bold = Main text
  Part, Sura      grey = Comment text

1  I             | Mohammed is also called 'the seal of the prophets,' and the
2  I,       II   |   not believe. God has set a seal upon their hearts and on
3  I,       VI   |      sight, and should set a seal upon your hearts-who is
4 II,      XXI(3)|   The legend of Solomon, his seal inscribed with the holy
5 II,   XXXIII   |      Apostle of God, and the Seal of the Prophets; for God
6 II,    XXXVI   |      65] On that day we will seal their mouths, and their
7 II,     XLII   |   God pleased He could set a seal upon thy heart; but God
8 II,      XLV   |     wittingly, and has set a seal upon his hearing and his
9 II,  LXXXIII   |   wine that is sealed, whose seal is musk; for that then let
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