,      XXII|       trouble about it, for I have just this minute hit upon what
138  II,      XXII|        himself, stretching himself just as if he were waking up
139  II,     XXIII|         now, may God take me-I was just going to say the devil-if
140  II,      XXIV|          And this demonstration is just the thing for me for that
141  II,      XXIV|            came up with him he was just finishing one, which the
142  II,      XXIV|             replied the page; "but just as when one quits a religious
143  II,      XXIV|         and so good as he has said just now, can say that he saw
144  II,      XXIV|          we shall see."~ ~And now, just as night was falling, they
145  II,       XXV|            his story to a close.~ ~Just at this moment there came
146  II,       XXV|          the Release of Melisendra just coming."~ ~"Ods body!" said
147  II,      XXVI|          is playing at the tables, just as they sing it -~ ~At tables
148  II,      XXVI|   knights-errant are in the world; just think, if I had not been
149  II,     XXVII|           a Moor, only meant that, just as a Catholic Christian
150  II,     XXVII|          some he made a reduction, just as he happened to feel the
151  II,     XXVII|            bray; for an alcalde is just as likely to bray as a regidor."
152  II,     XXVII|         service of one's king in a just war; and if to these we
153  II,     XXVII|            some others that may be just and reasonable, and make
154  II,     XXVII|            and there cannot be any just one) is directly opposed
155  II,    XXVIII|           signed the cross on thee just now with a stick, and did
156  II,      XXIX|         but simply by the current, just there smooth and gentle.~ ~
157  II,      XXIX|            he with great calmness, just as if nothing had happened
158  II,       XXX|          of his advancement, which just then, it seemed to him,
159  II,      XXXI|      modesty became knights-errant just as much as valour. However,
160  II,      XXXI|            and respect as that one just now? Was that a time to
161  II,      XXXI|        advice your worship gave me just now about talking much or
162  II,      XXXI|           for I was not there, for just at that time I had gone
163  II,     XXXII|           and bind the hands of my just indignation; and as well
164  II,     XXXII|          and please God I shall be just such another; long life
165  II,     XXXII|            their ground, and it is just the same with those connected
166  II,     XXXII|         anybody; and though I said just now I might have received
167  II,     XXXII|         and there were a good many just then who were of the same
168  II,    XXXIII|         subject we were discussing just now, the enchantment of
169  II,     XXXIV|            devoured by a bear."~ ~"Just so," said Sancho; "and I
170  II,     XXXIV|          to flit through the wood, just as those fiery exhalations
171  II,      XXXV|    exclaimed Sancho at this, "I'll just as soon give myself three
172  II,      XXXV|            asking to whip himself; just as if it was 'drink with
173  II,     XXXVI|         you a scourge that will be just the thing for you, and will
174  II,     XXXVI|           wilt not understand this just now, my Teresa; by-and-by
175  II,   XXXVIII|         besides, he has need of me just now for a certain business)
176  II,     XXXIX| accomplished gentleman as has been just now described to us-indeed,
177  II,        XL|            was there all the time, just as if there was no such
178  II,       XLI|         and you want me a virgin.' Just as I'm about to go sitting
179  II,     XLIII|       proverbs; and here are three just this instant come into my
180  II,     XLIII|           what three proverbs have just now come into thy memory,
181  II,     XLIII|         whole body; and I can live just as well, simple Sancho,
182  II,      XLIV|         disturber of thy soul; for just now I perceived him open
183  II,       XLV|      curate of his village mention just such another case, and he
184  II,       XLV|         got as far as five. He has just this moment come for them;
185  II,      XLVI|         went to bed with them, and just like fleas they would not
186  II,      XLVI|         chronicler will not relate just now in order that he may
187  II,     XLVII|          their fathers-in-law."~ ~"Just see if there's anything
188  II,    XLVIII|        eyes fixed on the door, and just as he was expecting to see
189  II,      XLIX|            that this gentleman has just now won more than a thousand
190  II,      XLIX|           and where were you going just now?"~ ~"To take the air,
191  II,      XLIX|         will make me sleep in gaol just as soon as make me king."~ ~"
192  II,      XLIX|           Sancho.~ ~"I am confused just now, sirs," said the damsel, "
193  II,         L|     astonishment, and her daughter just as much, and the girl said, "
194  II,         L|            Aragon, though they are just as illustrious, are not
195  II,         L|           said Sanchica, "I can go just as well mounted on a she-ass
196  II,        LI|     butchers who have then to give just weight, and it is the terror
197  II,       LII|         with the duke and duchess, just as he was about to carry
198  II,      LIII|            laws and proclamations, just as sleep, in spite of hunger,
199  II,      LIII|           of the door of his room, just in time to see approaching
200  II,      LIII|          was; they told him it was just daybreak. He said no more,
201  II,       LIV|         not asleep, nor am I drunk just now."~ ~Sancho was surprised
202  II,       LIV|           all eyes fixed on heaven just as if they were taking aim
203  II,       LIV|          then, and I think wisely (just like one who knows that
204  II,       LIV|        house. In short it was with just cause that we were visited
205  II,       LVI|          do not marry that lady?" "Just so," was the answer. "Well
206  II,       LVI|    battered one another to pieces, just as the boys are disappointed
207  II,      LVII|           her,~ For in my land the just~ Often pays for the sinner.~
208  II,     LVIII|            or cotton threads." But just as he was about to press
209  II,     LVIII|          and courteously, for here just now neither care nor sorrow
210  II,     LVIII|         pleasure; I too have heard just what thou hast told me of
211  II,       LIX|           without veal or kid."~ ~"Just now," said the landlord, "
212  II,       LIX|            brought in the stew-pan just as it was, and he sat himself
213  II,       LIX|       original author Cide Hamete; just as Alexander commanded that
214  II,        LX|            not forced upon me, and just now I have no fancy to whip
215  II,        LX|           utter such excellent and just sentiments, for he did not
216  II,       LXI|     Quixote remained on horseback, just as he was, waiting for day,
217  II,     LXIII|      otherwise, so ordered it that just as the chief galley came
218  II,      LXIV|           several other gentlemen, just as Don Quixote was wheeling
219  II,       LXV|        been glad had it turned out just the other way, for it would
220  II,      LXVI|            be patient in adversity just as much as to be glad in
221  II,      LXVI|           all; I entered the lists just as much lacquey Tosilos
222  II,     LXVII|         and as my lady's name does just as well for a shepherdess'
223  II,     LXVII|            and lawless desires are just as common in the fields
224  II,    LXVIII|         sighs and not a few tears, just like one whose heart was
225  II,      LXXI|      itself out longer than usual, just as is the case with lovers,
226  II,     LXXIV|         you taking this line; now, just as we are on the point of
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