Parte,  Chap.

  1   I,  TransPre|          people who, provided they get the mere narrative with
  2   I,  TransPre|          Quixote" had appeared, we get the first hint of a forthcoming
  3   I,  TransPre|           was to do, could he once get a hearing: there was the
  4   I,   Commend|       pains sore drubbings did you get~ From many a rascally and
  5   I,         I|           many of them as he could get. But of all there were none
  6   I,         I|           taste, he was anxious to get one for himself, and he
  7   I,       III|        report it. The landlord, to get him out of the inn, replied
  8   I,        IV|         while he was struggling to get up he kept saying, "Fly
  9   I,        VI|           from Apollo himself: but get on, gossip, and make haste,
 10   I,        XV|            See if your worship can get up, and let us help Rocinante,
 11   I,        XV|             as I told thee before, get up as well as thou canst
 12   I,       XVI|         and briefly that we hardly get a taste of them, all the
 13   I,       XVI|            the wench struggling to get free and Don Quixote striving
 14   I,      XVII|      alcaide of this fortress, and get him to give me a little
 15   I,      XVII|         for all I care about is to get my money."~ ~"You are a
 16   I,      XVII|          without paying him ran to get payment of Sancho, who said
 17   I,     XVIII|           Sancho ran to his ass to get something wherewith to clean
 18   I,       XIX|          one for me, to help me to get from under this mule that
 19   I,        XX|            was all he had to do to get out of this terrible strait
 20   I,        XX|          squire of a knight-errant get in those days, and did they
 21   I,      XXII|            twenty with pleasure to get you out of that trouble,"
 22   I,      XXIV|           head and said, "I cannot get rid of the idea, nor will
 23   I,       XXV|      adventures all one's life and get nothing but kicks and blanketings,
 24   I,       XXV|            don't know when I shall get there or when I shall get
 25   I,       XXV|          get there or when I shall get back, as I am, in truth,
 26   I,       XXV|     enliven Rocinante: let me once get to El Toboso and into the
 27   I,       XXV|            insanities, which I can get done in less than half an
 28   I,      XXVI|          master was found he would get him to renew the order,
 29   I,      XXVI|             so that they too might get it by heart to write it
 30   I,     XXVII|           disguise was intended to get him away from the mountain
 31   I,      XXIX|    consider what was to be done to get him away from there. The
 32   I,      XXIX|          where I can sell them and get ready money for them, and
 33   I,       XXX|           my delight, be off, rip, get thee gone, thief, and give
 34   I,      XXXI|            something to help me to get to Seville than all the
 35   I,     XXXII|     Cardenio. The curate made them get ready such fare as there
 36   I,     XXXIV|            time and opportunity to get away, and taking advantage
 37   I,      XXXV|           with no small trouble to get Don Quixote on the bed,
 38   I,    XXXVII|       senses?"~ ~"Let your worship get up," said Sancho, "and you
 39   I,        XL|   territory. This however he could get over by arranging with a
 40   I,      XLII|         would go back with him, to get his brother the marquis
 41   I,     XLIII|        want to lose the pleasure I get from listening to the singer
 42   I,      XLIV|    returned Don Quixote; "and if I get it, it will matter very
 43   I,       XLV|       might be they were likely to get the worst of the battle;
 44   I,      XLVI|      saddle Rocinante, Sancho, and get ready thy ass and the queen'
 45   I,      XLVI|         put the pad on the ass, or get ready the palfrey; for it
 46   I,     XLVII|          wherever they go, and can get no ease whatever from their
 47   I,    XLVIII|         themselves it is better to get bread from the many than
 48   I,    XLVIII|           attract more people, and get more credit, by producing
 49   I,    XLVIII|          to make it unnecessary to get anything from the inn except
 50   I,    XLVIII|       often, and even this minute; get me out of this strait, or
 51   I,      XLIX|        your worship were to try to get out of this prison (and
 52   I,         L|           it often happens them to get by accident into a wood
 53   I,       LII|            himself free, strove to get on top of the goatherd,
 54   I,       LII|            a book by which he will get as much fame as money, and
 55  II,        II|        could be imagined would not get it out of his head."~ ~"
 56  II,         V|            that she is as eager to get a husband as you to get
 57  II,         V|            get a husband as you to get a government; and, after
 58  II,         V|       Sancho, "if God brings me to get any sort of a government,
 59  II,        VI|       uncle-enough, if need be, to get up into a pulpit and go
 60  II,       VII|      uneasy, but go home in peace; get me ready something hot for
 61  II,       VII|          like to know what I am to get, be it much or little; for
 62  II,       VII|         what their squires used to get monthly or yearly; but I
 63  II,       VII|       nonsense. And so, my Sancho, get you back to your house and
 64  II,        IX|           Sancho was in a fever to get his master out of the town,
 65  II,         X|      anybody. By the Lord, if they get scent of you, it will be
 66  II,         X|         only to spur Rocinante and get out into the open field
 67  II,         X|          sadness."~ ~"What could I get by deceiving your worship,"
 68  II,         X|         said angrily and testily, "Get out of the way, bad luck
 69  II,         X|        will be better for you."~ ~"Get up, Sancho," said Don Quixote
 70  II,         X|         care for your love-making! Get out of the way and let us
 71  II,        XI|           make the best of it, and get on as well as we can, seeking
 72  II,      XIII|           beat a quiet retreat and get back to our own quarters;
 73  II,       XIV|      roused them up, and bade them get the horses ready, as at
 74  II,      XVII|            be frightened by lions. Get down, my good fellow, and
 75  II,      XVII|              replied Don Quixote, "get down and unyoke; you will
 76  II,      XVII|         his mules, all striving to get away from the cart as far
 77  II,       XIX|           hard work if he tries to get in to reach the grass that
 78  II,        XX|           content with what he can get, and not go looking for
 79  II,        XX|        thanks to the rich Camacho; get down and look about for
 80  II,        XX|          know very well I'll never get such elegant skimmings off
 81  II,      XXII|           licentiate said he would get him a cousin of his own,
 82  II,     XXIII|          that your worship did not get upon the old fellow and
 83  II,      XXIV|            pauper."~ ~"And did you get any bounty, now?" asked
 84  II,      XXIV|           should have been safe to get it; for that is the advantage
 85  II,      XXIV|           ancients or captains, or get a good pension. But I, to
 86  II,      XXIV|          of those who set free and get rid of their black slaves
 87  II,      XXIV|      present I won't say more than get ye up behind me on my horse
 88  II,       XXV|          into the ape, that he may get his living, and after he
 89  II,       XXV|          non verbis, and now let's get to work, for it is growing
 90  II,      XXVI|           but mine? And what did I get my living by but by them?"~ ~"
 91  II,      XXVI|           to catch the ape, but to get drunk; and two hundred would
 92  II,    XXVIII|   harmonies couldst thou expect to get but cudgels? Give thanks
 93  II,    XXVIII|        shoulders; let us mount and get away from this; I'll keep
 94  II,      XXIX|          Rocinante and bade Sancho get down from Dapple and tie
 95  II,      XXIX|          provide a bark for him to get into, and in less than the
 96  II,      XXIX|            Rocinante struggling to get loose, and said he to his
 97  II,      XXXI|            day, and she refused to get down or dismount from her
 98  II,      XXXI|            be paid for; for you'll get nothing from me but a fig."~ ~"
 99  II,      XXXI|         respectable labourer -"~ ~"Get on, brother," said the churchman; "
100  II,     XXXII|        nothing more needed than to get a footing, by hook or by
101  II,     XXXII|            and he'll see how he'll get out of their hands!"~ ~The
102  II,     XXXII|         beard of mine, and if they get anything out of it that
103  II,    XXXIII|        that Sancho the squire will get to heaven sooner than Sancho
104  II,     XXXIV|            way he might be able to get at him, he began to utter
105  II,      XXXV|            ripe fig, you shall not get hold of the government.
106  II,      XXXV|            times; and I'll try and get out of debt as quickly as
107  II,   XXXVIII|            my compliance, so as to get me, like a treacherous warder,
108  II,     XXXIX|          cosmetics, she can hardly get anybody to love her, what
109  II,        XL|           we have not the money to get ourselves shaved, and so
110  II,        XL|       notion of bruising myself to get rid of anyone's beard; let
111  II,      XLII|         told Sancho to prepare and get ready to go and be governor,
112  II,     XLIII|       fighting among themselves to get out; that's why my tongue
113  II,     XLIII|            not rise early does not get the benefit of the day;
114  II,     XLIII|          thou hast disparaged, and get nothing in any shape from
115  II,     XLIII|          two back teeth;' and 'to "get out of my house" and "what
116  II,     XLIII|          answer, any more than to 'get out of my house' and 'what
117  II,     XLIII|            governor the devil will get hold of me, I'd rather go
118  II,      XLIV|           writing so that he might get some one to read them to
119  II,       XLV|            justice! and if I don't get it on earth I'll go look
120  II,       XLV|      mallets and chisels would not get it out of my grip; no, nor
121  II,      XLVI|         would not let him sleep or get a moment's rest, and the
122  II,     XLVII|            it; but before he could get at it, not to say taste
123  II,     XLVII|          Campo, graduate of Osuna, get out of my presence at once;
124  II,     XLVII|         more I say let Pedro Recio get out of this or I'll take
125  II,     XLVII|            settled," said Sancho; "get on, brother, for it's more
126  II,     XLVII|          Don Bumpkin, if you don't get out of this at once and
127  II,     XLVII|          family of the Perlerines? Get out I say, or by the life
128  II,      XLIX|         not good for much, or I'll get rid of these gambling houses,
129  II,      XLIX|        worship will not be able to get rid of, for a great man
130  II,         L|          Barataria."~ ~"Ah, senor, get up, do that," said Teresa; "
131  II,         L| comfortable; put up his horse, and get some eggs out of the stable,
132  II,        LI|       coming to this government to get my meat hot and my drink
133  II,       LII|           should do so in order to get successfully out of the
134  II,      LIII|      beaten! Come, senor governor, get up, and come and enjoy the
135  II,        LV|         see if it were possible to get out of it without help,
136  II,     LVIII|            believers in omens will get up of a morning, leave his
137  II,     LVIII|          shouting to Don Quixote, "Get out of the way, you son
138  II,     LVIII|          reply, nor Don Quixote to get out of the way even if he
139  II,      LXII|    gentlemen bearing thee company! Get thee home, blockhead, and
140  II,      LXII|          life of a squire? Shall I get back to see my wife and
141  II,      LXIV|          shore we shall be able to get on board though all the
142  II,       LXV|          fooleries of chivalry-may get them back again."~ ~"O senor,"
143  II,       LXV|           he that falls to-day may get up to-morrow; unless indeed
144  II,       LXV|          battles; let your worship get up now to receive Don Gregorio;
145  II,     LXVII|            ends! And if they don't get me a name for wisdom, they'
146  II,     LXVII|        wisdom, they'll not fail to get me one for ingenuity. My
147  II,     LXVII|          frying-pan to the kettle, Get away, blackbreech.' You
148  II,    LXVIII|            Sancho, "I'm no monk to get up out of the middle of
149  II,    LXVIII|         themselves assailed with -"Get on, ye Troglodytes;" "Silence,
150  II,       LXX|            the duke and duchess to get up the elaborate plot that
151  II,      LXXI|         for at the latest we shall get there the day after tomorrow."~ ~
152  II,     LXXII|            us push on straight and get to our own place, where
153  II,    LXXIII|            there, are you going to get into fresh entanglements,
154  II,     LXXIV|         bidding him take heart and get up to begin his pastoral
155  II,     LXXIV|           Come, don't be lazy, but get up from your bed and let
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