
 1     2|     Rinaldo through the shade,~Twice brought him to his unexpected
 2     2|        to his unexpected prey;~Twice foiled in his endeavour:
 3     2|  states.~Nor finds she, though twice told, the story stale;~But
 4     3|        protection,~Were girded twice by Vulcan's works of steel.~
 5     5|  dressed;~As more than once or twice (still happily)~I did before;
 6     7|      They change their raiment twice or thrice a day,~Now for
 7     9|       or rend asunder.~ ~ XXX~"Twice broken, he our armies overthrew~
 8    10|    they,~The fighting footmen, twice as many are.~Those ensigns
 9    11|     and equal glee~Had once or twice embraced the noble two,~
10    22|       of them, a sentinel~Beat twice upon the castle's larum-bell.~ ~
11    22|       bested) this to display;~Twice when he from the wanton
12    23|    necessity.~ ~ XII~Embracing twice or thrice the cousins stand,~
13    24|     and ascend from dale.~ ~ X~Twice he ten peasants slaughtered
14    26|     Tartar knight~Has violated twice the compact plight.~ ~ CVII~
15    27|    does spare;~Nor once -- but twice a hundred times -- has run~
16    27|    thither made.~When, once or twice, that worthy pair a view~
17    28|     opprest with gloom;~Having twice summoned, by her waiting-maid,~
18    29|        Had whirled him once or twice about in air,~Dismist him
19    29|    shear~From that tall cliff, twice thirty yards in height,~
20    30|      of those walls as wide~As twice an archer's hand could shoot
21    33|       Whom, quelled and broken twice and thrice, anew~Now the
22    33|       Gallic train.~In him who twice entraps the routed foe,~
23    33|     well contain.~The painting twice and thrice those guests
24    33|       secure is Sericane,~Than twice for me has been his France,"
25    34|         of grace forlorn,~That twice and more in fell and impious
26    36|      with semblance bland.~Ye, twice ten months, with mickle
27    37|        low~Their leafy honours twice, and twice renewed,~Since
28    37|       leafy honours twice, and twice renewed,~Since our lord'
29    38|         if not now appaid;~But twice two hundred years will not
30    38|     train;~And when he once or twice has turned his eyes~On sage
31    38|       Italy?~When with our six twice six their weapons cross,~
32    39| vengeance to assuage,~Agramant twice his Africa had drained.~
33    40|    upon the first affray)~That twice as many were the ships he
34    45|        in his tent.~ ~ LXXXIII~Twice in fraternal guise and oftener
35    46|    replied, but made assay~Yet twice or thrice, ere words could
36    46|        me is owed~To thee that twice hast life on me bestowed?"~ ~
37    46|        fall, the youthful lord~Twice nodded, opening legs and
38    46|        breast would wound;~And twice sore anguish felt the monarch,
39    46|       slay;~ ~ CXL~And smiting twice or thrice his horrid front,~
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