
 1     2|         and at the bottom was a door.~ ~ LXXI~A void was at the
 2     3|        through him contaminated door.~And, thence returning,
 3     3|    Beheld and passed that inner door, which gave~Entrance to
 4     4|       his family,~Where, one to door, and one to window slips,~
 5     7|   issued, and undid his chamber door,~And peeped abroad, but
 6    12|        chamber, near the palace door,~With straw and barley heaped
 7    13|     sought;~For to the cavern's door Orlando hies.~And having
 8    13|      giant, him had through the door~Of gold, enticed into the
 9    13|         sooner has she past the door,~Than she is cheated by
10    15|        were,~Aye fastens on his door the shaggy coat~And horrid
11    17|  Adorned is every window, every door,~With carpeting and finest
12    17|         advancing to the cavern door,~The sight of that terrific
13    17|       first had care the cavern door to close:~Then scented all
14    19|     assails the stranger at the door;~And is about to do the
15    20|      laboured hard to force the door.~But such a storm of darts
16    23| hand-writing sees,~On wall, and door, and window: he would fain~
17    28|         ill could enter other's door.~ ~ L~"-- 'Twere best to
18    32|       But not to all men is the door undone;~For it behoves that
19    32|        beauty I should shut the door.~ ~ XC~" `And, should Sir
20    35|      much for them, on whom her door~Courtesy closes on a stormy
21    36|        hated so,~Her to Death's door her anger would have brought,~
22    43|        the knight,~Such as from door to door our alms entreat:~
23    43|    knight,~Such as from door to door our alms entreat:~Into a
24    43|     Aethiop woman posted at the door,~With blubber lip and nostril,
25    45|       know 'twas Leo -- was the door undone.~ ~ XLIV~Leo, escorted
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