Book, Chapter

 1  Int,   3|    Habinnas' servant in the mere matter of pandering, the blear-eyed
 2  Int,   4|     Greek renegade, having, as a matter of fact, stayed in the house
 3    1,   5|        gain from this ferment of matter and empty discord of words
 4    1,  16|       the lonely wood, and, as a matter of fact, he was! Ascyltos,
 5    1,  19|         to find out what was the matter, and learned that the praetor'
 6    1,  21|   penetration! The cure does not matter so much, however, for a
 7    2,  34|    Putting a haughty face on the matter, "It's not the loss I mind
 8    2,  36|        be of pure gold, but as a matter of fact it had iron stars
 9    2,  37|        flour and dough, and as a matter of fact, I very nearly threw
10    2,  57|         decision rendered in the matter of a lawsuit, between some
11    2,  62|          by Hercules, I will, no matter if you call down Olympian
12    2,  67|         heard a scream, but as a matter of fact, for I won't lie
13    2,  74|      almost filled it full. As a matter of fact, I noticed that
14    2,  81| guest-chamber for visitors. As a matter of fact, Scaurus, when he
15    3,  86|     trouble. I was held up, as a matter of course, and, my revenge
16    3,  97|         the mullet is deemed,~No matter how heavy, a weight on the
17    4, 106|   successfully before! Think the matter over! Being tied up could
18    4, 112|         an equal baldness in the matter of eyebrows; the case against
19    4, 114|       more radiantly still, as a matter of fact, for my curls were
20    4, 117|       servitude. And to make the matter all the more aggravating,
21    4, 121|     prayer to the gods "that the matter might turn out well and
22    5, 132|       this affront,) "What's the matter," demanded she; "do my kisses
23    5, 132|          I don't know what's the matter with us, but there must
24    5, 137|   against him. (The truth of the matter is, that I was so distraught
25    5, 137|          as good a face upon the matter as I could I knelt upon
26    5, 143|       with him than to treat the matter seriously. I followed this
27    5, 145|          well and good. But as a matter of fact, you have lavished,
28    5, 145|   diversity of opinion upon this matter. It will be discussed more
29    5, 145|        for their services in the matter of Clodius' trial. Manutius,
30    5, 148|  indulgences that it was no easy matter for a woman to obtain satisfaction
31    5, 151|         laugh heartily. And as a matter of fact, I affirm that such
32    5, 160|          no distinction, in this matter, between the noblest names
33    6     |        far too refined; it was a matter too complex ever to have
34    6     |       philosophers imagined that matter and light were co-eternal;
35    6     |         the mixture of light and matter was the cause of all the
36    6     |      well-merited renown in this matter: when they painted "Pleasure"
37    6     |       His mind in regard to this matter and is no longer shocked
38    6     |         a compound of perishable matter, and that the span of life
39    6     |     Buffon says, than a physical matter, and nothing can justify
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